
Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/141


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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1998-04-??) 吳政叡; Cheng-Juei Wu
    In order to test the power of metadata on information retrieval, the author designed and conducted an experiment on a group of seven graduate students using the Dublin Core as the cataloging metadata. The experimental results show that, on average, the retrieval error ratio is only 2.9% for the MES system (URL:, which utilizes the Dublin Core to describe the documents on Web, in contrast to 20.7% for the seven famous search engines including HOTBOT, GAIS, LYCOS, EXCITE, INFOSEEK, YAHOO, and OCTOPUS. The very low error ratio indicates that the users can use the information of the Dublin Core to decide whether to retrieve the documents or not.
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2000-10-??) 何建明; 黃世昆; 莊庭瑞; 李德財  
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    Exploitation of Information Processing Technologies to Extend Digital Library Applications
    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1999-04-??) Jian-Hua Yeh; Jia-Yanh Chang; Yen-Jen Oyan
    This paper discusses exploitation of information processing technologies to extend digital library applications to new dimension. The discussion focuses on the following three information processing technologies. 1.information extraction. 2.deductive inference. 3.data mining. The most significant applications are discovery and derivation of new information and knowledge. This paper discusses how these information processing technologies can be exploited to complement the capabilities of human beings in the digital library domain. the tasks that the developed information processing utilities perform are simple and tedious intelligent information processing. However, because a digital library contains a large quantity of contents, it is common that human beings can hardly carry out such tasks exhaustively. As a result, a great amount of information and knowledge may remain undiscovered without the assistance of assistance of such utilities. On the other hands, with the developed information processing utilities, human being are the released from performing tedious work and can spend more time with more hilosophical activities to derive advanced knowledge.
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2001-10-??) 陳俊湘; Chun-Hsiang Chen
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1997-10-??) 陳雪華; 張玉欣; Hsueh-Hua Chen; Yu-Shin Chang
    National Taiwan University (NTU) is one of the oldest universities in Taiwan and hence possesses a lot of rare books, historical texts, and precious documents. However, the access of these collections seems unfortunately to be limited only to the minority of related researchers inside the campus. This is against the overwhelming trend of information resources sharing. The best way to render these collections available to users all over the world in a more efficient way is to distribute these valuable collections via the powerful WWW. To achieve this aim, NTU Digital Library/Museum (DL/M) Group needs to digitalize these collections and establish metadata for them. This article describes the importance of metadata in digital library, gives a brief introduction to the development of NTU DL/M project, the system architecture of metadata in NTU DL/M project, and finally raises some problems which need to be solved as well as the future development of metadata in NTU DL/M project.
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2008-04-??) 王梅玲; 蔡明月; 陳志銘; 柯雲娥; 蔡佳縈; 陳勇汀; 林怡甄  
    圖書館是保存與詮釋人類文化重要的機構,1990年代開始,網際網路的進步,促成數位圖書館蓬勃發展,有人預測它就是未來的圖書館,因此,圖書館界與教育 界積極參與相關研究。台灣地區歷經日據時期、重建時期、成長時期及茁壯時期四階段,建設許多圖書館,有其豐富的主題與素材值得發展成為數位圖書館。政治大 學圖書資訊與檔案學研究所有鑑於此,提出「『台灣百年圖書館史』數位圖書館」的構想,並獲得政大「發展國際一流大學及頂尖研究中心計畫」經費支持。本研究 計畫目的包括:(1)探索以台灣圖書館事業史為主題的數位圖書館建構模式。(2)建構數位圖書館以支援圖書資訊學教育與研究。(3)研訂圖書館事業史料文 獻的Metadata與數位資料格式。(4)將圖書文獻與文物數位化以建構數位館藏。(5)發展數位圖書館系統與技術。(6)研發數位圖書館網站的瀏覽與 檢索功能。 (7)探討數位圖書館支援數位學習的模式。計畫成果共研訂六種Metadata標準;建置746筆數位化資料;以Dspace系統平台,依據需求設計台灣 百年圖書館史系統架構與網站,最後提出結論與建議。
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1998-10-??) 張品燦; Pintsang Chang
    Digital library is a collection of digital documents. Digital document is a document in digital format whether it is text, sound, graphic, video, or in any combinations. This paper outlines the phases of the life cycle of digital document, and their related technologies. The architecture, functional modules, and operational models of a typical digital library are depicted. Based on the experience of building a (Chinese/Han) digital library, which integrates Internet, World-Wide-Web, relational database management system, and textual search engine, the author presents the research and development directions and guidelines for the (Chinese/Han) digital library development.
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2000-10-??) 謝瀛春; Ying-Chun Hsieh
    從傳播的觀點來看,數位圖書館或博物館的研發,顯然宜參酌「傳播即文化」的理論,記取長久以來一直以「傳輸的傳播模式」理論為主流思考之缺失。過去,以「傳播為傳輸」觀點的理論設計,大都助長了政經勢力,而對人們知識經驗的交流與學習卻少有助益。同時,亦應參考網際網路新媒介之性質及其傳播意涵、「新事物擴散理論」,以及科技發展造成之貧富差距現象,其中尤以網路上文獻的變遷(如動態文獻之特性、文獻匯集、資訊參照等均異於傳統方式)、虛擬閱讀社團(virtual reading community)的出現、使用者即網路內容的觀念抬頭、人機介面的設計(指傳播層面),以及公共資訊的共享和相關資訊的超連結等方面之全盤考量為要。如此將可充分發揮數位圖書館或博物館的功能;不只為知識、專業服務,也為平民大眾樂於接近。集專業化、平民化、普及化之後,可預見民智之提昇、人民生活品質提高之景象。
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1997-10-??) 蔣嘉寧; Chia-Ning Chiang
    The Republic of China has been planning its NII devleopment since 1994. Significant progress in NII development has been made. However, only 3 percent of the content on the Internet is in Chinese, an even fewer percentage was provided by Taiwan. Building digital libraries will create much content and play a key role in the evolution of the Inational infrastructures. This article aims to explore the role and importance of content in the national infrastructures, the development of iitiativen in content industry commenced in 1997, and the evolving role of digital library and life-long learning in Taiwan's NII implementations. A brief introduction is given for the seven digital library projects: Digital Library Consortium, the nfoSpring Digital Library, the Digital Chinese Collection of the Academica Sinica, the Digital Buddhist Scriptures and the Digital Library/Museum of the National Taiwan University, the Internet Literature of Yuan-Ze University, the Remote Electronic Access/Delivery of Documents of the National Central Library; and the National News Bank Pilot Project.