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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1978-06-??) 黃寶鈿
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1989-06-??) 洪志明
    本研究使用由Markle和Klausmeier等人所發展出來的概念分析法,來分析化學實驗教材之內容。由概念分析,比較概念的一些正例與非例,可找出 此概念的鑑別性屬性和可變性屬性。這些屬性可用來:(1)寫出概念的最佳定義;(2)設計合理的教學程序;(3)設計相配合的標準參照評量項目。 本研究採用概念分析法,設計化學實驗教材內容分析量表,並分析比較各版本大學化學實驗教材中,「再結晶」技能的實驗內容。研究結果指出各版本教材之缺點, 並建議應改進之項目。
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1988-06-??) 黃寶鈿
    本測驗之編製目的在設計一套評量學生的邏輯思考能力的測試工具(乙卷),並與前一期國科會專題研究計畫所設計之甲卷配合,以建立一套複本測試工具。本測驗之適用範圍為形式操作期之學生。本工具包括比例、控制變因、機率、相關及組合等五種推理能力,每部分包括兩種相同內容的題目。本測驗之折半信度為0.47 - 0.87,庫李信度為0.47 - 0.86,Cronbach信度係數在0.47 - 0.86間。本測驗經由項目分析結果顯示其具有相當的鑑別作用與適當的難度分佈。構念效度為0.31 - 0.82,與化學成就測驗之相關為0..20至0.55,與魏氏智商之相關為0.26至0.47,以上結果皆達到統計上之顯著水準。
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1984-06-??) 董有蘭; 李培華
    There has seldom been a study of Chemical education of Taiwan junior high school students. I hope this study will help us understand the students' process of learning chemistry and hence will help to develop better teaching materials and teaching methods. A.Purpose 1.To determine Students' cognitive ability in chemistry according to sex. 2.Comparison of the 8th grade with the 7th grade in test results. 3.Comparison of test results in the four geographical areas of Taiwan: North, South, central and East (including offshore islands). B.Methods: written multiple choice test (one right answer of four). Test of 40 questions to be completed in 40 minutes. C.Sampling: Stratified random Sampling of 31 public junior high schools from a total of 456 throughout Taiwan, including offshore islands Kinmen and Matsu. In each of these schools two 7th grade classes and two 8th grade classes were tested with average of 45 students in each. Of the 5,735 completed forms 3,078 were boys and 2,657 were girls. D.Data Handling: By computer. E.Results: 1.The girls are a little bit better than the boys. 2.The 8th grade students are better than the 7th grade students. 3.The north and the south are about on the same level. The central and the east (including offshare islands) are about on the same lavel, but the former is somewhat better than the latter.
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1985-06-??) 陳鏡潭; 連啟瑞
    The current chemistry experiment material in junior high school of this country has been classified and its contents has also been analysed based on the role of the laboratory in chemistry teaching. According to Ide's report, the chemistry experiment material has been grouped in accordance with the performance goals into the following four types: hypothesis verification, problem inducement, skill training, and "concept fixation". On the other hand, the material has been divided for laboratory outcomes (or functions) established by Shulman and Tamir into five categories: skills, concepts, attitudes, cognitive abilities, and understanding the nature of science.The results of this study by analysis of 74 experiments reveal that: type of "concept fixation" has a majority (60%), and the percentage increases with the in-crease in number of the lectures; type of hypothesis verification is least of all (22%) which decreases with the decrease in number of the lectures. As to its function, almost all the experiments emphasize the nurture of cognitive abilities, skills, and attitudes. Cognitive abilities primarily include: knowledge (88%), analytical thinking (74%), decision making (74%), critical thinking (68%), synthesis (60%), and only 2 items (3%) show up as creativity. Observation composed major parts of skills (96%). Attitudes primarily include: interest (78%), curiosity (70%); each of the items in initiative, perseverance collaboration, responsibility are below 10%. As a result of this study, several notes and comments have been made.