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    斐濟的台灣鮪漁業 : 與PAFCO罐頭廠的連結
    (地理學系, 2017-11-??) 陳憲明; Hsien-Ming Chen
    斐濟群島於1960 年代中期以後與日本合作成立 Pacific Fishing Company Ltd.(PAFCO),陸續在 Levuka 建立冷凍庫、製冰廠,與罐頭廠等設施,之後其規模逐漸擴大,就吸引台灣船隊前往南太平洋捕長鰭鮪來賣給 PAFCO 作為罐頭原料,也有大目鮪、黃鰭鮪來供應日本生魚片市場,因此斐濟群島成為台灣漁船在南太平洋最大的漁業基地。以斐濟群島為基地的台灣漁船,其漁場極少在斐濟的專屬經濟海域(EEZ)內,反而在其鄰近漁業資源較豐富的萬那杜、所羅門群島、吉里巴斯等國的海域及其周邊的公海,因這些漁場範圍內的小島國中,以斐濟群島的陸地面積最大,人口最多,治安良好,港灣設備完善,位置適中,最適合當作南太平洋的漁業基地。斐濟的 Nadi 國際機場是南太平洋諸島國航線的樞紐,供應日本的生魚片市場可分別經紐西蘭、澳洲、南韓轉機運到東京、大阪。並且,在各太平洋島國等與歐盟間有Cotonou 協定(有關國貿關稅優惠)下,有利於斐濟PAFCO 的水產品進入歐洲市場。
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    (地理學系, 2010-11-??) 陳憲明
    帛琉為太平洋諸島位置最偏西邊的群島,歷經西班牙、德國、日本及美國的統治,1994 年獲得獨立並加入聯合國。帛琉近海漁業資源豐富,其漁業呈雙層結構,包含沿岸潟湖區帛琉人本身的傳統自給式漁撈,和深海區由台灣人和日本人等所經營的商業性鮪釣漁業。台灣鮪漁業在1990 年代才逐漸在帛琉基地穩定的立足,2000 年以後至今,帛琉的外國船,以台籍船佔極大的比率。2005-07年帛琉基地的台灣船有100 餘艘,分成5 個船隊,每一船隊由一家台灣的漁船代理商協助漁船在漁撈、補給、卸魚、漁獲物出口等相關業務,船隊和代理商又須依附在帛琉當地的PITI、PMIC、KFC三家漁業公司之下,因此形成帛琉當地的漁業公司→台灣漁船代理商→台灣漁船三個層次的組織架構,各自扮演其角色。台灣漁船在海外的漁業基地約70 處之多,其中以帛琉、關島與台灣之間的距離最近,區位條件優越,漁獲物經台北或關島轉運到日本迅速便利,也易於由台灣補給餌料和漁船上的食物。帛琉位於颱風路徑之南,漁撈作業少受颱風的干擾,這一點更是關島所不及的。帛琉為太平洋島嶼論壇(PIF)的加盟國,外國漁船均須加裝船舶監控系統(VMS),海上行蹤均受監督,漁獲量多寡也都透明化。帛琉對外國漁船的規範比其他南太平洋國家更加嚴格,禁止有漁業合作之外國籍漁船在沿岸24 海浬海域內作業,在基地港Malakal 以東更禁止進入50 浬內的水域作業。其他對鯊魚的捕撈或混獲也都訂很高的罰則,而台灣漁民觸法頻頻,常因小而失大,阻礙漁業正常的發展。此外,2008 年以來國際油價爆漲,使得漁業成本大增,在魚價難以提升的情況下,經營更加困難,台灣海外漁業基地的營運前景堪憂。
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    (地理學系, 2010-11-??) 陳憲明
    帛琉為太平洋諸島位置最偏西邊的群島,歷經西班牙、德國、日本及美國的統治,1994 年獲得獨立並加入聯合國。帛琉近海漁業資源豐富,其漁業呈雙層結構,包含沿岸潟湖區帛琉人本身的傳統自給式漁撈,和深海區由台灣人和日本人等所經營的商業性鮪釣漁業。台灣鮪漁業在1990 年代才逐漸在帛琉基地穩定的立足,2000 年以後至今,帛琉的外國船,以台籍船佔極大的比率。2005-07年帛琉基地的台灣船有100 餘艘,分成5 個船隊,每一船隊由一家台灣的漁船代理商協助漁船在漁撈、補給、卸魚、漁獲物出口等相關業務,船隊和代理商又須依附在帛琉當地的PITI、PMIC、KFC三家漁業公司之下,因此形成帛琉當地的漁業公司→台灣漁船代理商→台灣漁船三個層次的組織架構,各自扮演其角色。台灣漁船在海外的漁業基地約70 處之多,其中以帛琉、關島與台灣之間的距離最近,區位條件優越,漁獲物經台北或關島轉運到日本迅速便利,也易於由台灣補給餌料和漁船上的食物。帛琉位於颱風路徑之南,漁撈作業少受颱風的干擾,這一點更是關島所不及的。帛琉為太平洋島嶼論壇(PIF)的加盟國,外國漁船均須加裝船舶監控系統(VMS),海上行蹤均受監督,漁獲量多寡也都透明化。帛琉對外國漁船的規範比其他南太平洋國家更加嚴格,禁止有漁業合作之外國籍漁船在沿岸24 海浬海域內作業,在基地港Malakal 以東更禁止進入50 浬內的水域作業。其他對鯊魚的捕撈或混獲也都訂很高的罰則,而台灣漁民觸法頻頻,常因小而失大,阻礙漁業正常的發展。此外,2008 年以來國際油價爆漲,使得漁業成本大增,在魚價難以提升的情況下,經營更加困難,台灣海外漁業基地的營運前景堪憂。
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    (國立臺灣師範大學地理學系, 1993/9/1) 陳憲明; 汪明輝
    Prior to the impact of outside civilization, the Formosan aborigines (or mountain people) normally only brewed liquor to drink for ceremonies or celebratory occasions. With the enormous political, social and economic changes in Taiwan since 1945, the traditional tribal societies of the aboriginal peoples have undergone a steady collapse. Outside merchants have been permitted to enter the mountain reservation areas to set up shops which purchase mountain products and sell tobacco, liquor, and items of daily use. This has entailed a rapid rise in liquor consumption in the aboriginal communities. In 1989, per capita consumption of absolute alcohol among aborigines age 15 and over was 9.99 litres, or 2.36 times the average for Taiwan as a whole. Today, alcohol abuse is frequently an emblem of the Formosan aborigines. The Formosan aborigines have a preference for Michiu (a kind of spirit), but with improving economic conditions, beer consumption has already overtaken Michiu in terms of the number of bottles drunk. However, over 65% of the aborigines' absolute alcohol consumption comes from Michiu, and those who engage in alcohol abuse still remain addicted to Michiu Factor analysis and cluster analysis were used to process 13 variables about liquor consumption and geographical factors among 200 village communities. Four factors were obtained that together accounted for 85.59% of total variance of the data matrix (Table 11). These 4 factors can be identified as representing: (1)Per capita alcohol consumption; (2)Ratio of aborigines to Han Chinese; (3) Ratio of beer consumption to Michiu consumption; (4)Degree of geographical isolation of the village. In general, liquor consumption was greatest in the reservation areas of the Atayal tribe of northern Taiwan and the Paiwan tribe of southern Taiwan. Beer consumption was dominant in areas with ready access to the outside world, while Michiu consumption was dominant in areas with poor commu­nications. This may have to do with residents of the former areas being more successful economically. The high death rate evident in aboriginal reservation areas among people between the ages of 20-54 may to some degree be linked to drinking patterns. Comparing causes of death in 1988, the aboriginal rates were the following number of times greater than for Taiwan as a whole for the following causes of death: tuberculosis 4.3, cirrhosis of the liver 4.1, suicide 4.0, and accidental death 3.1. We have discovered from field observation that social problems such as poverty, unemployment, divorce, and prostitution among the aboriginal communities are all directly or indirectly linked to drinking. In short, such problems may well result from the impact of the dominant outside culture on the closed societies of minority tribes.
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    (地理學系, 1982-01-??) 陳憲明
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    (地理學系, 1993-09-??) 陳憲明; 汪明輝
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    (地理學系, 1987-03-??) 陳憲明
    Based on the viewpoint of man-environmental relationship, this study attempt to use the time-space approach to design an analytical framework for dealing with the fishing activities at Fan-tsu-au, a coastal village in the northern Taiwan. Data were collected by direct observation of fishing activities on the sea, as well as by interviewing the fishermen. In the 1950s, the fishermen at Fan-tsu-au were engaged mainly in torch light net fishery. They organized three non-powered fishing crafts as a team and used weak fishing lamps to catch round herring, squids and other phototaxis fishes that migrate on the surface-water. The fishing season for torch light net fishery is from May to the beginning of October in each lunar year. In this period, because of moonlight which interferes fishing efficiency, the fishing activities formed a monthly cycle in compliance with the moon's transit, duration and intensity of moonlight. But, such fishery is restrided by such factors as the physical capacity of non-powered fishing crafts, illumination capacity of fishing lamps, prey-food habits of fish schools and sleeping requirements of fishermen. Therefore, the fishing activities are restricted to a space of three nautical miles from the shore and 2-3 hours after dark and before dawn. In 1950 to 1960, with the advance of fishing technology, and the powered fishing boats were popularly adopted, the fishermen at Fan-tsu-au has replaced traditional torch light net fishery with modernized stick-held dip net fishery, long-line fishery and spear fishing. Though the stick-held dip net fishery and torch light net fishery use the lamps to allure the fish schools on the surface-water, because of powered fishing boats, and increased illumination capacity of fishing lamps, the time-space scope for stick-held dip net fishery is expanded. At the moment, the fishing season for catching squids, from February end to the beginning of October in each lunar calendar, the fishermen woul
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    (地理學系, 1986-03-??) 陳憲明
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    (地理學系, 1998-11-??) 陳憲明; 李玉芬
    本研究以文化生態的觀點,探討綠島這個位於臺灣東部太平洋上的孤島,日治時代以來在內外部環境的交互作用下,島民的漁業生產和社會生活的調適過程,研究資料包括歷史文獻,及野外觀察、和漁民訪談的記錄。綠島面績約 15 平方公里,約 200 年前始有來自屏東小琉球的漢人陸續入墾, 由於對外交通不便,初期島民以燒墾游耕為主、漁撈為輔的生計方式,過著相當封閉的社會生活,也使島上於 20 世紀初即成為童山濯濯的「火燒島」景象。日治中期,日人在島上設立鰹魚加工場(製作柴魚),開啟了島上漁業發展的新紀元,昭和3 年( 1928 )以後漁船開始動力化,漁業成為島民的重要生計活動。此後,隨著與外界接觸的機會增加,而使綠島漁業種類日趨多樣化,鰹魚捕撈期只有夏季,致部分漁民於冬半年(秋季至翌年春天)受雇捕魚於臺東新港漁港,遂傳回鏢魚及追逐網漁法;至高雄出售漁產品,又將延繩釣漁業技術傳回綠島。雖然綠島與臺灣本島的交通逐漸改善,但在納入更大社經空間體系之後,其孤立性雖降低,卻仍不失其邊陲性格,故島上漁業技術雖益趨多樣,農漁發展仍為有限,近來更因臺灣近海漁業資源枯竭,綠島漁業也於 1990 年以來急速沒落。所幸近年來臺灣區觀光業的發展,帶動了綠島觀光業的急速興起,並將成為今後綠島經濟的主體。
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    (地理學系, 2000-05-??) 陳憲明