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    (2012) 留宜婷; Liu Yi Ting
    本篇論文旨在探討伊蒂絲˙華頓及其三本鍍金時代小說中女主人翁追尋依附空間的歷程。十九世紀南北戰後的美國經濟快速成長、暴發戶崛起,造就了馬克˙吐溫筆下的鍍金時代。這個時代炫富文化橫行,上流社會女性被視為男性資產。他們衣著華麗、出席各式社交場合,以維持家族聲望和地位。然而,光鮮亮麗的外表下,女性面臨了「物化」、「他者化」所帶來的身分認同危機。如何與其所處的環境建立情感上的依附關係,並將父權社會轉換成賦權空間,成為女性獲得歸屬感的依據。因此在討論創造依附空間的可能性時,首先我會指出空間和身分是相互定義的。當一個人能夠與一個地方產生正向的連結,這個地方將被賦予「家」的意義。第一章討論華頓的作品、生平以及她「第一個真正的家」— 蒙特。從中我們將發現依附空間在女性的身心健康、自我建構上扮演著不可或缺的重要角色。第二章分析【歡樂之家】中莉莉˙巴特尋找家的過程。藉由去商品化和經濟關係的扭轉,莉莉最後在愛和友誼中得到啟迪。第三章檢視【國家的習俗】中,昂黛˙斯普拉格如何利用旅館、公共空間以及她數次的離婚所提供的移動自由,為自己建立數個流動的家。第四章探討【純真年代】中,艾倫˙奧蘭斯卡的無家可歸。艾倫放蕩不羈的生活方式挑戰社會的傳統與權威,使其成為衛道人士眼中「具威脅性的他者」。無法得到家族的支持與諒解,艾倫只能接受被放逐的命運。 最後,我將總結依附空間僅存在平衡對等的權力關係中。然而,鍍金時代大部分的婦女對自己的生活並無主控權,尋求、生產依附空間成了艱辛而漫長的旅程。
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    與《大地之子》共享血日殘輝: 論滿洲國餘者之生命政治與倫理
    (2015) 張琇雯; Chang Hsiu-wen
    本文以二戰時被遺忘的受害者—滿洲國的殘餘日本人為研究中心。透過理解生命政治的作用,以期傳達出更積極地護衛不同生命型態的必要性。此有助於我們開拓一種對他者的倫理關懷—並非是建立在國家體制下,而是建立在與他者共在的基礎上。從此出發去重省歷史創傷、戰爭責任以及對餘生的思索。 本文分為三章。第一章以滿洲國初期日本青年滿懷憧憬加入開拓團到1945年戰敗的難民經驗為背景。主要藉由傅柯與阿甘本對主權和生命/死亡政治的探討來說明主權如何介入及棄置生命。一方面,傅柯對新治理術的觀察可解釋滿洲國的動員何以在不被反抗的情境下吸納所需的勞力。為了維持生產力,人口、疾病和死亡等的掌控實乃刻不容緩。另一方面,阿甘本例外狀態等的討論能帶出政治棄民行為和難民創傷之後的證言倫理思考。第二章接續阿甘本的例外狀態去闡述見證的(不)可能性,證言中必然的空闕之處顯然是政治操作造成且無法彌補的一環。理解結構上的不可能性之後,進而去探討山崎豐子的小說《大地之子》見證的可能。主角松本勝男所體現的難民經驗、國家機器宰制下的多重創傷和恥辱說明歷史的傷口並不會瘉合,但餘者的生命故事正在透過這個傷口期求注視。在滿洲國餘者逐年凋零的世代,閱讀化為使我們遇見他者的岸礁。第三章討論對他者的責任,亦即一種發自內心去對現有體制劃分的懸置。小說中,松本的救贖經驗顯示:倫理關懷不應該是形成特定群體的生命政治目標,而是建立在人與人之間敞開、互通的網絡上。最後,從當代主導記憶深遠的媒體反思滿洲國餘者成為被遺忘的受害者的原因及相關倫理問題。
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    (2018) 范玲瓏; Fan, Ling-Lung
    身為一位印裔美籍離散作家,鍾芭•拉希莉在短篇故事集《醫生的口譯員》中變換觀點,以突顯由於來自不同文化背景,所導致人與人之間溝通的差異性。此外,她著重於描繪一代和二代印裔美籍女性文化身分的變化以及差異。另一個此作品中的共同點在於,許多短篇故事圍繞於家中場域,關於主人/女主人和客人間的待客之道。表面上主客關係兩者明確劃訂;然而,所謂「主」ヽ「客」身分卻隨兩者間持續的交涉而具流動性,因此,家的場域也因不同文化背景人們的遭遇ヽ衝擊而成為多元文化交涉的平台。 本論文分為三個章節。在第一章中我介紹德希達待客之道的概念。但由於待客之道侷限於主客間矛盾但必要的相互潛在敵意。因此,我加入伊瑞葛來對待客之道的反思。為將主客關係推向另一層次,她主張自我以及他者共同創造第三空間的可能性,藉以達到悅納異己的可能性。由於故事中不同角色心態導致主客交涉過程的差異性,因此我在第二章中比較一代以及二代印裔美籍女性的心態以及「家」對她們的意義。第三章中,我融入德希達以及伊瑞葛來兩者對待客之道的論述,以分析對比《醫生的口譯員》三個短篇故事中,主人以及客人從相互敵對,乃至於因為第三空間的創造,而具有真正悅納異己的可能性。在結論中,我探討待客之道倫理中,無條件好客不可能性中潛在的提昇以及可能性。
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    (英語學系, 2015-05-??) Feng Dong
    This essay explores the substitution of the anonymous Other for the Judeo-Christian Other in the work of American poet W. S. Merwin. Abandoning the univocal salvation theme in Christian theology after the onset of the Vietnam War, Merwin envisions redemption in a vast, anonymous wilderness. The urge of apocalypse paves the way for new existential and ethical grounds outside the existing social order. The poet’s spirit disavows the Symbolic for an exodus into the ultra-phenomenal. This spirit is not only Hegelian/negative but also Levinasian/alternative; foreclosing the existing social order, it attempts to open a new dimension in the interval between humanity and divinity. As the essay tries to delineate, Merwin’s divine comedy does not end with the intrusion of the apocalyptic events of the 1960s but persists in a more devious andspectral mode in his later work, revealing his desire to follow the holy object that eludes Judeo-Christian thematization. Merwin’s radical passivity and deep piety toward the anonymous expose the inadequacy of both techné and epistēmē in confrontation with that which is other than self, logos, God, and named essence. Such a realization beyond knowledge perhaps affords postmodern subjects a chance to obtain individual freedom by forming deeper bonds to the immanent calling for abolishing “in-the name-of,” self-legitimating forms of theology, ideology, and religiosity.
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    (英語學系, 2015-05-??) Feng Dong
    This essay explores the substitution of the anonymous Other for the Judeo-Christian Other in the work of American poet W. S. Merwin. Abandoning the univocal salvation theme in Christian theology after the onset of the Vietnam War, Merwin envisions redemption in a vast, anonymous wilderness. The urge of apocalypse paves the way for new existential and ethical grounds outside the existing social order. The poet’s spirit disavows the Symbolic for an exodus into the ultra-phenomenal. This spirit is not only Hegelian/negative but also Levinasian/alternative; foreclosing the existing social order, it attempts to open a new dimension in the interval between humanity and divinity. As the essay tries to delineate, Merwin’s divine comedy does not end with the intrusion of the apocalyptic events of the 1960s but persists in a more devious andspectral mode in his later work, revealing his desire to follow the holy object that eludes Judeo-Christian thematization. Merwin’s radical passivity and deep piety toward the anonymous expose the inadequacy of both techné and epistēmē in confrontation with that which is other than self, logos, God, and named essence. Such a realization beyond knowledge perhaps affords postmodern subjects a chance to obtain individual freedom by forming deeper bonds to the immanent calling for abolishing “in-the name-of,” self-legitimating forms of theology, ideology, and religiosity.
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    The Gaze of the Other in Ang Lee's Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Hitchcock's The Birds
    (英語學系, 2002-01-??)
    Here I first briefly review the Western metaphysical conceptualization of “self”/“other,” based on the logic of identity-and-difference, and the post-Hegelian, post-structuralist move away from this logic toward a notion of “difference” or “otherness” that cannot be contained within the hegemony of a (Eurocentric) rational “self” (mind, consciousness)—particularly as we get this move in Lacan and Levinas. Then I look at Hitchcock’s The Birds and (more substantially) Ang Lee’s Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in (the Lacanian and Levinasian) terms of intersubjectivity, the inverted “gaze,” the self-negating (or abnegating) move toward/into the “other.” If the birds attacking fromthe sky are (as on Žižek’s reading) an other which can “negatively” signify and thus absorb or replace the social conflicts among the characters—nature “above” becomes the inverted gaze of culture “below”—then in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon we are dealing with a more purely horizontal (socio-cultural) matrix of relationships in which the inverted gazes of/within the “pairs” (of warriors, friends or lovers) signify or signal inversions/reversals of identities or roles, including gender roles.