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    (2024) 林依文; Lin, Yi-Wen
    艾德·蓋恩 (Ed Gein),這位二十世紀臭名昭彰的連環殺手,成為《驚魂記》、《沉默的羔羊》及《德州電鋸殺人狂》等眾多改編作品的重要靈感來源。雖然已有許多學術討論探討蓋恩對小說和電影的重大影響,但對其個人歷史的分析卻仍然缺乏。因此,本論文旨在透過不死的概念深入探討蓋恩的生活,以揭示他人性的一面及他與社會的疏離感。首先,我通過弗里德里希·尼采的虛無主義框架,探究蓋恩的家庭背景及其心理演變。這種探索使讀者能夠更好地理解蓋恩在其罪行背景下的人性。接下來,我研究蓋恩與死亡之間的矛盾關係,探討他對死亡的同時否認與接受,這突顯了社會對死亡的共同恐懼和迷戀。最後,我深入探討社會如何將蓋恩變成「牲人」(homo sacer),一個可以被任何人不受懲罰地殺害但不能在宗教儀式中被獻祭的角色。通過這些多層次的分析,我從其心理和社會角度展示了蓋恩的不死身份。這樣一來,我揭示了普遍的人類焦慮和欲望,同時探討社會排斥與接受的流動。
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    What Remains of Tiananmen?
    (英語學系, 2011-03-??) Erik Bordeleau
    Conjugation, Emily Tang’s first feature film, describes the difficult love of a young unmarried couple, seeking to build a home away from the turmoil of the times after the Tiananmen events. Telling the story of their precarious active life, the sorrow about giving up their ideals, and the memories of fallen friends and comrades, Conjugation marks a temps mort, a time no verb can be conjugated with. In this article, I would like to think Emily Tang’s attempt at expressing the post-Tiananmen malaise in relation to the more general background of neoliberal globalization. More precisely, I would like to show how the existential itinerary depicted in Conjugation can be read as a powerful allegory about how neoliberalism operates as a reduction of the political to a postpolitical, economic management issue. Following on the work of Giorgio Agamben, this reduction will be thought of as an extraction of bare life that can be understood as the production of a form of survival. In the last instance, I wish to show how Emily Tang’s film constitutes a paradigmatic cinematic itinerary illustrating the complex passage from qualified form-of-life to a form of survival or bare life, a passage whose relevance far exceeds the Chinese context and can directly contribute to a better understanding of the formatting of subjectivities corollary to the ongoing global oikonomic mobilization.