
Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/169


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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1985-06-??) 饒達欽
    The purpose of this study is to find out the factors influencing students' pro-fessional-technical achievements in the departments of electronics and electricity in vocational-technical senior high schools. The psychological and intellectual factors are not included in this study. The stepwise multiple regression analysis is the main statistical tool for analyzing data. According to the result of review of literature, the personal, home, school, and social factors are the main factors in this study for surveying. The school main factor is divided into five subfactors: teacher expectation, peers, instruction, awareness of the department, and vocational guidance. The main findings of this study are the following: (1) There is a very close correlation between theoretical subjects' achievement and technical practice achievement. (2) Sex, grade level, the type of cooperative class, home factor, students' aptitude, and teachers' instruction factors are the major influencing factors in this study. (3) The scientific aptitude is more important for electronics majors than those majoring in elect icity. Some variables are also found very important in each of the above factors such as (1) the students' learning attitude toward their school or technical subjects in the personal factor, (2) the degree of the parent's satisfaction toward the students' school achievement, and of the parent's attention toward the skill learning in home factor,(3) the status of students' awareness of their own department is the most important subfactor in the school main factor, and (4) the chance for future promotion and the glorying in skill achievement are the important variables among the social factors.
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 2008-12-??) 吳明雄; 許碧珊; 饒達欽; 簡明忠; 陳建宏; 張中一; 黃秀玉
    本研究目的在建構高職學生技術創造力指標,以提供培育高職學生技術創造力之參考。首先針對獲得全國性技術類比賽優勝團體進行訪談,整理分析高職學生之技術 創造力相關內涵,藉此發展技術創造力指標檢核表,以提供兩組專家群(高職教師組與大學教授組)進行精釋研究。研究結果建構出 63 項高職學生技術創造力指標,分為人格特質、環境、學習、能力、思考歷程、作品等六個構面,並發現人格特質與思考歷程二項構面為技術創造力最重要之指標,其 次為能力、環境與學習三項構面指標,最後為作品構面指標。
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1985-06-??) 戴建耘; 饒達欽
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1995-06-??) 饒達欽; 戴建耘; 何敏煌; 陳世旺
    本研究分析虛擬實境(virtual reality)中虛擬個體(virtual object)的特性並提出一個描述方法,藉由這個描述方法能幫助虛擬世界建構者解決大部份虛擬實境系統中軟體(software)部份表現過於呆板的問題,讓虛擬世界中的虛擬個體能藉由更智慧(intelligent)化的表示方式頗得更接近真實。研究中首先針對虛擬實境系統中對於虛擬世界中個體的表現能力加以分類,根據這些分類找出可能的特徵及描述方式,然後定義出合適具體的模型(modeling)方法來描述這些特徵,並為這個模型方法加入智慧化的參數(parameter),讓虛擬個體表現地更為真實。為了便於對各個體模型化結果的表達,本研究設計了一套適合於表示這些模型化參數的方法VOMM(Virtual Object Modeling Method),藉由這套方法的協助,虛擬實境設計者(designer)可以很容易地描述每一個虛擬個體本身的特徵以及虛擬個體間的交互作用(interaction),讓整個虛擬實境的應用在軟體方面也能更為趨近真實。整個模型化的結果,也使得從事模擬(simulation)、人工生命(artificial life)及情境教學設計方面研究工作者能有更方便確實的工具可茲利用。
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1983-06-??) 饒達欽
    This study is intended to analyze the roots and practice of career education in the United States of america as well as to explore its implications to the voca-tional-oriented compulsory education in the Republic of China.Career education was advocated by Dr. Marland in 1971. The main objectives of career education are to integrate vocational education, general education and academic education; to extend the academic world into the world of work; and to help individuals better live in work-oriented society. It is rooted in American work ethic, the philosophy of "change" and "John Dewey", the rugged individualism, and the loosely united couple of school and work-oriented society. The review of literature reveals that there are some similarities of these two societies concerning the current problems in education and manpower development. For this reason some of the following principles of career education could positively contribute to the future development of vocational-oriented compulsory education (V-OCE) in the Republic of China.1. Preparations for successful working careers will be a key objective for V-OCE.2. Every teacher in every course will emphasize whatever that subject matter can contribute to a successful career.3. Learning will not be reserved for the classroom, but learning environ-ments for V-OCE will be identified in the home, community and employing establishments.4. The provision of a comprehensive vocational or career development program involves active cooperation and participation of both school and non-school personnel.5. The V-OCE will seek to extend its time horizons from "womb to tomb".6. The V-OCE will be designed to be free of bias and stereotype.7. The V-OCE will foster flexibility in the attitudes, skills, and knowledge to enable people to cope with the accelerating change and obsolescence in the field.In order to implement these ideas, the vocational-oriented compulsory education must be initiated, The current curricula should be revise
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    (國立臺灣師範大學研究發展處, 1995-06-??) 戴建耘; 饒達欽; 邱清文; 陳世旺