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Item 賽蒙行政決定理論及其對教育行政之啟示(國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1983-06-??) 吳清基Herbert A. Simon was the winner of the Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 1978. He has been the Chairman of both the Board of Dirrectors of the Social Science Research Council and the Behavioral Sciences Division of the National Research Council. As a member of the United States President's Science Advisory Committee, he is not only good at administration, but also very knowledgeable in politics, economics, management, psychology, mathe-matics, and computer science. I had met him and discussed with him during the period of 1981-1982 when I stayed in the United States on an Academic Exchange Program between the National Taiwan Normal University and the University of Missouri-St. Louis. This article is part of my research on Herbert A. Simon's Decision-making Theory and Its Applications in Educational Admi-nistration.The purpose of this research is to discuss Herbert A. Simon's Decision-making Theory and Its Implications in Educational Administration. The method of this research is theoretical analysis approach. This article consists of seven parts. The first part is the introduction of the problem background and studying purposes of this research; the second is to outline the important biography and bibliography of Herbert A. Simon; the third is to analyze the genesis of thought of Herbert A. Simon's Decision-making Theory; the fourth is to present the basic conceptual framework of Herbert A. Simon's Decision-making Thery; the fifth is to point out the logical emperical hypothesis of Herbert A. Simon's Decision-making Theory; the sixth is to make a brief comment on the techniques of Herbert A. Simon's Decision-making Theory; and the seventh is divided into two parts - one is to comment on Herbert A. Simon's Decision-making Theory, the other to analyze the implications in educational administration of his theory.From this research, we can find out some conclusions and point out that Herbert A. Simon's Decision-making Theory carries significant implications inItem 教育行政決定理論的邏輯實證分析(國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1985-06-??) 吳清基Decision-making in educational administration is the central function of the educational administrative operation, and it is also the main job of the educational administrators. So, recently, educational administration has been the focus of academic research to make further theoretical analysis about it. Herbert A. Simon, the winner of the Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 1978 and renowned for his outstanding contribution to the Decision-making Theory, pointed out that the logical positivism of modern philosophy is the base of the Decision-making Theory. Thus, it is essential for us to make an analysis of logical positivism hypothesis for understanding the conception and improving the efficiency of educational administration operation. The method of this research is theoretical analysis. The procedures are, first, to study the reference literature in order to see the key views of this theory; second, to pick up Simon's creative ideas about the decision-making theory as the blueprint for this study; third, to find out some Chinese ancient writings of similar meaning relative to the concept of decision-making. From this research, we can arrive at the following conclusions: 1. Educational administrators must distinguish between value premises and factual premises in order to make a rational operation. 2. Educational administrators must correctly recognize the function and restriction of the chain of means-end for improving the accountability of educational administration. 3. Educational administrators must understand only the correct choice of alternatives can facilitate attainment of efficient consequences. 4. Educational administrators must establish boundary rationality conception in place of omniscient rationality and emphasize obtaining satisfactory or good enough benefits in place of optimal or maximized benefits. 5. Educational administrators need to provide the best psychological environment for the purpose of the efficient operation of educational a