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    (2004/08-2005/07) 張妙霞
    過去研究顯示國語副詞「也」,「又」,「還」及台灣閩南話a, ma 及koh 具有相近的語 意與用法(王1958; 趙1968; 畢1988; 畢1989; 馬1982; 馬1984; 鄭1989; 呂1992; 倪1996))。基於上述發現,本研究將探討「也」,「又」,「還」的歷史語意演變及與台灣 閩南話a, ma 及koh 的語意相關性。本研究將討論三項議題。第一議題並且是最主要的 議題即是「也」,「又」,「還」的歷史演變。一般而言,一個詞最初以標示命題內容的語 意為主;接著,該詞會發展出語法結構性功能;最後;該詞會發展出表達說者語氣的用 法(參見Traugott and Dasher 2002)。此變化方向已見於世界各國語言的歷史演進研究 中。第二個將探討的議題是國語「也」,「又」,「還」及其相關詞與台灣閩南話a, ma 及 koh 究竟存在何種歷史相關性? 是否因為宋朝以來南北方交流的密切(如泉州港的興盛) 而使台灣閩南話受到某些程度的影響? 第三議題是某一詞(如「還」與「且」)的文讀與 白讀的用法之間的相關性如何? 此問題可經由比較代表文讀的古文作品與接近口語用 法的史料來解答。透過本研究,我們期待能進一步瞭解國語「也」,「又」,「還」及其相 關詞的現代多義現象的歷史來源,並清楚勾勒出各語意之間的相關性。
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    (The Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University, 2012-11-01) 張妙霞; 羅予彣; 許月貴 
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    Subjectivity and Objectivity in Chinese Academic Discourse:How Attribution Hedges Indicate Authorial Stance"
    (英語學系, 2012-11-??) 張妙霞; 羅于是; 許月貴; Miao-Hsia Chang Yu-Wen Luo Yueh-Kuei Hsu
    Hedges can be used to show a speaker's less than full commitment to the truth ofa proposition in spoken discourse or to strengthen an author's argument in academic discourse. Attribution hedges are hedges used by writers to qualify their claims by relating their arguments to a given source of information. This paper explores authorial stance in attribution hedges in Chinese academic discourse and their disciplinary variation. The disciplines investigated include the pure humanities, the social sciences and the hard sciences. The results show that writers in the pure humanities and social sciences use more attribution hedges in their writing. Furthermore, these writers reveal a greater tendency to use subjective accounts when they seek support for their claims, with social sciences writers reflecting a lesser degree of subjectivity. Specifically, writing in the pure humanities is characterized by hedges which display more individuality and which involve readers in the argument. Hard sciences writers, by contrast, reflect an objective stance with attribution hedges that imply the authors detachment from the argument. In short, pure humanities writing reveals a rhetorical style that is closer to interactively oriented spoken register. The incorporation of moreinformal elements may arise from the uncertain nature of findings in the pure humanities, where claims or propositions are mainly based on subjective evaluation or interpretation of data