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Item 現行高中化學實驗課教材教學實況的調查研究(國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1984-06-??) 蔡平順; 陳鏡潭就現行高中化學實驗課教材之操作難易度,結果之精確度,教材之可行性,癥結問題等,作問卷調查。百分之四十以上的教師認為操作較難的共有3項,不易獲得良好準確度者有14項,指出問題之癥結或提出建議者有25項。學生之實驗操作技能、器材、試藥品質等,影響甚大。本文就實驗教材的編寫及實驗教學方法提出改進意見。Item 現行國民中學化學實驗教材之分類及其內含之分析(國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1985-06-??) 陳鏡潭; 連啟瑞The current chemistry experiment material in junior high school of this country has been classified and its contents has also been analysed based on the role of the laboratory in chemistry teaching. According to Ide's report, the chemistry experiment material has been grouped in accordance with the performance goals into the following four types: hypothesis verification, problem inducement, skill training, and "concept fixation". On the other hand, the material has been divided for laboratory outcomes (or functions) established by Shulman and Tamir into five categories: skills, concepts, attitudes, cognitive abilities, and understanding the nature of science.The results of this study by analysis of 74 experiments reveal that: type of "concept fixation" has a majority (60%), and the percentage increases with the in-crease in number of the lectures; type of hypothesis verification is least of all (22%) which decreases with the decrease in number of the lectures. As to its function, almost all the experiments emphasize the nurture of cognitive abilities, skills, and attitudes. Cognitive abilities primarily include: knowledge (88%), analytical thinking (74%), decision making (74%), critical thinking (68%), synthesis (60%), and only 2 items (3%) show up as creativity. Observation composed major parts of skills (96%). Attitudes primarily include: interest (78%), curiosity (70%); each of the items in initiative, perseverance collaboration, responsibility are below 10%. As a result of this study, several notes and comments have been made.