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中文摘要 微型模具孔徑或槽寬尺度小於200μm時,除了粗加工困難外,模具壁面 或孔壁面的精加工也很困難,本研究提出一種『懸臂樑式微型搪研工具』的 設計,包括提供複合沉積的多孔性載體設計、搪研工具設計,以及提供剖切 微溝的倒置式微線切割放電加工機構應用,主要針對微米等級的特徵尺度微 孔進行搪研加工。經由線式放電研削修整完成的微細軸桿,移入多孔性載體 中進行CBN磨粒的複合沉積。為獲得懸臂造型工具,以微線切割放電加工方 式進行倒置式切割。成型的微型工具被精密移入SKD11冷模工具鋼的微孔中 進行搪研實驗。所有製程均設計於同一部微型綜合加工機上完成,搪研工具 不拆裝及校正,所有加工位置均由CNC系統所控制,故工具沒有定位誤差問 題,與工件間的相對位置也可精密維持。實驗結果得知,加工後的微小孔可 獲致極佳的幾何精度、尺寸精度與表面粗度。 關鍵字:微型搪研工具、微放電鑽孔、微線切割放電加工、複合沉積。
Abstract The major aim of this study is to present a novel technique for honing the micro hole. It is difficult that makes the micro hole less than 200μm in diameter. A novel process that on-line exactly fabricate the micro honing tool using micro EDM, micro co-deposition and micro w-EDM is proposed for honing the micro hole. A micro rod as the substrate of the micro-tool is formed by w-EDM and then co-deposited with 0-2μm CBN-abrasives. Subsequently, it is axially and crisscross cut for an appropriate length by micro w-EDM to make the crotched microstructure. The finished micro honing tool is moved and located exactly on the existing micro hole via CNC path without being unloaded. The micro honing work is on-line conducted. The whole processes can be on-line realized. Experimental results demonstrate that the circularity and surface roughness on the hole-wall is evidently improved. Comparing with the obtained machining surface by micro EDM hole-drilling, the original surface roughness of near one-sixth time can be achieved. It is indicated that the micro-hole can be honed accurately using the proposed technique. Keywords: Honing tool, hole-drilling, w-EDM, co-deposition



微型搪研工具, 微放電鑽孔, 微線切割放電加工, 複合沉積, honing tool, hole-drilling, w-EDM, co-deposition

