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Item 唐詩中「劍」的意象研究(2021) 蔡長娣; Chuah, Teong-Tee「劍」可以穩坐百兵之首的寶座,並突破單純作為武器的局限,成為詩歌中永垂不朽的意象,就說明了它與其他兵器的差異地位。在詩歌蓬勃發展的唐代,「劍」更是成為眾多武器中,經常被詩人用以寄託情懷之意象。唐詩中的「劍」意象繼承前代之草創,在高度被運用後,形成固有化的意象,為後世發展奠定了基礎。因此,唐詩中的「劍」意象具有一定的研究價值,而且這意象的運用與發展更與其悠久的歷史淵源及文化傳衍休戚相關,可惜的是歷來學者在研究「劍」意象時尚未對此作出更深入的分析和探討。本論文為補前人研究之遺憾,特以唐詩中的「劍」意象為研究主題,從梳理「劍」的歷史淵源、實用性質以及唐代的文化背景的過程中,更全面的帶出「劍」的文化性質,以此析論唐詩中的「劍」意象的象徵意涵。 本論文首先從「劍」的形製、實戰價值以及表演功能方面做出全面性的整理和分析,從而帶出「劍」的形製轉變和實戰價值之間的密切關係以及「劍」的實戰價值和表演功能之間的連接。接著,從「劍」的歷史發展過程背後,歸納分析出構築成「劍」意象內涵的四大文化性質,即「尊貴」、「權威」、「神異」以及「宗教」性質。接下來,主要縷析唐詩的發展背景、唐代的劍器和表演性方面的發展,以闡析「劍」在唐代的變化以及「劍」意象被關注的原因。在捋順、解析「劍」意象形塑背景後,歸納剖析出唐詩中的「劍」意象類型,即「劍」為俠客英雄「功業抱負」的憑藉、「劍」為「自己」的化身、「劍」為「懲奸除惡」的象徵以及「劍」為「友情」的標誌。最後,總結本論文所得成果,為本論文的意義和特色做出解說,希望藉由拙作可以讓後人在研究「劍」意象方面有所助益。Item 探索伊莉莎白.畢夏詩作中之逾越策略(2006) 簡志剛; Chi-Kang Jian本文主在討論美國詩人伊莉莎白‧畢夏詩作中的逾越性和顛覆策略。畢夏詩作中的顛覆策略揭示詩中隨處可見的逾越性。這項特質使詩人的詩作充滿顛覆力量,也成為她在藝術上的追求和成就不可或缺的要素。有趣的是詩人的成長藍圖、生命歷程和主體意念本身就是顛覆性的展現。我們可以說詩人的生活經驗反映了詩作中隱含的逾越潛力。從這個觀點看來,詩人的生命途徑和她的藝術性彼此交融,相互激盪。本篇論文將深入探索詩人如何藉由不同顛覆性手段來達成逾越策略。例如,詩人利用自己身為旅者的特殊身份、詩作中的怪物性和俯拾即是的動物意象、詩作中處理女性主體和獨特性的呈現都是具有逾越性的顛覆策略之一。 全篇論文分為四章。序言主在探討詩人的獨特旅者身份、女性主體與詩作中展現的顛覆和逾越性之間的相互關係。詩作中的顛覆策略將可視為詩人替弱者發聲的利器。從此觀點看來,強權社會對弱勢的壓抑與控制將可被一覽無疑。第一章專注於詩人的兒時創傷如何影響她後來的追求。簡言之,詩人的創傷塑造詩人未來的旅者身份。而詩作中的旅者不僅逾越疆界的侷限,也展現旅者獨特的洞察力和見解。旅者藉由旅程中找尋靈感,並善加運用想像力,帶領讀者以不同的角度看待事物。旅行因此成為踰越的策略之一。因為旅者獨特的觀點不僅打破了主流文化的思維建構,也深入探討旅者如何藉由旅行策略展開意義追尋和價值探索。第二章剖析詩作中所呈現的動物意象與踰越性的相互連結關係。詩人善用大量的動物意象以達成顛覆主流思維的手段。此外,本章前半部的動物意象也呈現深具踰越性質的「怪物性」。本章指出所謂的「怪物性」其實是詭蹫多變的文化建構,用以打壓異己的手段。後半部的動物意象雖不具「怪物性」,但本身的存在也是一種顛覆性的呈現。它們踰越了宗教教義、人本核心思想和地理環境的阻撓,帶領讀者體驗嶄新的視野和鴻觀。第三章探索詩人如何利用女性主體追尋為主題,達成顛覆策略。本章前部分著重於詩人如何女性化自然,以達成逾越效果。後部分將針對詩人如何利用女性和同性戀主體的追尋,反映自身,抗衡主流文化宰制。Item 英國抒情詩中之女性與自然, 1500-1850(2005) 郭慧珍; Gwendolin Huey-jen Kuo摘 要 本篇論文探討自西元一五零零年至一八五零年英國抒情詩中自然與女性的地位,並以法國女性主義及生態女性主義為理論基礎。基本上英國抒情詩中自然與女性大多處於被歧視的地位,不過本論文亦指出被壓迫者隱藏但永遠存在的顛覆力量。 對於十六世紀的抒情詩,討論的重點放在當時盛行的文類,即十四行詩集。第二章探討飛利浦‧西尼爵士的《艾斯特菲爾與史黛拉》及瑪莉‧羅史女士的《潘菲利亞致安非藍瑟斯》中對比的性別差異,藉此顯示男性詩人對女性的歧視,也彰顯女性的顛覆力量。在西尼詩集中西尼藉男主角艾斯特菲爾表達他對瑞奇女士的愛慕之意,實則他消除了女性角色史黛拉的聲音與面容,以確保男性之主體性與優越性;但他仍需強調女主角對他的影響以確立自已於文本中的身分。羅史女士的詩集以西尼詩集為範本,是此男性文類的模仿亦是顛覆;女性詩人與女性主角提供讀者一個陰性縫隙使我們得以在封閉的男性愛情文類中聽到女性的聲音,感受到女性被壓抑的情感。 第三章旨在分析莎士比亞十四行詩集中主要的二部分,即給青年男子的詩與給黑女士的詩。此二詩群顯示了莎翁對兩性迥異的態度;莎翁不斷褒揚青年男子貶抑黑女士,但他對黑女士既愛且恨的矛盾情感,推翻了男性的優越也顛覆了青年男子詩中的單一同質性。對莎翁而言黑女士似乎代表了男性心中既想與之分離又渴望與之結合之賤斥女性母體。 第四章中經由對十六世紀十四行詩集及十七世紀早期抒情詩之爬梳,顯示出自然在當時多是詩人表達不同目的的工具,如彰顯他們愛人的美麗、象徵他們的情感、顯示上帝對人類的恩澤、呈現人類的優越等。自然鮮少以「物自身」的身分呈現,而多半被描述成「為我之物」。在西方傳統二元對立的思想中,自然被視為遜於文化、遜於人類、遜於心智,因而理所當然應受到人類世界的宰制。此種受生態女性主義詬病的,以人為中心的思想,是當時普遍的想法。 第五章聚焦於十七世紀早期抒情詩中之女性意象。當時抒情詩人傾向將女性污名化,在他們詩中女性常被描述為不貞、放蕩、粗鄙。此種污名化舉動實則肇因於男性對女性原始繁殖能力之畏懼。為了確定父親之名的傳承,男性詩人鼓吹女性貞潔與多產的美德。不論貶斥女性的放蕩不貞或誇讚女性之貞潔多產皆顯示了男性對女性生殖力的畏懼與控制女性的意圖。 至浪漫時期,所謂「自然詩」當道,女性不再是抒情詩之重要主題。浪漫時期的重要突破之一在於詩人對自然的態度有了大幅的轉變,他們確認了自然於抒情詩中之重要地位,自然成為抒情詩的重要主題,不再只是詩人抒發己意的工具。想像力也同時被視作詩的重要元素,浪漫詩人一方面極力讚美自然世界無以倫比的壯觀美景,一方面又鼓吹想像力的應用,認為想像力可以美化並提升自然,使平凡無奇的自然景緻超凡入聖。詩人對此二種不可或缺卻又彼此對立之重要元素的矛盾情愫,常成為當時詩作的主題。第六章即探討詩人對自然的態度及他們想像力的應用。華茲華斯在長期擺蕩於兩者之後,最終似乎肯定了想像力的卓越;柯立芝躊躇於兩者之間,最後似乎將自然的力量歸功於上帝的創造,因此暗示了他對自然更高的崇敬;雪萊採取了較持平的態度,在他詩中自然與想像力皆偉大不凡且互相提升、相得益彰;濟慈鼓吹「消極能力」,亦即放空自我,充分感受體驗外在世界的能力,因此被女性主義評論家認為是浪漫詩人中較女性化的一位,而他對自然似乎更為推崇。 對女性及自然的貶抑與剝削似乎深深植根於西方歷史與文化中。雖然女性與自然在抒情詩中大多受到男性詩人宰制,此篇論文從法國女性主義與生態女性主義的角度,指出男性詩人對自然與女性生生不息的力量的恐懼,並彰顯被壓迫者的顛覆力量,以提供對抒情詩世界較為平衡與多面的了解。Item Untitled(英語學系, 2017-03-??) Bruce CarrollThis article redresses an oversight in current eco-theory that offers no means for revising still-persistent conceptions of nature and the natural. It proposes an ecologizing mode of analysis as one corrective. Throughout the essay is an attempt to redeem the human, the artificial, and with them, the city. The argument discovers along the way that in order to profess its non-existence, one must name and thus reify nature, a linguistic curiosity that makes clearer the extent of nature’s ideological reach. This reflexive foil should be taken into consideration by those who find the persistence of nature troubling to the future of eco-theory and eco-awareness.Item Untitled(英語學系, 2015-05-??) Shuling Stéphanie TsaiBy adopting an experimental approach to observe his society in mutation, Zola seeks to conceptualize the status of “homme modern” by enquiring into an inner motive (milieu intérieur) that puts into question critical analysis. This inner motive involves an alterity in the dynamic construction of modern subjectivity. We take La Bête humaine as an example by which to approach Zola’s concept of an inner motive, and we enquire into the notion of “limit” in Deleuze’s interpretation of Zola. In his preface entitled “Zola et la fêlure” (Logique 373), which is dedicated to Zola’s La Bête humaine, Deleuze explains that the term “instinct” actually refers to the immobility that perpetuates a given way of life, or a given mode of being that combines desire, life, labor and language. Deleuze then describes the fracture of modernity as a “cerebral void” that functions as a transmitter between the modes of seeing and speaking. We consider how Deleuze’s reading alters our understanding of Zola’s view of modern man in the 19th century in regard to his ethical relation with himself and with others. We argue that for Zola, the fracture is actually a passage leading to force in the matter (la puissance dans la matière), which is the very structuring force of Life. This fracture should be conceived more in terms of a limit, in which modern man is pushed to confront the alterity (or unknown nature) within himself.Item 《莊子》與霍耐特的跨文化對話 ——承認自然與承認人文的平等辯證(國立台灣師範大學國文學系, 2017-06-??) 賴錫三; Lai, Hsi-san本文旨在將《莊子》的自然與物化兩個重要觀念,放在跨文化對話脈絡下,嘗試賦予《莊子》自然觀的古典新義。此文延展過去與法國莊子學的對話,進一步將跨文化的實驗性對話,擴展到與德國法蘭克福學派霍耐特之《物化》新作。嘗試透過與霍耐特承認理論的初步交涉,重新思考《莊子》的物化觀與自然觀,可能對霍耐特物化之異化觀以及間接承認自然的批判與超越。本文總結出《莊子》的兩個重要結論:一者,承認自然與承認人文的平等辯證。二者,物化存有論的原初意義可以提供拯治資本主義的物化觀以參考。Item Untitled(英語學系, 2015-05-??) Shuling Stéphanie TsaiBy adopting an experimental approach to observe his society in mutation, Zola seeks to conceptualize the status of “homme modern” by enquiring into an inner motive (milieu intérieur) that puts into question critical analysis. This inner motive involves an alterity in the dynamic construction of modern subjectivity. We take La Bête humaine as an example by which to approach Zola’s concept of an inner motive, and we enquire into the notion of “limit” in Deleuze’s interpretation of Zola. In his preface entitled “Zola et la fêlure” (Logique 373), which is dedicated to Zola’s La Bête humaine, Deleuze explains that the term “instinct” actually refers to the immobility that perpetuates a given way of life, or a given mode of being that combines desire, life, labor and language. Deleuze then describes the fracture of modernity as a “cerebral void” that functions as a transmitter between the modes of seeing and speaking. We consider how Deleuze’s reading alters our understanding of Zola’s view of modern man in the 19th century in regard to his ethical relation with himself and with others. We argue that for Zola, the fracture is actually a passage leading to force in the matter (la puissance dans la matière), which is the very structuring force of Life. This fracture should be conceived more in terms of a limit, in which modern man is pushed to confront the alterity (or unknown nature) within himself.Item 戴震的氣化人性論(III-III)(2011/08-2012/07) 劉滄龍本計畫以「生成」(becoming)的角度詮釋戴震的人性論與善論。戴震認為先天善性要在後天的經驗學習中發展實現,因此,天性和教養具有互相形塑的內外關係,換句話說:「天性來自於教養」。從「天性來自於教養」的觀點出發,筆者檢視戴震如何在批評宋明儒者的論點中呈顯出他獨特的理論:不斷在生成中實現的人性。Item Narrating Sense, Ordering Nature: Darwin's Anthropological Vision(英語學系, 2012-09-??) Nihad M. FarooqIn this essay, I argue that the recurring themes of perception and the place of the human in the scale of geological time came together for Charles Darwin first in an anthropological context aboard HMS Beagle in the 1830s. Though his primary interests in his early research years were geology and zoology, the foundational influence of the Beagle journey on his burgeoning theories of the human is not to be discounted. I contend that it was Darwin's few but important anthropological observations during this significant 1831-36 excursion, especially of the native inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego, that left the most indelible impression on the young naturalist, and to which he would anxiously return in subsequent years. This is where he puzzled over the seemingly single-generation shift between the three pleasant, Anglicized Fuegians (who, after a three-year British sojourn, traveled back to Tierra del Fuego aboard the Beagle with him) and their "savage" brethren who greeted the ship on the shores of their native homeland. I begin my essay by tracing the foundational influence of language in shaping Darwin's re-vision of the human, as his prose often shifts between the perceptual immersion of the curious naturalist and the ordered prose of a calculating scientist. I then examine Darwin's actual experience with the Anglicized Fuegians, and his perplexity at their eventual "reversion." This is the moment, I argue, when Darwin's theory and gaze begin to focus on the human. Through his exposure to the Anglicized Fuegians and their unassimilated counterparts at home, coupled with the "new way of seeing" and writing that his landscape and experiences demanded, Darwin inaugurates a burgeoning concept of cultural relativity and cultural fluidity, one that eventually enables him-and paves the way for future scholars and practitioners-to link all humans "along the arc of culture."