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    (2020) 游佩芸; Yu, Pei-Yun
    二二八事件距今七十餘載,依舊為人所爭論。雖然二二八小說隨政治體制改變而增加,但在文學方面的研究,多以嚴肅文學的討論為基準。本論文試圖挖掘嚴肅文學之外的二二八小說,並藉由文學社會學的視野,關注言情、BL (Boys’ Love)與奇幻的通俗小說如何運用該類型特色再現二二八事件。 本文分為三個部分:第二章言情(《成灰亦相思》)、第三章BL(《再見,東京》)及第四章奇幻(《朝顏時光》跟《戰後五七八天》)進行文化分析。每章先探討內部文本分析,從書寫策略(敘事結構、人物形象、書寫主題)以及歷史記憶(地景描繪、空間移動、身分認同)進行深度詮釋。藉此勾勒出該類型特色所展演的美學特質,並也探討記憶與空間敘事如何形構過去的歷史想像。接著為外部結構分析,脈絡化解讀各類型的發展史,也佐以出版社的變遷過程共同參照,再從創作動機跟讀者回饋著手,觀察文本如何被定位。 綜觀本文,透過文學社會學的視野,讓內部文本以及外部結構產生對話,展現通俗小說與二二八結合的可能性,勾勒出二二八小說的多元圖像。並考察長期以來隱藏在臺灣文學中的「雅俗位階」問題,試圖重新詮釋通俗小說所蘊藏卻被忽視的主體性。
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    Trauma, Paranoia, and Ecological Fantasy in Don DeLillo’s Underworld
    (Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University, 2009-03-01) 黃涵榆
    Abstract Don DeLillo’s Underworld (1997) depicts contemporary American realities across a span from the 1950s to 1990s. The novel’s narrative, however expansive and digressive, consistently develops around waste and trauma. This paper, in the light of Lacanian/Žižekian psychoanalytic theory, looks at waste/trauma not as a fully present object of the novel’s representation but as an excess, a remainder of Cold-War politics and capitalist industrial-military modes of production, and more significantly, the object a that arouses the subject’s fascination and fear at the same time. Such an understanding especially pertains to the novel’s protagonist, Nick Shay. Further, the novel narrativizes the paranoid-conspiratorial belief that “everything is connected” and that there are always larger forces beyond the subject. This paper will also examine such an ideological contradiction and work out an ethics, both psychoanalytic and ecological, that departs from political and moral sentimentalism, from cynicism and apathy, and sees in waste something more than danger, threat, or even doom. This paper, then, aims at the possibility of working through ecological fantasy toward a psychoanalytic ethics of waste.
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    Le Guin's Earthsea Cycle
    (英語學系, 2003-01-??) Shu Fen Tsai
    This paper attempts to evaluate Ursula K. Le Guin's Earthsea Cycle from the perspective of eco-criticism, arguing that though critics have praised the achievement of the Earthsea Trilogy from the perspectives of anthropology, Taoism, rites of passages, and feminism, the environmental consciousness in the Earthsea has been ignored. Le Guins Earthsea Cycle is an anti-anthrogocentric heroic saga, the outstanding for bringing oriental philosophy and contemporary environmental ethics into western literary tradition. The Earthsea Cycle shall be treasured as a pioneering achievement of an ecological myth on an epic scale, and a successful discovery of an alternative narrative mode to the romantic heroic myth, which we desperately need in this era of environmental crisis.
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    Monsters, Perversion, and Enjoyment
    (英語學系, 2007-03-??) 黃涵榆