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    (2021) 施牧之; Shih, Mu-Chih
    本研究以變遷中的陽剛氣質為命題,探討高教異性戀男性為何及如何遠離傳統霸權陽剛氣質,並指出他們如何探索與體現本研究稱為實驗性陽剛氣質的性別化主體,同時討論這樣的性別實踐又是否能呼應性別平權的訴求。研究者首先梳理了這些異性戀男性的性別化歷程。研究者發現傳統霸權陽剛典範的意識形態總是無法徹底掌握這些男性的生命走向,因他們在成長過程中對其所產生的異議一直沒有被抹滅,而後在性別平權暨女性主義論述的引導下,這些男性逐漸能夠抵抗這套霸權典範,得以發展另類的陽剛敘事。另外,研究者也發現女性對這些男性的認同形構佔有舉足輕重的分量,與女性形成之友誼更成為他們自我定位的核心指標之一。 接著,研究者採借體現地理學和情動理論的取徑,以這些男性的身體為分析焦點,指出這些男性透過遠離傳統陽剛封閉剛硬的體現特性、跨越二元的性別美感秩序和展現可男可女的社交樣態,形塑出了屬於他們的實驗性陽剛主體輪廓。又這些男性希望藉由這樣的體現實踐營造柔和、開放、有彈性和留心於社交氛圍的身體主體,以期在構築欲求的性別化自我之時,亦能準備好適應未來瞬息萬變的社會局勢。 就性別平權的實踐層面,這些男性的確展現了相當的進步意識,然他們的某些思維和行動仍舊產生鞏固父權性別秩序、性別刻板印象和異性戀男性霸權的效果,但本研究認為這些男性在尋找共鳴和建構認同的過程中的確很難完全不仰賴異性戀常規的邏輯。不過,本研究也指出這些男性或許有機會成為性別平權理念與身旁其他男性之間的溝通橋樑。
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    The Stagnation and Transcendence of the Queer Patriarchy: Truman Capote's Other Voices, Other Rooms
    (英語學系, 2021-03-??) Yen-Lian Liu
    Truman Capote's Other Voices, Other Rooms (1948) centers upon an effeminate teenager, Joel Harrison Knox, who believes that the reappearance of his supposedly aristocratic father will grant him a paternal legacy in accordance with white Southern norms. However, what awaits Joel is a mansion in decay, ruled by an openly-homosexual and manipulative cousin, Randolph. Most importantly, the father turns out to be in a bed-ridden, vegetative state, which drives Joel to map out his uncertain future in this queerly-occupied household. The term “queerness” here, besides its original meanings of "oddity" or "strangeness," also denotes the "non-(hetero)normative" identifications employed in gender displays. But there is another dimension of the novel'squeerness often neglected by critics—namely, the non-normativity with a heterosexual and/or patriarchal mindset. This article contends that the two male heirs to the mansion, Joel and Randolph, exist in a condition of suspension between deviance from the Southern norms and adherence to the same norms, specifically male dominance and/or white supremacy, thus embodying what I call the "queer patriarchy" in the novel. The article also discusses the potential for Joel, in contrast to Randolph, to establish a renewed sense of his male queerness that transcends the patriarchal norms of the South.