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Item Dietary amino acids alter fetal brain amino acid profiles in a rat model of maternal phenylketonuria(1991-01-01) Austic, R. E., Su, C.-L., Strupp, B. J., and Levitsky, D. A.Item Dietary level of alpha-methylphenylalanine and phenylalanine in a rat model of maternal phenylketonuria(1991-01-01) Su, C.-L., Strupp, B. J., Levitsky, D. A., and Austic, R. E.Item Dietary characteristics and blood biochemistry in healthy middle-aged Chinese with high, medium, and low fat intake(1991-06-19) Lyu L-C, Cheng H-H, Shieh M-JItem Studies on the effects of large neutral amino acids on fetal brain growth and amino acid metabolism in experimental phenylketonuria(Cornell University, 1991-08-01) Su, C.-L.Item 修訂版全面飲食指標與慢性疾病危險因子及代謝症候群關係之探討(1993-01-01) 李美璇; 盧立卿; 楊鳳玉; 李孟璋; ee, Meei-Shyuan; Lyu, Li-Ching; Yang, Feng-Yu全面飲食指標(ODI)是根據「每日飲食指南」及「國民飲食指標」發展出來的總體飲食品質指標,然ODI與慢性病危險因子之盛行率與發生率關係並不一致。本研究按飲食新建議修訂ODI為全面飲食指標修正版(ODI-R),增加醣類及肉類食物質的評價,減少膳食脂肪的量的影響。ODI-R共9大項,包括飲食指南分數(奶、蛋豆魚肉、蔬菜、水果和五穀根莖等五類食物攝取情形)、膳食脂肪表現(P/S比、膽固醇攝取)、飲食適量及飲食多樣性;其中「五穀根莖」及「蛋豆魚肉」附加品質評量,每項15分,其餘各10分,總分100分。繼以橫斷面與追蹤研究兩種設計,探討ODI-R與慢性病危險因子及代謝症候群的關係。研究資料為87年(橫斷面,50,060人,女性:51.7%)與87與91兩年(世代,4,131人,女性:51.5%)參加某健檢診所19-64歲、非素食會員之人體測量、生化檢查、膳食評估及抽菸、喝酒及運動等行為資料。主要發現如下: 1. ODI-R平均61.3分(範圍:17.3-95.3,SD:11.0,中位數:61.9),>80%的人在51-80分之間;僅3.4%>80分;女高於男(62.2 vs. 60.2);年齡愈長愈高。ODI-R和熱量、醣類、膳食纖維、鈣質、維生素E和C呈正相關;與膽固醇和酒精呈負相關;與脂肪呈弱正相關。ODI-R可表現巨量及微量營養素的攝取;飲食品質愈佳者其生活型態愈健康。 2. 慢性疾病危險因子盛行率及追蹤四年發生率分別為:高血糖(3.3%、1.2%)、高血壓(13.4%、4.0%)、高尿酸(29.1%、16.2%)及高血脂(32.1%、7.8%)。DOH代謝症候群盛行率為14.7%(男:17.9%,女:11.6%);隨年齡上升而上升,男性三年齡組為7.8%、17.8%及28.6%;女性前兩組遠低於男性(1.9%、6.6%),50-64歲組驟升至33.4%。從<20歲到≧70歲之每十年盛行率分別為2.5、4.5、9.3、17.9、30.0、40.7、45.6,與美國相仿。四年追蹤發生率為5.9%(男:7.4%,女:4.4%);女性更年期後陡升至13%。NCEP盛行率及發生率分別為10.4%(男:12.5%,女:8.4%)及4.6%(男:6.0%,女:3.3%)。 3. ODI-R與慢性病危險因子的橫斷面關係具性別差異。其與血糖、平均血壓關連不大;但對總膽固醇(Chol)、三酸甘油酯(TG)及尿酸有保護。男性最高之20%比最低者TG低15mg/dl(趨勢,p<0.0001);Chol低4mg/dl(趨勢,p<0.0001);尿酸結果類似。女性僅Chol與尿酸有保護作用。與ODI相比其趨勢相同,但強度及顯著性均增加。ODI-R愈高分對血脂與尿酸異常有顯著保護,最高五分位組血脂異常的機會是最低組之81%(趨勢,p<0.0001)。飲食品質對男性代謝症候群之保護效果隨年齡增加而增強,兩個較長年齡組之最高分組罹患代謝症候群的危險是最低分組的70%(趨勢,p<0.001)。不分齡趨勢更強(p<0.0001),後四組較最低組有顯著較低的危險。女性僅最高齡組之最高分組有保護(OR=0.81),趨勢也僅及邊緣顯著(p = 0.078)。不分齡趨勢雖顯著但不強(p = 0.04)。將BMI從模式中去除後結果變得更顯著,且兩性差異不再。ODI-R較ODI更能解釋慢性病危險因子異常與代謝症候群盛行率,飲食品質愈佳盛行率愈低。 4. 世代分析:結果較橫斷面分析不明顯,女性在三個年齡層趨勢一致,以TG及Chol保護效應最大;血糖有趨勢但效應不大;血壓則無任何關連。男性則在各年齡表現凌亂,飲食品質對男性而言,對四年後的血壓及血清生化值幾乎完全無保護作用。女性的飲食品質呈現保護的效果,飲食品質最好的那一組有最低的OR,但僅血脂顯著;男性無任一項顯著。比較ODI-R最高分組與最低分組,女性之血糖異常、血壓異常、血脂異常、與尿酸異常發生之OR分別為0.48、0.56、0.50及0.82。血脂異常發生之危險,在控制了其他因素後,隨著得分愈高下降(趨勢,p<0.05)。飲食品質對男性代謝症候群之發生沒有明顯效應,女性則有得分最高組有較低OR的趨勢(p<0.01)。四年之追蹤研究結果,儘管強度不大,仍然指出若飲食的品質較佳,則後續會有三項及以上之代謝異常發生的機率會較低。這種保護效果對女性尤其顯著。 本研究的結果證明飲食品質愈佳,則不論是慢性疾病危險因子或代謝症候群的盛行率與發生率均較低,應該鼓勵民眾之日常飲食應該參照「飲食指南」及「飲食指標」的建議。Item Cross-cultural comparisons between Chinese and American populations: nutrient intakes, obesity, lipoproteins, and apolipoproteins(1993-04-01) Lyu L-C, Shieh M-J, Posner BM, Cupples LA, Lichtenstein AH, Wilson PWF, Schaefer EJItem 幼兒與母親間依附關係與其學校社會能力表現之研究(國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系, 1993-07-01) 蘇建文; 黃迺毓本研究主要目的有三:(1)探討Main and cossidy之6歲兒童依附關係測量方法的可行性;(2)了解我國6歲兒童與母親依附關係的品質與分類;(3)比較安全依附兒童與不安全依附兒童學校中社會能力表現的差異。本研究的受試係80名幼稚園大班兒童及其母親,首先邀請母請與受試前來師大教育心理與輔導學系兒童觀察室,接受6歲兒童依附關係觀察測量,然後以學前兒童社會能力量表,學前兒童行為量表、幼兒人際問題解決能力測驗,以及情感角色取替測驗等四項工具,來測量幼兒的社會能力“本研究之主要結果如下: 1.本研究6歲兒童依附關係測量結果中顯示,受試之安全依附強度與其對母親之重聚行為,包括看母親、對母親微笑、主動與母親互動、回應與配合母親的邀請,以及與母親共同操弄玩具等行為之間具有顯著之正相關關係,而受試之安全依附強度與其逃避母親強度之間則具有顯著之負相關關係。 2.本研究發現,按照Main and cassidy之依附關係分類標準,合於逃避型標準之受試,即不安全型者有15名,佔全體人數之18.75%,其餘均為安全型者,佔81.25%,而抗拒型與控制型者均未出現。 3.本研究進一步將安全型受試分為非常高安全、高安全、中安全,以及低安全四組,再加上不安全組,共為五組,並比較這五組受試社會能力表現的差異,結果發現安全型受試與不安全型受試在學前兒童社會能力、問題行為,以及情感性角色取替能力等方面均無顯著的差異。而非常高安全型與不安全型受試在幼兒人際問題解決能力方面,則具有顯著的差異。非常高安全型的受試表現出較多的流暢性、變通性,以及利社會策略。Item Cross-cultural comparisons between Taipei Chinese and Framingham American: dietary intakes, blood lipids, and apolipoproteins(1993-10-01) Lyu L-C, Shieh M-J, Posner BM, Cupples LA, Ordovas JM, Wilson PWF, Schaefer EJItem Plasma lipoprotein and apolipoprotein levels in Taipei and Framingham(Lipid Metabolism Laboratory, Tufts University, Boston, Mass., 1993-10-01) Lyu L-C, Shieh M-J, Ordovas JM, Lichtenstein AH, Wilson PWF, Schaefer EJWe compared the plasma lipoprotein cholesterol, triglyceride, apolipoprotein (apo) A-I, apoB, and lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] concentrations in a low coronary heart disease (CHD) risk population (n = 440) in Taipei with a high CHD risk population (n = 428) in Framingham matched for age, sex, and menopausal status. Taipei men had significantly lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) (-20 mg/dL, -14%, P < .01) and apoB (-7 mg/dL, -6%, P < .05) levels and significantly higher high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels (6 mg/dL, 13%, P < .01) than Framingham men. Taipei women had significantly lower LDL-C (-18 mg/dL, -15%, P < .01) and higher HDL-C (4 mg/dL, 7%, P < .01) levels than Framingham women. Median concentrations and distributions of Lp(a) by sex were similar in Taipei and Framingham. After adjusting for body mass index and smoking status, only differences in total cholesterol and LDL-C levels remained significantly different for both sexes between the two populations (P < .01). Gender differences for lipids within populations were similar. After adjusting for age, body mass index, and smoking status, women in both Taipei and Framingham had significantly lower mean triglyceride, LDL-C, and apoB levels and significantly higher HDL-C and apoA-I levels than men. Postmenopausal women in Taipei had significantly higher mean total cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C, apoA-I, apoB, and Lp(a) levels than premenopausal women (P < .05), whereas in Framingham postmenopausal women had significantly higher total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL-C, and apoB levels than premenopausal women (P < .05). Our data are consistent with the concept that plasma lipoprotein cholesterol levels (especially LDL-C) but not apolipoprotein values explain some of the twofold difference in age-adjusted CHD mortality between these two populations.Item Relationships between dietary intakes, blood lipids, and apolipoproteins in Chinese and Americans(1993-11-06) Lyu L-C, Wilson PWF, Schaefer EJItem Dietary characteristics and blood biochemistry in healthy middle-aged Chinese with high, medium, and low fat intake(臺灣營養學會, 1994-01-01) Lyu L-C, Cheng H-H, Shieh M-J傳統中式家常飲食是以米食或麵食(主食類)提供絕大部份的熱量來源。近年來,由於富裕的家庭經濟來源,國人的飲食習慣也逐漸傾向著重非主食類為主的飲食;三大熱量供應營養素的分配也傾向脂質提高而醣類減少的型態。本研究之目的為比較高、中、低脂質飲食之特性及其對血液膽固醇(TC),血液三酸甘油醋(TG),及飯前血糖(AC)之影響。樣本取自參加公保健檢之健康中年人,利用24小時回憶法收集其飲食資料;身高、體重、血壓及各檢驗值經由其健檢資料而取得。共分析137位中年人之資料:高脂組為脂質提供熱量45%以上者49人(女35,男14);中脂組為提供30%到45%者39人(女28,男11);低脂組為低於30%以上者49人(女33,男16)。 分析結果摘要如下: (l)飲食特性:總熱量攝取,不論男女皆為高脂>中脂>低脂組;不飽和脂肪酸/飽和脂肪酸比例,不論男女皆為高脂<中脂<低脂組,但無顯著差異。對三大熱量供應營養素之分佈而言,其中蛋白質分佈三組相近,因為當脂質攝取量上升,醣類之攝取便顯著下降,各組間不分男女p值皆小於0.05。 (2)血液生化:不論男女,AC值為高脂>中脂>低脂組,但各組無顯著差異。TG值女生三組中以低脂組最高,高脂組次之;男生為高脂組最高,低脂組次之。TC值男女皆為高脂組最高,低脂組次之。但皆無顯著差異(P>0.05)。 (3)複迴歸結果:無論依變項為AC、TG或TC,在中、低脂組有顯著貢獻之自變項,少有飲食相關者;但在高脂組,這些生化指標則受到多項飲食因子之影響。 本研究顯示,健康中年人如攝取高脂飲食,醣類攝取會明顯下降,其總熱量攝取會略為上升。在中、低脂飲食,飲食因子對心血管疾病相關之血液生化影響並不顯著;但高脂飲食組,便出現相當之影響。Item Cross-cultural comparison between Taipei Chinese and Framingham Americans: dietary intakes, blood lipids, and apolipoproteins(Asia Pacific Health and Nutrition Centre, 1994-03-01) Lyu L-C, Posner BM, Shieh M-J, Lichtenstein AH, Cupples LA, Dwyer JT, Wilson PWF, Schaefer EJInterpretive Summary: The effect of dietary intake on plasma lipid levels was compared in two populations, Chinese living in Taipei, Taiwan and Americans living in Framingham, MA (USA). Dietary information was collected by having the subjects recall all the food and drink they had consumed over the previous 24-hour period. Blood samples were collected and analyzed in the Lipid Metabolism Laboratory at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University. The subjects in Taipei consumed a diet that was lower in total fat and alcohol than the Framingham subjects; they consumed less saturated fat and more polyunsaturated fat. These differences in the Taiwanese diet were related to lower concentrations of total and low density lipoprotein cholesterol, and higher high density lipoprotein concentrations than the Framingham diet. These differences appeared to be due to actual differences in the diet and not to differences in body weight and/or height between the two populations. The data suggest that populations consuming a diet lower in saturated fat and higher in polyunsaturated fat have more favorable plasma lipid concentrations in relation to the risk of developing CHD. Technical Abstract: Dietary intakes (24-hour recall), total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), apolipoprotein (apo) A-I and apo B were assessed in healthy middle-aged subjects in Taipei, and in sex-age-menopause matched subjects in the Framingham Heart Study. Taipei subjects consumed a diet consisting of 16%, 48%, 35% and 1% of calories from protein, carbohydrate, fat, and alcohol, vs 17% 40%, 39%, and 4% in Framingham subjects, respectively. The saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acid content of the diet was estimated to be 9%, 13%, and 13% of total calories in Taipei subjects and 16%, 15%, and 8% in Framingham subjects, respectively. The differences between Taipei and Framingham subjects were quite substantial for lipid parameters but less so for apolipoprotein levels. Gender differences for TG, HDL-C, apoA-I, and apo B were more profound than differences due to nationality. Taipei male and female subjects had significantly lower TC, LDL-C, and significantly higher HDL-C concentrations than Framingham male and female subjects. After adjusting for body mass index (BMI), TC and LDL-C levels remained significantly different for both sexes between populations, probably attributable to differences in saturated fat intake. This study documents that urban workers in Taipei consumed a diet with a relatively high polyunsaturated and low saturated content and had more favorable lipid profiles than Framingham Americans.Item Threonine requirement and threonine imbalance in broiler chickens.(Poultry Science Association, 1994-05-01) Rangel-Lugo, M., Su, C.-L., and Austic, R. E.Three experiments were conducted to determine the effect of excess dietary protein on threonine requirement of broiler chicks to 14 d of age (Experiments 1 and 2) and to determine the threonine requirement from 16 to 28 d of age (Experiment 3). Two dietary protein levels were used in Experiments 1 and 2:20% CP in a threonine-limiting basal diet containing wheat, peanut meal, and selected amino acids and 25% CP in the same basal diet supplemented with a mixture of amino acids lacking threonine. A threonine-limiting 25% CP diet based on corn, soybean meal, and amino acids was also included in Experiment 2. The threonine requirement of chicks from 16 to 28 d of age was determined using a single CP level (20%) in Experiment 3. Threonine requirements were estimated by broken line regression analysis of weight gain and feed efficiency. Threonine requirements based on weight gain were 7.7 and 6.7 g/k g of diet in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively, for chicks receiving the 20% CP diets. The requirements increased to 8.6 and 8.2 g/kg, respectively, for chicks fed the 25% CP diets based on wheat, peanut meal, and amino acids. The requirement for maximum weight gain of chicks fed 25% CP based on corn, soybean meal, and amino acids was 7.7 g/kg of diet. However, chicks ate more of this diet, and on an intake basis, the requirement of the chicks fed the 25% CP diets based on wheat and peanut meal or corn and soybean meal did not differ. Requirements based on feed efficiency were equal to, or less than, those based on weight gain in Experiments 1 and 2. Body moisture and fat contents were affected by dietary CP level (P�< .01), ingredient composition (P�< .01), and threonine content (P�< .05). Estimates of threonine requirements based on regression analysis of plasma threonine concentrations were higher than those based on weight gain or feed efficiency. The threonine requirements of chicks fed a 20% CP diet from 16 to 28 d of age were 6.3 and 6.9 g/kg of diet based on weight gain and feed efficiency, respectively.Item Food composition and nutrient intakes in a family study in Taipei, Taiwan(1994-05-24) Lyu L-C, Yu Y-P, Lee R-S, Ron C-I, Wong H-IItem Relationship of body fat distribution with cardiovascular risk factors in healthy Chinese(Lipid Metabolism Laboratory, USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, Boston., 1994-11-01) Lyu L-C, Shieh M-J, Bailey SM, Dallal GE, Carrasco WI, Ordovas JM, Lichtenstein AH, Schaefer EJThe relationships between six body girths (shoulder, midarm, waist, hip, thigh, and calf) and cardiovascular risk factors (systolic and diastolic blood pressures and glucose, triglyceride, lipoprotein cholesterol, and apolipoprotein levels) were examined in 407 healthy Chinese urban workers in Taipei, Taiwan who were between 40 to 59 years old. Canonical correlation analysis revealed significant associations of upper body adiposity (shoulder, midarm, and waist girths) with cardiovascular risk factors in all subgroups assessed: men, premenopausal women, and postmenopausal women. Waist girth and hip girth were consistent and important variables, and weighted in the opposite direction. Waist-hip ratio (WHR) was the best descriptor of centralized adiposity. Centralized fat distribution was positively associated with blood pressure and glucose, triglyceride, and apolipoprotein (apo) B levels, and negatively associated with high-density-lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and apo A-I levels in this population. Body fat distribution had an effect independent of body mass index and accounted for some of the differences in triglyceride, HDL cholesterol, apo A-I, and apo B concentrations among men, premenopausal women, and postmenopausal women. Our findings in a Chinese population are similar to data from other studies in Western populations, and are consistent with the hypothesis that centralized adiposity is related to cardiovascular risk factors independent of general obesity.Item Relationships between dietary intakes, lipoproteins, and apolipoproteins in Taipei and Framingham(Lipid Metabolism Laboratory, Tufts University, Boston, MA., 1994-12-01) Lyu L-C, Shieh M-J, Posner BM, Dwyer JT, Lichtenstein AH, Cupples LA, Dallal G, Ordovas JM, Wilson PWF, Schaefer EJTo determine whether the lower rates of heart disease in Taiwan than in the United States could be related to associations between plasma lipoproteins and dietary intake, we assessed these indexes in 423 adults in Taipei matched with 420 adults in Framingham, MA. Concentrations of LDL cholesterol were 14% lower, HDL cholesterol 9% higher, and LDL cholesterol: HDL cholesterol 27% lower in Taipei than in Framingham. Dietary intakes of total fat (34%), saturated fatty acids, and cholesterol (338 mg) were, respectively, 16%, 41%, and 19% lower in Taipei men, whereas polyunsaturated fatty acid intake was 89% higher than in Framingham men. Similar differences were seen for women except for total fat and cholesterol intakes, which were similar. From stepwise analyses of all subjects, we observed significant associations of lower LDL cholesterol: HDL cholesterol with higher polyunsaturated fatty acid intakes and lower body mass indexes in both men and women. Our data indicate that the more favorable lipoprotein profiles observed in Taipei subjects may be partly due to differences in type of dietary fat consumption as well as in body mass index.Item 教師成長手冊—幼兒園裡的親職教育(臺北市:信誼出版社, 1994/1/1) 黃迺毓Item 持家藝術(臺北市:宇宙光出版社, 1994/1/1) 黃迺毓Item 回轉像小孩(臺北市:宇宙光出版社, 1994/1/1) 黃迺毓Item 台灣地區父母子女教養方式與子女社會化之研究(1995-01-01) 黃迺毓