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    (2024) 王家輝; Wong, Kah-Fai
    本研究探討馬來西亞華語「了」(le和liao)的語音變異因素。本研究假設語域和性別是影響le和liao 變體分佈的顯著的語言外部因素,並假設「了」的句法位置(動詞後「了」和句末「了」)是影響「了」語音變異的顯著的語言内部因素。從BBK Network YouTube頻道中新聞播報、紀錄片、採訪以及趣味辯論四種不同的語域為語料,研究「了」語音變異的分佈。本研究采用了GoldVarb X (Sankoff et al. 2005),一種用於變異研究的定量工具。該結果表明語域對「了」語音變異的影響是最大的,尤其新聞播報和紀錄片傾向於le變異的使用,而採訪和趣味辯論更傾向於liao變異。此外,「了」的句法位置也是影響「了」語音變異的顯著因素,尤其動詞後「了」傾向於le變異的使用,而句末「了」則傾向於liao變異的使用。然而,性別並沒有對「了」的語音變異因素造成顯著的影響。
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    (2022) 黃毓晴; Huang, Yu-Ching
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    (2021) 劉偉昀; Liu, Wei-Yun
    本研究旨在探討臺灣英語學習者英語口說時的塞音表現及影響其表現的可 能因素,包含英文程度、性別、音位、元音特性等。實驗方法為一英語口說測驗。 研究對象共分四組:兩組母語組(中文母語與英文母語),另兩組為二語組,依 其英文程度分低程度與高程度,除中文母語組為 32 人外,其餘各組皆為 16 人, 男女各半。研究發現,英語二語學習者的塞音表現與其母語及英文程度呈現顯著相關 性,低程度學習者仍受母語影響,高程度學習者已習得英語塞音規則與噪音起始 時間。此外,研究亦發現性別並非影響英語二語學習者塞音表現之關鍵因素,男 性與女性二語學習者之塞音表現並無顯著差異。然音位對二語學習者之塞音表現 則具顯著影響,影響順序由大到小依次為軟齶音、其次為齒齦音及雙唇音。最後, 元音亦是影響研究對象塞音表現的關鍵因素之一,由難而易依序為塞音出現在低 元音之前時、其次是出現在高元音之前時。
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    (2021) 何亦翎; Ho, Yi-Lin
    本文旨在探討高雄市議員在議會質詢,規避語「其實」的語用功能,並以Lakoff(1975)性別理論為基礎,探討規避語「其實」的使用是否跟性別相關。口語中規避語的使用,主要是說話者積極面子(positive face)跟消極面子(negative face)的保護以避免面子威脅的行為(face threatening acts)發生。本文收集三十二名男性議員跟二十四名女性議員在質詢中使用「其實」的語料。首先,我們使用AntConc 搜集語料,再用Python進行卡方檢定(Chi-square)。研究結果顯示,在質詢中「其實」有六個語用功能,分別是: (1)批評政府官員的回應,(2)議員給予官員可行的辦法,(3)對於官員的看法表示同意,(4)保護議員自己的積極面子,(5)避免過於彰顯議員自己的努力,(6)質詢內容涉及死亡相關的內容,研究結果顯示,只有一個語用功能跟性別相關。另外,根據Hsieh and Huang (2005)所提出「其實」的架構(qishi construction),說話者用「其實」表達不同意(disalignment)之後,會用「因為」或是「可是」,更進一步說明不同意的理由;在議會質詢,議員也使用相同的模式,表達不同意官員的回答。不論是在充滿面子威脅的質詢,或是口語言談或訪問,規避語都扮演著重要的角色。而對於議員,在質詢中使用規避語的目的,除了表達他們同意或是不同意的態度,更進一步表達他們的立場跟建議,以達到代表民意監督政府的責任。
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    (英語學系, 2019-09-??) Rowland Chukwuemeka Amaefula
    Expressions of transgendered behavior in Nigerian drama have mostly been regarded as either comedy or mere feminist assertiveness. They have scarcely been seen as what they really are: acquisition of non-binary identities with which to resist oppression. Since such topics are seen as taboo in most parts of Africa, there is scant academic inquiry on transgender issues in the continent’s literature, especially in drama. In order to open up scholarly discourses in this area, this study uses Judith Butler’s “Gender Performativity,” and then, through textual analysis and close reading, interrogates Stella Oyedepo’s The Rebellion of the Bumpy-Chested (2002), with a view to identifying how characters resist oppression by rejecting culturally-assigned gender roles and dress patterns. It argues further that, in protest plays, characters cross-dress (in itself, a form of performance) to acquire new individualities with which they dislocate the oppressor into an image of frailty, thereby defeating an unfavorable status quo.
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    Trying to Grow Out of Stereotypes: The Representation of Disability, Sexuality and the “Modern” Disability Subjectivity in Firdaus Kanga’s Novel
    (英語學系, 2018-03-??) Rimjhim Bhattacherjee
    Firdaus Kanga’s novel, Trying to Grow, tells the story of Brit Kotwal, a young Parsi boy with osteogenesis imperfecta, negotiating his life in the Bombay of the 1970s. From the beginning, this semi-autobiographical work draws our attention to the common religious and medical perceptions of disability in Indian society. This paper proposes to study how the novel focuses on several aspects of the lived reality of a person with “brittle bones” who does not grow more than four feet tall. The paper also explores how the novel focuses on and confounds the commonly perceived notion of the asexuality of disabled individuals. Brit’s voice is extremely aware and articulates positions of difference within disability and sexuality discourses. He is able to occupy what can be called a truly modern disability subjectivity. But, this paper shall show that Brit presents the reader with this modern, emancipatory rhetoric of disability because of the privileges of his gender and class status in the Indian context. Within the same text, Brit’s disabled female cousin is literally andfiguratively mute and meets with a very different fate. The paper shall thus investigate and try to complicate the representation of disability, sexuality and the “modern” disability subjectivity in Kanga’s novel.
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    Ungendered Narrative: A New Genre in the Making
    (英語學系, 2018-09-??) Khuman Bhagirath Jetubhai, Madhumita Ghosal
    This paper focuses on ungendered narrative with reference to select fictional works, to shed light on the elements that define the genre. One or more characters with an undisclosed gender are the focal point of the narrative. The paper discusses techniques that authors employ to keep gender hidden, such as employing inventive gender-neutral pronouns or not using them at all. First- and second-person points of view are also common modes of narration, as “I” and “you” are gender-neutral. In depicting characters, authors consciously merge masculine and feminine stereotypes to create gender-secretive characters. The heterosexual love interest that has hitherto ruled the creative world is thus replaced by endless gender possibilities with which a couple may identify. Love, rather than the characters’ gender, is at the forefront of these works. These narratives confront readers with the importance they assign to gender and heir habit of pigeonholing certain behaviors, characteristics, and tendencies into a binary gender system. They force readers to question gender segregation and the consequences of choosing to defy the gender one is assigned at birth. Ultimately, these narratives ask whether gender matters in life.
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    (2020) 翁翊芳; Weng, Yi-Fang
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    (2020) 呂恆葳; Leu, Heng-Wei
    武俠小說長期作為一種多由男性執筆的文類,女性於其中常淪為配角或輔助的角色,缺少獨立於男性的人格精神展現。鄭丰身為近年頗受矚目的武俠小說作家,出道時被出版社冠以「女版金庸」,隨著作品陸續出版,逐漸走出自我風格,其女性身份於武俠文壇罕見,小說中對女性的重視也有別以往,武俠小說中的女性是否會因書寫者性別不同,而有突破性的開展,值得一究。 傳統武俠小說中的女俠,多著墨在女智、女武的表現,內在的經營多圍繞男性打轉,鄭丰除了立基於前人在女性智武的積累,對女性的內在刻畫戮力甚深,打開過去僅限縮於情感的女性生命,降低對女性禮教束縛,女性的人生選擇變得多元而寬廣,能自在決定感情於生命的次序,也勇於自我理想的實現,呈現較為飽滿立體的女性形象。 本論文先爬梳武俠與女性之間的連結,理出武俠小說如何一步步產生女性讀者到女作家的出現,再從鄭丰的作品中,觀察並歸納其筆下女性人物的外顯書寫和內韻情志,所展現的女性視角獨到之處,最後以分析女性作家撰武俠小說所產生的突破,和可能出現的盲點作結。
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    (英語學系, 2019-09-??) Rowland Chukwuemeka Amaefula
    Expressions of transgendered behavior in Nigerian drama have mostly been regarded as either comedy or mere feminist assertiveness. They have scarcely been seen as what they really are: acquisition of non-binary identities with which to resist oppression. Since such topics are seen as taboo in most parts of Africa, there is scant academic inquiry on transgender issues in the continent’s literature, especially in drama. In order to open up scholarly discourses in this area, this study uses Judith Butler’s “Gender Performativity,” and then, through textual analysis and close reading, interrogates Stella Oyedepo’s The Rebellion of the Bumpy-Chested (2002), with a view to identifying how characters resist oppression by rejecting culturally-assigned gender roles and dress patterns. It argues further that, in protest plays, characters cross-dress (in itself, a form of performance) to acquire new individualities with which they dislocate the oppressor into an image of frailty, thereby defeating an unfavorable status quo.