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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1984-06-??) 蔡平順; 陳鏡潭
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1990-06-??) 郭禎祥
    Dewey once said education is experience, so art education means aesthetic experience. The NAEA maintains that education is learning, so art education means acquiring knowledge con-cerning art (NAEA, 1986). As part of an integrated educational curriculum or as a field of learning, art education cannot simply consist of artistic creation providing emotional release, physical and mental relaxation and creative stimulus. It should also incorporate an understand-ing of artistic knowledge, enhance aesthetic sensibility, and lay a foundation for aesthetic judgement. In other words, an integrated art education curriculum or course of study should properly consist of an active educational approach taking in creativity, knowledge, comprehen-sion, sensibility and critical judgement over the entire field of art. One of the main advocates behind the American movement for aesthetic education, M. Barkan (1955), has declared: "Art education cannot be: limited to work of art, but must regard art as a process in the develop-ment of human actions and behaviour." Ten years later, at a conference on art education re-search and curriculum development at the University of Pennsylvania, he stated even more clearly: "Art education should include art production, art history and art criticism." He firmly believes that the content of art education consists of immersion in experience of the whole field of art, and that art education means learning how to create and appreciate, and reacting to art objects (Barkan, 1955, 1965). Subsequently this ideal was adopted and promoted by the SWRL, CEMREL & GETTY institutions and by the scholars and experts who attended the conference at the University of Pennsylvania, and 'discipline based art education' (DBAE) has become the new trend in American art education today. The present paper starts out from a discussion of the nature of art, and synthesizes a number of theories of phased development, briefly alluding to K.M. Lansing's five stages of art appreci
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1988-06-??) 陳國川; 姚翰玲
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1977-06-??) 張霄亭
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1986-06-??) 吳清基
    Senior high schools have two important jobs, one is to make students have healthy development in mind and body, the other is to prepare them for farther studying in colleges. In the whole school system it has special educational function worthy to be studied. There are four main purposes of this research: 1.To search for the differences between perceptions of learning value and reactions of learning attitudes towards all subjects of senior high schools for college students. 2.To understand the differences of college students' perceptions between instructional conditions and educational functions in senior high schools. 3.To analyse the differences of the influences of Colleges' Joint Entrance Examination on teachers instruction and students learning in senior high schools. 4.To find conclusions and suggestions for improving present senior high school education and Colleges' Joint Entrance Examination. The method of this research is a survey approach. The tool of this research is "The Questionnaire of Instructional Conditions in Senior High School", formulated by myself. The samples of this survey consist of 2,158 college students, most of them are freshmen and sophomores in National Central University, National Ching-Hwa University, National Taiwan Normal University and National Communication University. The main findings of this research are: 1.There are some significant differences between perception of learning value and reac-tions of learning attitudes towards all subjects of senior high schools for different background college students. 2.There are some significant differences of the perception of instruction in senior high schools for different background college students. 3.Students have positive cognition of learning value of some subjects that should be examined in Colleges' Joint Entrance Examination, and also have diligent learning attitude. But they perceive no learning value in and adopt an opposite attitude towards subjects not to be examined in the en
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 2003-10-??) 郭諭陵
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1992-06-??) 李田英 
    本文的研究目的在於測師專五年級學生畢業前的自然科學基本概念及對國小自然科教學之態度。 市立師院、省立臺北師院、新竹師院五年級學生,其它六所師院則依需要隨機抽取學生一班。 本研究以去年發展的「自然科基本概念訓練」及翻譯之Thomson與Shrigley「自然科教學態度量表」分別用以收集師專五年級學生畢業前之科學基本概念及對教國小自然科學之態度,所有工具在使用之前均經過效化的過程。 資料以SPSS□套裝軟體視需要分別求頻率、相關及迴歸分析。 研究結果顯示師專學生的基本自然科學知識偏低且高層次的思考能力不足。多數學生對科學具正確的觀念,但不教自然科學。性別、科學知識及科學態度為預測國小職前教師自然科學教學態度之主要變因。所選擇的變因可解釋21%之態度之變異。
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1987-06-??) 楊榮祥
    本研究上一年曾探討兩種「探討式」與「組織因子」教學模式對學生學習的影響。變異數分析結果發現,探討教學模式對不同認知發展水準的學生並無顯著不同的功效,但班級學習活動中「活躍學生」比「非活躍學生」,無論在知識、推理應用及解決問題能力上,均有顯著優異的表現(P<0.01),另外共變數分析結果顯示,這三種教學模式無論在知識、歸納性與擴散性思考的成就上,均優於對照組(P<0.01)(楊榮祥,民75年)。  本年再加上另外三種教學模式,包括「概念達成」與二種屬於社會性交互作用類的模式(「集體探討」與「角色扮演」),運用3×3×3多因子實驗設計,以探討不同組合教學模式的功效。變異數分析,再經由單純主要效果分析比較結果顯示:(1)運用「多種教學模式」的兩組,都比運用「單一教學模式」的一組,無論在學術或科學態度上,均有顯著優異(P<0.01)的表現;(2)所實驗三組不同的教學模式組合,對於不同認知發展水準的學生都無顯著不同的功效。
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1980-06-??) 晏涵文
    學童口腔衛生是學校衛生中的重要課題,研究不同的教學法對口腔衛生教學的影響,是目前國內急需進行的方向。本研究的目的在探討以觀念教學法對國小四年級學童實施口腔衛生教學之後,學童的口腔衛生知識和行為有無改變,以及與傳統教學法之效果做一比較。同時也研究學童有無接受口腔衛生教學,其知識之獲得與行為改變之間有無相關存在。本研究採所羅門四組實驗設計,於民國六十八年二、三月間,以台北市龍安國小四年級學生隨機抽取六班271人為對象進行實驗研究。問卷調查的資料以統計方法分析處理呈現,結論如下:1. 是否對四年級學生以觀念教學法做口腔衛生教學,兩組學生的口腔衛生知識和行為改變有顯著差異。2. 是否對四年級學生以傳統教學法做口腔衛生教學,兩組學生的口腔衛生知識和行為改變有顯著差異。3. 對四年級學生以不同的教學法做口腔衛生教學後,兩組學生的口腔衛生知識和行為改變沒有顯著差異。4. 四年級學生口腔衛生知識之獲得與行為改變之間成正相關。5. 四年級學生的口腔衛生知識對行為的影響程度,有否教學沒有顯著差異。6. 四年級學生的口腔衛生知識對行為的影響程度,在不同教學法教學下,沒有顯著差異。
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1986-06-??) 楊榮祥
    配合行政院國家科學委員會與教育部合辦之73學年度國民中學學習情況調查,設計國民中學生物科成就測驗(Crondach's α=0.84),隨機取樣抽測臺灣地區共86所國民中學之一年級學生17,200人,再從中抽樣972份考卷為樣群,以項目分析法逐題分析,以了解國中生物科教學上及學習上的問題。結果發現教學上較大的缺失有:(1)只顧實驗結果之記憶,而忽略過程之了解;(2)注重片斷知識,而忽略統整綜合所學知識知能力;(3)注意查表(如檢索表)或計算方法之反覆練習,而忽略其所根據之原理法則等。再以北部三校學生(n=320)為樣群,以同地區學校之「教學模式實驗班」為對照(n=392),用團體嵌圖測驗(Witkin等,1971)分數為共變量,就「知識」、「歸納性思考」及「擴散性思考」等三項依變數,進行共變數分析(ANOCOVA)及鄧肯氏新多重差距檢定,結果顯示:教學模式實驗班無論在知識、歸納性與擴散性思考的成就上,均優於樣群(p<0.01)。