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在全球化的今天,臺灣身處亞太新興發展區域的樞紐地位,是東北亞及東南亞的節點, 也是傳統與創新兼具的活力島嶼。本院站在這些潮流之上,提供學生全球視野及在地實踐的學習。


聚焦東亞與歐洲研究,透過學生至業界或機構或歐洲合作學校的實習與參訪,培育具「文化思想與應用」、「政經與區域發展」 之跨文化教學及研究人才。鼓勵學生赴外交換與國際學術交流。


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
  • Item
    Training and Development Impact on Employees’ Performance in the Administrative Cadre of the Personnel Management Office in The Gambia
    (2013) Baboucarr Sarr; Baboucarr Sarr
    This study in an attempt to examine the training and development impact on employees’ performance in the administrative cadre of the Personnel Management Office (PMO), being the human resource unit of The Gambian Civil Service, investigated whether the trainings were meeting the training needs of administrative officers and whether there had been any improvement on their skills. The study also investigated whether training and development had made any significant changes to the administrative officers’ job performance and the impact of such performance on PMO and the Ministries on their service-delivery with reference to Kirkpatrick’s four-level evaluation model (reaction, learning, behaviour, and results). The research and interview questions were adopted and further developed to enhance their validity and credibility of the research. The study sample comprised four trainees (two from PMO and two from the Ministries), three heads of departments of the Ministries, and three senior management officers of PMO, who are both providers and beneficiaries of the training and development. Participants were interviewed and relevant documents at PMO reviewed for data collection. The interviews’ data were recorded and transcribed. Then the coding was done, categorized and themes identified, which helped establish the findings in line with the research questions. Results revealed that trainees’ training needs were basically met and skills improved significantly. Trainees also demonstrated improved job-related behaviours, which impacted positively on PMO and the Ministries in terms of timely individual and overall service-delivery, despite some identified short-comings based on which suggestions were made.
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    The Relationship between Training and Development and Organizational Commitment of Private Service Companies in Mongolia: Job Satisfaction as the Mediator
    (2019) 穆易白; ABAI MURAT
    In this permanently and aggressive developing marketplace, training and development and organizational commitment are focused on those essential and important factors in an organization. There are many researchers have been investigated the factors in the organization such as training and development and organizational commitment. Also, there are several studies found that job satisfaction positively related to training and development as well as organizational commitment. This study proposed to investigate the relationships among training and development, organizational commitment and job satisfaction as a mediating role within the private service companies in Mongolia. The data collected via online survey, 250 full time employees was analyzed with SPSS and AMOS. The results of the hypotheses test confirmed that training and development is positively related to organizational commitment. Results also showed that job satisfaction mediated the relationship between training and development and organizational commitment. The findings of this study also provided knowledge in the practical way to the private companies in Mongolia with perception of training and development, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction.
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    The Relationship of Training and Development, Compensation, Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment: An Example of a Commercial Bank in Honduras
    (2016) 羅葆菈; Nancy Paola Rodríguez Zavala
    Organizational commitment and job satisfaction are important predictors of organizational performance and help organizations reach competitive advantage. In order for organizations to survive during times of economic recession they have to make extra efforts to keep the employees satisfied and committed towards the organization. There are many factors affecting employees’ job satisfaction and commitment, this study focuses on the factors of job stress, training and development and compensation. The data for this study was collected from 250 employees of Banco Atlántida, Honduras most important bank. SPSS statistics software was used to analyze the data. The results obtained indicate that training and development and compensation have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction; job stress however has a negative but significant effect on job satisfaction. The results also indicate that job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment. Lastly, job satisfaction showed to have a mediator effect between independent variables, training and development, compensation, job stress and the dependent variable organizational commitment. This study contributes and gives more information to the banking industry in Honduras, especially to Banco Atlántida, about the real situation of the employees.
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    An Empirical Study of Training and Development, Psychological Capital, Employee Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment in a Public Organization: Evidence from The Gambia Revenue Authority
    (2015) 施愛娃; Awa Sillah
    A well-organised human resource development programme is a critical strategy for public organizations, as in the coming years human capital will increasingly play a significant role in organizational development. Notwithstanding, the human resource commitment and turnover is one of the biggest concerns of organizations especially in the 21st century. This study was conducted in The Gambia to explore strategies that public organizations could consider for increasing employees’ commitment behavior in order to achieve national development mandates. Thus, this study departing from the emphasis in prior behavioral research developed a framework of organizational commitment that incorporates training and development, employee job satisfaction and psychological capital. The analyses of the data collected from 257 employees of The Gambia Revenue Authority indicated that training and development and organizational commitment are associated positively, and that, employee job satisfaction and psychological capital partially mediates the relationship. This research used a quantitative research paradigm, and prior to the data collection, the study adopted validated measurement instruments from previous researchers who have conducted studies on these constructs. Thus, to confirm their suitability, the instruments have gone through the process of face validity, pilot study and construct reliability. The data was analyzed using SPSS 22 and Amos to compute descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, correlations, linear and multiple regressions. Thus, this study may lead to a better understanding as regards to how human resource development practitioners can design policies that may enhance organizational commitment behaviors in public enterprises. Based on the results of this study, practical and theoretical implications were discussed.