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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 2002-04-??) 顧力仁; Li-Jen Ku
    《永樂大典》,將「書契以來經史子集百家之書,至於天文、地志、陰陽、醫卜、僧道、技藝之言,備輯為一書。」書凡22,937卷,共11,095冊。《永樂大典》之纂修係依據明文淵閣藏書,其中蘊含五代、十國、宋、遼、金、元諸朝累藏典籍,所以引用許多奧籍秘典,《四庫全書》即稱「元以前佚文秘典,世所不傳者,轉賴其全部、全篇收入。」故《永樂大典》對於後世具有輯佚、校讎等多方面的價值及影響。 由於資訊數位化及網路技術的演進,促使數位圖書館的興起,也由於社會大眾對文化及歷史資產的重視,圖書館珍藏的歷史文獻遂成為數位化的重要對象。隨著資訊科技對圖書館作業型態的影響,古籍的整理也起了相當大的變化,數位圖書館利用資訊科技整理古籍的方式包括建立影像資料庫、全文資料庫及書目資料庫。 本文就《永樂大典》進行數位化所牽涉到的相關問題作一探討,兼論資訊科技對古籍整理的影響,首牨介紹資訊科技對古籍整理的現況及其影響,其次再就影像資料庫、全文資料庫及目資料庫的建立探討《永樂大典》的內容與數位化的方式,最後說明《永樂大典》數位化的意義及效益。
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    (國立台灣師範大學圖書資訊研究所, 1996-04-??) 顧力仁; Li-Jen Ku
    Chinese ancient books have many complex conditions with regards to their content and appearance. Descriptive cataloging of Chinese ancient books were started during the Han Dynasty and revised many times later on. Since the ISBD was published in 1971, the standardization of descriptive cataloging has influenced those of the Chinese ancient books. In Taiwan rare books have been included into the Chinese Cataloging Rules in 1983 as one of the types of records. On the other hand, the Bibliographical Description for Chinese Antiquarian Books was announced in mainland China in 1987. This article discusses the particularities and the description of the Chinese ancient books, the progress and the standardization of their descriptive cataloging, and their future cooperative online cataloging in the libraries of Taiwan.