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    (地理學系, 2018-11-??) 翁叔平; Shu-PingWeng
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    (地理學系, 1998-05-??) 張嘉慧
    Sweet potato, lpomoea batatas, is widely planted after introduced intoTaiwan. The article is based on the changes of area and production of sweetpotato, and the R&D trend of the varieties since the 20 century to control ofthe role of sweet potato on the food demand. From the high percentage of drychip and starch content changed to the high nutritious and tasteconsuming-oriented market, the sweet potato plantation stage in Taiwan can bedivided into three periods: During the Japanese period, it is mainly the highpercentage of dry chip and starch content Paiholan and Tainung No. 31; Duringthe period after Taiwan Recovery to 1966, it is mainly high percentage of drychip and starch content Hosuwin and Tainung No. 31; from 1966 to now, it ismainly the tasteful Tainung No.57 and No.66. Sweet potato have good landadaptation chacter. The localized cultivation method is by crop roatation toaviod causing pest.s damage due to continutious plantation. As for the shortgrowing season or short of irritation area, it applied the single cultivation.During the period from 1950 to 1966, the area was able to keep at about 230,000hectares which mainly distributed at Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan area. After 1967,free of miscellaneous gain crops importment replaced feed supply chacter. Thearea is growing down to 10,000 hectares in 1993. And Yunlin, Chiayi, Tainan andcoastal sand area are major plantation area. As for.sweet potato production hasbeen sharply reduced from more than 3 million M.T. to 180,000 M.T. on the past20 years. At present, sweet potato has its marketing channel and transactionstyle on the supply of fresh food, processing and starch making. As for themarketing of the fresh and processing product depended on sales merchanttraditionally. However, in the past ten more years, the northern coastal areahave organized a mutual.shipping and marketing system to sell fresh sweetpotato. A
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    (地理學系, 1995-10-??) 石再添; 張瑞津; 林雪美; 張政亮; 劉明錡; 陳政典
    The vincinity of the estuaries is one of the most populated area in the world. In order to ultilize the resources of this area more reasonably, the understanding of its geomorphological, hydrological and sedimentary characteristics becomes a main and basic task. Since estuary is located on the interface of river and sea, the morphology of estuary is influenced by the factors coming from both environments. The drainage basin area, shoreline length, shape factor, channel gradient, runoff, sediments and monthly discharge, etc. are factors coming from land, while the wind, current, wave and tide etc. coming from the sea. This study focuses on eleven estuaries of the eastern coast of Taiwan. Based on the stream slope, number of channels, discharge, etc., these estuaries can be divided into straight and braided pattern. The former has sandbars or spurs, such as Hualien Hsi, Hsiukuluan Hsi and Kangkou Hsi, while the latter have braided channels, sandy-gravel sediments and changeable sandbars, such as Hoping Hsi, Liwu Hsi and the estuaries in Taitung coastal area. The eastern coast is classified as wave-dominated type according to average wave height and tidal range. The wave impacting upon the area between Hoping Hsi and Hsiukuluan Hsi is severer. The forms of the estuaries in eastern Taiwan have significant seasonal change due to the seasonal differences of discharge, monsoon and typhoon. In the summer, the channels usually become wider and the sandbars are gentler and extended seaward for most estuaries. In the winter, however, these sandbars become narrower, steeper and extend toward right bank. The mouth of channels will be narrowed or even closed when typhoon coming. The forms of estuaries are stable in the long-term scale. Eleven estuaries have only slight change during the period from 1904 to 1989, moving back and forth within the distance of 250m. The channel migration of most estuaries, however, is obvious.
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    (地理學系, 1995-03-??) 石再添; 張瑞津; 林雪美; 張政亮; 劉明錡; 陳政典
    The vincinity of the estuaries is one of the most populated area in the world. In order to ultilize the resource of this area more reasonably, the understanding of geomorphogical, hydrological and sedimentary characteristics becomes a main and basic task. Since estuary is located on the interface of river and sea, the morphology of estuary is influenced by the factors coming from both environments. The drainage basin area, shoreline length, shape factor, channel gradient, opening form, runoff, sediments, and monthly discharge etc. coming from the land. While the wind current, wave and tide etc. coming from the sea. This study area focuses on 20 estuaries of the south-western coast of Taiwan. The five of them are gravel estuaries and the rest are sandy. By correlation grain size of sandy estuaries has relationship with channel gradient below 100m, width of opening and shape factor. The forms of sand bar on estuaries are changed seasonly. Most of them has a tendency migrating southward due to northern moonsoon. The 20 estuaries can be classified into the wave dominated type, the tide dominated type and the runoff dominated type according average wave height, specific discharge and tidal range. Comparing the location of 20 estuaries during the period from 1904 to 1990(85 years). Most estuaries tend to migrate westward. The changes of estuaries are controlled by the intensity of wave and precipitation, the influence of reservior and hydraulic engineering and the changes of land use.
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    (地理學系, 1988-03-??) 陳國彥
    A climograph method using amount of precipitation and height of runoff is introduced to depict the river basin characteristics of Taiwan. Four regions are classified and the research findings are summarized as follows: 1. North region: Typical examples include Lan-Yang His, Tan-Shui Ho, and its tributaries. Amount of precipitation and height of runoff are evenly distributed throughout the year with maxima found in June and September. There is no obvious drought season and the rivers flow all year around in this region. 2. Central region: This region includes river basins of Tou-Chien His, Hou-lung His, Ta-An His, Ta-Chia His, Ta-Tu His, and Cho-Shui Hsi. A bi-peak curve also presents in the graph which shows a maximum in June and a sub-max in August. Seasons of high water discharge and low water discharge are not so clear-cut as those in the south region, however, dry bed river can occassionally be found during the low water discharge season. 3. South region: It includes the area from south of Pei-Kang Hsi to the southern tip of the island. The graph also shows a bi-peak curve with August maximum substantially higher than the other. The amount of precipitation and the height of runoff are cIose to nill in winter. It is regarded as a typical dry bed river region. 4. East region: A mono-peak curve is found in this region. Precipetition and runoff are more evenly distributed than west-coastal area in the same latitude, however, summer maximum is still distinct. The characteristics of river basin in Taiwan are in close relation to the monsoon climate and to the effect of island's topography. The graph shows a summer high water discharge and a winter low water discharge with great difference between them. There generally shows two maxima in a graph with one occurring in June while the other in August. This type of river flow is considered to be suitable and beneficial to the agricultural and the economic development in Taiwan, part
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    (地理學系, 1987-03-??) 陳憲明
    Based on the viewpoint of man-environmental relationship, this study attempt to use the time-space approach to design an analytical framework for dealing with the fishing activities at Fan-tsu-au, a coastal village in the northern Taiwan. Data were collected by direct observation of fishing activities on the sea, as well as by interviewing the fishermen. In the 1950s, the fishermen at Fan-tsu-au were engaged mainly in torch light net fishery. They organized three non-powered fishing crafts as a team and used weak fishing lamps to catch round herring, squids and other phototaxis fishes that migrate on the surface-water. The fishing season for torch light net fishery is from May to the beginning of October in each lunar year. In this period, because of moonlight which interferes fishing efficiency, the fishing activities formed a monthly cycle in compliance with the moon's transit, duration and intensity of moonlight. But, such fishery is restrided by such factors as the physical capacity of non-powered fishing crafts, illumination capacity of fishing lamps, prey-food habits of fish schools and sleeping requirements of fishermen. Therefore, the fishing activities are restricted to a space of three nautical miles from the shore and 2-3 hours after dark and before dawn. In 1950 to 1960, with the advance of fishing technology, and the powered fishing boats were popularly adopted, the fishermen at Fan-tsu-au has replaced traditional torch light net fishery with modernized stick-held dip net fishery, long-line fishery and spear fishing. Though the stick-held dip net fishery and torch light net fishery use the lamps to allure the fish schools on the surface-water, because of powered fishing boats, and increased illumination capacity of fishing lamps, the time-space scope for stick-held dip net fishery is expanded. At the moment, the fishing season for catching squids, from February end to the beginning of October in each lunar calendar, the fishermen woul
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    (地理學系, 1986-03-??) 陳憲明
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    (地理學系, 1987-03-??) 陳國彥
    In this essay, it is attempt to classify the climate in Taiwan into several seasons reasonably. Among all the climatic elements which affect the human body, the wet bulb temperature is the most important one. The sensible temperature varies very much and hard to measure by any instrument. But, there is a high correlation between the sensible temperature and wet bulb temperature. Taking all these factors into consideration. the wet bulb temperature is the most suitable elements to descrive the human sensation and to classify the seasons of climate. From the point of view of the wet bulb temperature, it is sugested that the Taiwan's climate could be devided into six seasons, such as winter, spring. pre-summer, mid-summer, post-summer and autumn.
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    Yat'il Encore Une Industrie Rurale a Taiwan﹖
    (地理學系, 1998-05-??) Houssel, Jean-Pierre
    法國學者們認為鄉村工業區對臺灣經濟形成一定影響,但臺灣官方立場則M向高科技都市工業區對臺灣經濟造成影響。對此不同觀點,本文提出鄉村環境透過密集勞力,提供外銷產品,對臺灣工業發展所扮演的重要角色。事實上,臺灣以鄉村環繞著臺北及高雄兩大都會區,在兩大都會區內,農業及工業呈減少趨勢;但臺中及臺南地區,其工業則呈現擴散趨勢,城市與鄉村形成關連性結合,兩地人口不減且密度已高達每平方公里 2,000 人。 我們在此區發現「義大利中部工業環境區」( "l'italie de milieu" )之「自發性工業」("industrie spontanee") 的模式在此出現。 即自 1955 年起,義大利北部大工業中心區(指米蘭 Milan、杜林 Turin 及熱那亞 Genoa 三大城市所形成之倒三角形工業發達區),與南部低開發的農業區之間,產生了上述所謂之「中部工業環境區」,而臺灣的臺中及臺南地區,正好介於台灣三大都會區及其他農業為主的地區之間,恰可比對此模式之義大利中部地區,本區由外銷產品到工業先進國家,產生鄉村中產階級,對國家經濟發展有相當貢獻,而當地工業之穩定繫於農、工兼顧之地區人口;此類地區若要進一步發展為大型工業,則需改善技術並掌握市場。此外,這種工業類型多發生於邊陲國家,有利其國內生活水準之提昇。這裡提出兩組相似的新興工業國家為例:(一)沿地中海盆地區:本區是全球最早發生此類效應的地區;(二)東亞及南亞區:本區是全球人口最多地區,它們環繞日本,起先形成亞洲四小龍, 而新龍則是「東南亞國家協會」( ASEAN,Association of South-East AsianNations )的國家, 而 1990 年以來, 中國大陸及印度, 這兩個「洲國」(etats-continents ), 其南部臨海地區皆發展出此類型工業,亦是容易理解的(參見附圖3 )。