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    (國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 2012-05-01) 張國楨; 張文菘; 曾露儀 
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    (地理學系, 2012-05-??) 張國楨; 張文菘; 曾露儀; Kuo-Chen Chang; Wen-Song Zhang; Lu-Yi Zeng
    根據內政部戶政司統計,2010 年底台灣老年人口比例達10.74%,已遠高於世界衛生組織所定義老年人口比率7%之高齡化社會標準,且隨著少子化與衛生醫療的進步,老年人口比例將持續上升,此現象將造成人口結構失衡、勞動力短缺等問題浮現,老年安養照顧服務及醫療資源需求亦隨之擴大。各地醫療資源的可及性並非均質,即便於醫療資源相對充足的都市地區,其內部亦存在空間配置不均的現象,容易造成醫療資源的重複而導致資源耗費。因此都市內醫療資源配置的適宜性,以及影響都市醫療資源分布之因素,是亟需被探討的。都市醫療資源分布會受到人口組成、土地利用類型等因素影響。本文透過空間分析,探究台北市人口特性與基層醫療資源之相關性,發現醫療診所的配置並無呼應到老年人較高的需求;並以地理加權迴歸,分析台北市醫療資源分佈與老年人口比、土地利用類型比例的關係,將主要影響因子的連續變化具體於空間上呈現。結果顯示地理加權迴歸較傳統迴歸更能解釋基層醫療資源的空間分佈;主要影響因子在空間上分佈之差異造成醫療資源分布的不一致,也是造成基礎醫療資源預測殘差在空間分布的主要原因;醫療診所傾向設立於住商混合比例高且路網密集之處,與老年人口比例之相關性則較低。
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    (地理學系, 1995-03-??) 楊宗惠
    The focus of this study is on the spatial changes and characteristics of population aging between 1970 and 1990 based on the 360 districts of townships (Country, Town, City and District) as units of analysis. First, the process of spatial changes was investigated based on the different stages of the mean age, the percentage of old people and the aging index over through the critical point. Second, the main factor of population aging which including decrease in the birth rate and historical changes of migration would be analysed. Finally, the reason for which the regional characteristics of aging was made by the above two factors would be given. The results are as follows: Population aging occurs first in the rural or economically undeveloped areas, e.g. the hills of Hsinchu-Miaoli and its southeastern part areas, and the southwestern hills of Central Mountains. The way of diffusion is from the above areas outward to neighbouring townships, then to some big cities. The decrease oft he total fertility rate (TFR) was larger in the eighties and the value of TFR was below replacement level in over half of the townships. The diffused direction of TFR is opposite to the above, from the metropolitan or big cities, then the small cities and finally, the countryside. However, metropolitan and industrial areas are the places of immigration and also with the positive net migration rates. There are three types of population aging in Taiwan: , , and . The first type is most serious in rural areas, the second in metropolitan areas, and the third among areas with high numbers of veteran homes.