
Permanent URI for this collectionhttp://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/141


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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2004-04-??) 林菁; 洪美齡; Lin Chin Chen; Meei Ling Horng
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2004-04-??) 林美英; 熊漢琳; 郭迺鋒  
    當學習的速度、知識的吸收能量、與創新能力成為知識經濟時代下,個人競爭力的代言時,如何強化學生的學習能有成為教學的重要議題;而由知識的建構過程中落實學習能力的訓練被視為是有效的模式。資訊素養是個人由資訊的需求至應用,建構其知識的能力;而資訊六大技能(Big6 skills)則被視為培養資訊素養的最佳模式,也就是個人知識建構養成的最佳典範。資訊的獲得對於財務金融的活動是關鍵性的要素,資訊素養對於財金系學生而言也更顯得重要,本研究即以資訊六大技能為基礎,設計知識的建構流程,同時,融入合作學習理論,設計教學案例,展現財金知識建構的過程,亦即以全球網際網路為資訊源,結合Excel建構EVA模型,進行財金資訊的搜尋、整理、分析與應用,本案例可作為投資決策分極誤模式,以及學生資訊素養的程序訓練。
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    International Students and U.S. Academic Libraries Revisited
    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2006-10-??) Weiping Zhang
    International students have made a visible presence on U.S. college campuses. They contribute significantly to the cultural life, academic research, as well as the economy in the United States. Academic libraries as a significant component of higher education play a critical role in the academic success of this unique student group. This article studies the issue of international students and academic libraries through a literature review about library services and information literacy education to international students in recent years. Selected research literature published between 2000 and 2005 is examined.The results reveal that most research focuses on commonly perceived concerns pertaining to international students’ use of U.S. academic libraries. Drawing on the current literature and author’s personal experience as a librarian working closely with international students at a U.S. university, this article examines several emerging issues and discusses the implications for future services to international students. The article concludes with recommendations for further study in several specific areas.
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    Evaluating Demographic Websites
    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2005-10-??) Cheng-Zhi Wang
    The conventional criteria of website evaluation are widely applied in evaluating online information, which is an important component of information literacy instruction in academic institutions. However, mainly form the users’ angle and inherently bibliographic, these criteria tend to be general in nature and fail to differentiate the qualities of websites at similar quality levels. Thus, evaluation criteria form webometric perspectives that utilize measurable data and tangible information are needed for more informed assessment. The purpose of this article is to introduce and apply essential webometric criteria to supplement the conventional criteria to improve information literacy instruction. The article first synthesizes the widely used conventional criteria into Six C’s for the sake of simplicity and applicability. Then, important webometric criteria of popularity, profundity, luminosity, and error-checking are introduced. Next, the webometric data collected from leading demography research institutions’ websites in the U.S. are analyzed. The article concludes that while conventional criteria continue to be convenient and useful, particularly for novel web users, a basic set of webometric criteria can serve as a supplemtary tool to provide additional insights into evaluating online resources.
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2005-10-??) 林菁; 洪美齡; Lin Ching Chen; Meei-Ling Horng
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2004-04-??) 曾娉妍; 蘇桂美; 陳麗娟; 黃志龍; Ping-Yan Tzeng; Guey-Meei Shu; Lih-Jiuan Chern; Jyh-Long Hwang
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2004-10-??) 王梅玲; Mei-Ling Wang
    本論文以大學開設資訊素養課程為主題,探討課程的計的與評鑑,以及其與通識教育的關係。首先闡釋大學生資訊素養的意義以及ACRL大學生資訊素養能力標準,其次探討資訊素養課程的設計,包括課程要件、課程規劃、課程發展與教學法,其次研究資訊素養課程的評鑑原理與應用。為應證理論,以California State University與臺灣大學二校資訊素養課程個案說明課程設計與評鑑,最後提出結論與建議。
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1999-10-??) 景祥祜; 張簡誌誠; Hsiang-Hoo S. Ching; J. J. Chang-Chien
    資訊素養融入專業課程的教學理念已愈來愈受到重視,但國內商業教育卻鮮少有 此一理念。本文首先探討現階段大學商業教育教學的概況,以反映資訊素養教育的重要性及 迫怍性。其次,討論大學體制內於商業教育課程中實施資訊素養教育的限制因素,進一步討 論如何誘導資訊素養結合商業教育理念,階段性策略的構思,接著說明理念實踐的過程,並 介紹逢甲大學商學專業網 Sunny Net 的理況, 分享初步的成果,且提出未來展望,以尋求 建立一個可以適用在我國商學專業學科的教學模式。
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    Information Literacy and Lifelong Learning
    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2006-04-??) Yuhfen Diana Wu
    資訊的爆發和全球化所帶來的競爭,對所有行業帶來極大挑戰,為了求生存並能進一步在全球化環境中運用自如,現代的學生必須具有資訊素養;圖書館員和教師能併肩合作,以幫助學生達此目標。本文探討聖荷西州立大學(San Jose State University) 圖書館員如何與教師合作,以期培養學生成為終身學習者,更進一步重點性地敘說部分圖書館員所設計的工具和學習計畫以加強學生資訊素養技能。