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Item 地球科學動畫試題的發展與效能驗證(2006) 吳皇慶; Wu Hunag-ChingThis study tries to develop an animation-based test (ABT) in the area of Earth science. The advantages of ABT includes: (1) To present more authentic situation in an animated testing environment; (2) To assess the learning outcomes with appropriate validity and reliability; (3) To be a more attractive way of testing. The content of the test focuses on four domains in Earth science including astronomy, meteorology, oceanography and geology. “Attitude toward Simulated Assessment Scale”(AAAS) was adapted in this study in order to explore examinees’ perceptions and attitudes toward ABT. This study has found that an animation-based test was more effective to trigger students’ positive attitude than was a graphic-based test. In addition, animation is found to influence students scores- especially for the low-order prior knowledge students. Therefore, it is suggested that the innovative forms of assessments, such as the ABT proposed in the current study, could not only indicate the importance to train cognitive skills to students, but also serve as an alternative and promising vehicle for implementing assessments in high school Earth sciences education.Item 媒體中大眾科學素養問卷之研發與初探(2010) 林蓓伶; Lin Pei-Ling本研究試圖結合專家(中學課程)及大眾媒體觀點(科學新聞),由一嶄新的面向去定義與評測大眾科學素養。根據九年一貫自然與生活科技教科書末索引的重要科學名詞,利用電腦自動搜尋與詞彙抽取技術,來比對新聞中出現頻率較高之科學詞彙,最後共篩選出95個科學主要詞彙及伴隨詞彙,輔以科學新聞所關注之內容研發量表50題試題,涵蓋含生物領域(45.26%,22題)、地球科學領域(37.9%,19題)、物理領域(11.58%,6題)、化學領域(5.26%,3題)。本研究共有來自國中、高中及大學計1034位學生參與。研究結果顯示:(1) 在台灣的媒體及教科書當中,生物相關的科學詞彙出現率最高,接著依序是地球科學、物理、化學相關領域之詞彙。(2)在此大眾科學素養量表(SLiM)的表現上,男生(M=33.93, SD=7.48)較女生好(M=31.69, SD=7.41) (t=4.24, p=0.000<0.05)。(3)高中生(Mean=37.4, SD=4.1)的SLiM表現顯著好於大學生(Mean = 32.8,SD=5.5)及國中生(Mean = 27.2 8.4)。(4)低媒體使用量之受試者(Mean = 30.8, SD= 6.42)的SLiM表現皆顯著低於中媒體使用量(Mean = 33.2, SD=7.3)及高媒體使用量(Mean = 34.1, SD=8.19)的受試者,但在中媒體使用量及高媒體使用量間沒有顯著差異。(5) 有科學偏好的受試者(M=34.47,SD=7.11)相較於沒有科學偏好的受試者(M=31.83, SD=7.57)在SLiM的表現上明顯較好(t=4.7, p=0.000<0.05)。