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在全球化的今天,臺灣身處亞太新興發展區域的樞紐地位,是東北亞及東南亞的節點, 也是傳統與創新兼具的活力島嶼。本院站在這些潮流之上,提供學生全球視野及在地實踐的學習。


聚焦東亞與歐洲研究,透過學生至業界或機構或歐洲合作學校的實習與參訪,培育具「文化思想與應用」、「政經與區域發展」 之跨文化教學及研究人才。鼓勵學生赴外交換與國際學術交流。


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    A Study of Professional Competencies of Recruiting Consultants in Temporary Staffing Agencies in Taiwan
    (2009) 鄭婷文; Ting-Wun,Cheng
    Temporary staffing industry (TSI) is a rapidly growing industry. This makes the role of recruiting consultants increasingly important for the success of temporary staffing agencies (TSA). Thus, it is critical that each TSA understands the necessary skills and abilities a recruiting consultant should possess. This research conducted a study of recruiting consultants in temporary staffing agencies in Taiwan to uncover the professional competencies they need to possess and apply in order to be successful in their jobs. This research used a three-stage research process to (1) document the value, job contents and the work processes of recruiting consultants, (2) build a competency model of recruiting consultants, and (3) establish norms of the competency level of current recruiting consultant workforce in temporary staffing agencies in Taiwan. This research applied the Delphi technique to collect the behavior indicators that excellent recruiting consultants exhibit, then collected data from 88 recruiting consultants of six sample firms using a survey questionnaire to measure the degree of existence of these behavior indicators. After applying the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) on the observed data, this research generated six competences of recruiting consultants. They are professional knowledge and capabilities, customer service orientation, teamwork and cooperation, self-control ability, interpersonal communication, and learning ability. Next, using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), this research obtained the weight of each of the six competences from a select group of field experts. A weighted overall competency score was calculated for each recruiting consultant by first multiplying the score of each competence by the competence weight, then summing the scores of the six weighted competences. The weighted overall competency score was found to be significantly related to job performance scores of recruiting consultants in Pearson correlation analysis. In addition, regression analyses also showed that the weighted overall competency score was significant in predicting the job performance of recruiting consultants. The empirical evidence was a strong support for the validity of this newly developed professional competency model of recruiting consultants for the temporary staffing industry in Taiwan. Finally, after verifying the validity of this competency model, this research obtained the norms of recruiting consultants’ competency level by calculating the mean and the medium of each behavior indicator for the sample. The competency norms have great practical implications to TSA management. They can facilitate multiple human resource functions, such as recruitment and training. The norms can serve as a selection standard or a needs assessment questionnaire against which recruiting consultants’ current competency level can be evaluated.
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    (2007) 黃瓊儀; Chiung-I Huang
    摘要 各行各業甚至體育界都有需要談判的時候。眾所周知的例子就是我國體壇目前使用的「奧會模式」。奧會模式是當年國際談判的產物,適用於奧林匹克活動架構下的所有體育運動組織。本研究旨在經由奧會模式談判歷程的觀點來探討策略談判人員的職能,進而建構策略談判人員職能模型。本研究訪談了參與奧會模式及體育事務談判的人員,以及參與加入世界貿易組織、亞太經濟合作會議,和經濟合作發展組織等國際組織談判的相關人員,強化本研究有關談判資料的內容。 本研究結論得出建構策略談判人員職能模型,計可涵括十二項主要職能如下:(1)行動導向,此一職能讓談判者能達成目標並訂定務實可行的解決方案;(2)主動性:談判人員應自動自發,並瞭解自己的優缺點,能採取主動達成組織目標;(3)人際關係影響力,發展人際網絡暨夥伴關係,具備說服他人的能力;(4)認知能力促使談判人員得以判斷分析組織優勢及劣勢,開發相關領域的技術、專業及管理知能;(5)彈性與適應性使談判人員隨時迎接變化,調整行為與作業方式,因應變動和意外挑戰;(6)溝通技巧協助談判人員有條不紊的表達意見及事實;(7)衝突管理能力使談判人員得以正面具建設性的態度解決衝突、紛爭及歧見;(8)管理技巧與領導統禦能力促使能與他人協調並評量進度;(9)開發他人能力得以激發並教導團隊成員達成目標;(10)建構團隊能力使談判人員有能力打造及管理團隊;(11)個人特性有助於談判的進行;(12)公共關係有助於與媒體建立良好關係及促進溝通的效益。
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    (2013) 陳思嘉; Szu-Chia Chen
    Considering employees are the key factors to business success, in order to develop talent and increase employees’ productivity, more and more companies have put more emphasis on corporate training which is viewed as an investment in employee development. In addition, the rise of corporate universities has also become common phenomenon in the training and development fields. Corporate universities are also regarded as effective ways to help employees to meet the challenges of competing in a tough economy. With the emphasis on corporate training, the competencies of corporate training professionals who are influential to the business performance and strategy execution should be valued. Hence, this study aims to examine the roles and tasks of corporate training professionals so as to identify the competencies required for successful performance of corporate training professionals and scrutinize how these competencies can be developed. The competency model will be further validated based on the process of the research.
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    A Study on the Human Resource Development Competencies of Human Resource Managers in Burkina Faso
    (2015) 康莉雅; Helene Lydia Marguerite Tenin Konkobo
    The purpose of this study was to identify the development needs of HR professionals in Burkina Faso by determining the expertise level and the importance of the HRD competencies as it relates to their functions. The study used a mixed mode approach in order to minimalize the limitations of both quantitative and qualitative approaches. This study aimed at contributing to knowledge on HRD in providing a base line that can be used to develop the practice of HRD in Burkina Faso. The target population of this research was the HR managers in the country. The survey questionnaire was adapted from the original 2004 ASTD Competency Study Mapping the Future and then translated into French. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the survey questionnaire and content analysis was used analyze the interviews. The results showed that HR managers in Burkina Faso perceive their expertise level in HRD competencies, at the exception of learning technologies. The study also, established that the perception of HRD competencies level, differ among demographic groups.