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Item 知識經濟發展的省思(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2001-04-??) 葉乃靜; Nei-Ching Yen自從1990年聯合國提出「知識經濟」這個名詞後,全球折起一股知識經濟的熱潮,相關的論述、研究,如雨後春筍般湧現。由此顯示社會大眾已逐漸體認到未來以知識為主的經濟型態,將主導社會的發展。然而,由這些論述中不難發現,多數人對知識經濟的認識仍不夠。因此,本文由知識經濟概念產生的源流談起,說明知識經濟發展的關動力,即創新思維與知識經濟的關係。最後,並對因應知識經濟時代來臨,社會應有的變革,例如教育改革,提出建議。Item 資訊商品化(國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1998-10-??) 葉乃靜; Nei-Ching YenTraditionally, public libraries provide services to public without fee, because one of their missions is to provide free access to information. Today, that mission seems imperiled. Many people insist that information is a valuable commodity, and users must pay for its fare use. The purpose of this paper is to raise the issue of the information commodity and its effects on public libraries. Also, by the discussion of the functions and roles of public libraries, this paper intends to help public libraries in deciding their fee or free policy making.