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    柴納·米耶維的魅惑: 情動、情緒與依戀研究
    (2023) 鍾正倫; Chung, Cheng-lun
    本論文旨在提出,柴納·米耶維之巴斯-拉格三部曲透過對情感的魅惑重新詮釋了物質與非物質間的緊張關係,標誌出當代奇幻文學的新方向。儘管馬克思主義、精神分析與其他批判導向的研究方法長遠以來在推理小說與米耶維研究分析領域中居主導地位,但本研究提出以情感視角,透過融合文學與一般小說中不同的形式、風格和主題元素來發展出對自我與社會的新想像,從而增強其敘事的豐富性。如果失望/幻滅是晚期資本主義創造出的主流敘事小說基調,那麼以弗里德里克·詹姆森和馬克·費舍爾的話來說,替代方案是什麼?柴納·米耶維的巴斯-拉格三部曲正是對應這個問題的探索。它穿越了情感色調的潛力,並深入研究了夢幻般的美學與情感的交叉點,從色調、世界建構、人物角色、到主題和畸形的另類闡述。本研究透過吉爾·德勒茲和菲力克斯·伽塔里的動態形成哲學思想、珍·班奈特的情感概念以及文學後批判性方法,分析了米耶維如何將夢幻與情感的混和發展為“失落/陶醉的小說",透過想像力重新獲得“奇蹟與疏離感“。 特别是,本研究仔细研究了米耶維在巴斯-拉格三部曲中對“審美情感“的使用,將其作為一種概念基礎與形式策略,讓讀者重新評價新自由主義體系中人類與非物質與物質間的關係及奇幻在當代生活中的功能。 米耶維認為,後資本主義社會的假定現實本質上是幻想的,從而指出現實的潛力也可以在幻想中尋得。藉由三部曲引發現實與幻想的混合,通過形式、風格、和主題的交雜,破壞了傳統的流派等級制度。這個過程同時使讀者沉浸與疏離,進而引發形式與內容間的緊張關係,並將讀者從非認知狀態推進到認知狀態。藉此,它完成了一個情感陶冶的循環,並踏出了理解相異經驗的第一步。
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    (2021) 施牧之; Shih, Mu-Chih
    本研究以變遷中的陽剛氣質為命題,探討高教異性戀男性為何及如何遠離傳統霸權陽剛氣質,並指出他們如何探索與體現本研究稱為實驗性陽剛氣質的性別化主體,同時討論這樣的性別實踐又是否能呼應性別平權的訴求。研究者首先梳理了這些異性戀男性的性別化歷程。研究者發現傳統霸權陽剛典範的意識形態總是無法徹底掌握這些男性的生命走向,因他們在成長過程中對其所產生的異議一直沒有被抹滅,而後在性別平權暨女性主義論述的引導下,這些男性逐漸能夠抵抗這套霸權典範,得以發展另類的陽剛敘事。另外,研究者也發現女性對這些男性的認同形構佔有舉足輕重的分量,與女性形成之友誼更成為他們自我定位的核心指標之一。 接著,研究者採借體現地理學和情動理論的取徑,以這些男性的身體為分析焦點,指出這些男性透過遠離傳統陽剛封閉剛硬的體現特性、跨越二元的性別美感秩序和展現可男可女的社交樣態,形塑出了屬於他們的實驗性陽剛主體輪廓。又這些男性希望藉由這樣的體現實踐營造柔和、開放、有彈性和留心於社交氛圍的身體主體,以期在構築欲求的性別化自我之時,亦能準備好適應未來瞬息萬變的社會局勢。 就性別平權的實踐層面,這些男性的確展現了相當的進步意識,然他們的某些思維和行動仍舊產生鞏固父權性別秩序、性別刻板印象和異性戀男性霸權的效果,但本研究認為這些男性在尋找共鳴和建構認同的過程中的確很難完全不仰賴異性戀常規的邏輯。不過,本研究也指出這些男性或許有機會成為性別平權理念與身旁其他男性之間的溝通橋樑。
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    Fear and Love in the Tide Country: Affect, Environment, and Encounters in Amitav Ghosh's The Hungry Tide
    (英語學系, 2018-09-??) Shu-ching Chen
    This paper examines Amitav Ghosh's novel The Hungry Tide (2004) to explore Ghosh's dramatization of the affective impacts of a specific environment on local subjects and the role of cosmopolitan subjects play in translating those affects into knowable forms through their embodied and affective encounters with the local. My investigation draws upon recent theories of affect-negotiating between constructive and deconstructive views- and places the discussion in a framework of eco-cosmopolitan connections. By invoking the coexistence of the affects of fear and love, I seek to move beyond the concept of the uncanny, exploring affect both as emotions and intensity generated by the socio-ecological conditions of the wetlands. I take the affective encounters between the locals and the cosmopolitans as a relational medium through which modes of feeling and knowing on the part of cosmopolitan subjects can be transformed. The uncanny of the environment experienced by the local can also be translated into accessible forms through this medium, bringing into our sensory ken the slow violence that is far away and out of sight and thereby enabling ethical actions.
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    (2018) 蔡佩芳; Tsai, Pei-Fang
    本論文旨在探討威廉·福克納《八月之光》與《墳墓的闖入者》中種族與情動力複雜的交互作用與相互影響。種族在福克納的作品中一直扮演著重要的因素。福克納的小說展現了他對種族議題的關注與偏好—其作品主題多圍繞在南北內戰的鬼魅記憶、南方白人對種族通婚的恐懼,以及黑人在佃農制度下所受到的壓迫。不同領域的學者以不同的觀點與理論架構來探討福克納小說中的種族關係,而本文則提出以情動力的角度來閱讀《八月之光》與《墳墓的闖入者》中福克納如何處理與再現種族歧視和種族關係。透過與研究情動力學者們的對話,本論文主張情動力在種族建構上扮演著重要的角色,透過在日常生活情境中與他者和環境的互動,情動力得以鬆動種族界線。 論文分成四個章節。第一章為論文概要,並回顧了福克納小說中種族建構的現有理論,以及情動力研究中幾個重要的觀點。第二章探討了《八月之光》中負面情動力與味道/氣味的交互作用。透過喬·聖誕與他人氣味相遇而引發出的情動力,我分析喬不安且混亂的種族身分認同。我認為味道/氣味能引出喬負面的情動力,如焦慮與厭惡;氣味也同時引出了喬自我認同中一直存在的他者性。第三章討論羞恥如何能對《墳墓的闖入者》中的白人男孩契克·莫里遜對種族歧視的看法產生影響。羞恥感不只能動搖契克自身的種族身分認同,透過他和黑人路喀斯·布香相遇的歷程,也進一步促使他重新認識種族與種族關係。最後一章回到了導論中所提到的當代種族議題,並思考情動力其過去與現在複雜的糾葛如何能指向未來、如何能為種族歧視與固有的種族關係帶來改變。
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    Fear and Love in the Tide Country: Affect, Environment, and Encounters in Amitav Ghosh's The Hungry Tide
    (英語學系, 2018-09-??) Shu-ching Chen
    This paper examines Amitav Ghosh's novel The Hungry Tide (2004) to explore Ghosh's dramatization of the affective impacts of a specific environment on local subjects and the role of cosmopolitan subjects play in translating those affects into knowable forms through their embodied and affective encounters with the local. My investigation draws upon recent theories of affect-negotiating between constructive and deconstructive views- and places the discussion in a framework of eco-cosmopolitan connections. By invoking the coexistence of the affects of fear and love, I seek to move beyond the concept of the uncanny, exploring affect both as emotions and intensity generated by the socio-ecological conditions of the wetlands. I take the affective encounters between the locals and the cosmopolitans as a relational medium through which modes of feeling and knowing on the part of cosmopolitan subjects can be transformed. The uncanny of the environment experienced by the local can also be translated into accessible forms through this medium, bringing into our sensory ken the slow violence that is far away and out of sight and thereby enabling ethical actions.
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    (英語學系, 2016-09-??) Suzanne Keen
    This essay revisits Suzanne Keen’s claim in Empathy and the Novel (2007) that writing perceived as fictional is especially effective at evoking readers’ empathy. Building on her discussion of narrative nonfiction in Narrative Form (2015) and her prior theorization of narrative empathy, the essay proposes that we should see life writing as a special category of nonfiction that shares with fictional narratives the capacity to invite feeling responses and to evoke readers’ empathy. The distinctiveness of life writing as a mode of nonfiction has infrequently qualified the conclusions of empirical comparisons of the impact of fiction and nonfiction on readers. In an attempt to redress the neglect of life writing in empirical research programs investigating the fiction/nonfiction contrast in narrative empathy, the essay theorizes how strategic narrative empathy might work in a nonfictional context and poses questions for future study.