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生涯本有多變的性質,而派遣工作則具有較高的不穩定性,因此派遣員工的職涯發展,讓研究者有興趣一探究竟。瞭解派遣員工的職涯發展,有助於企業於吸引、運用與留住派遣員工,並可在符合組織需求下,協助其達到職涯目標,進而達到雙贏的境界。 本研究以派遣程式設計師為研究對象,以深入訪談進行質性的多重個案研究,共訪談十位個案。主要研究目的是:(1)暸解派遣程式設計師從事派遣工作的動機與滿意情形;(2)暸解他人對派遣程式設計師的態度;(3)探討派遣程式設計師之職涯發展與規劃;(4)瞭解派遣程式設計師對其他與派遣員工職涯發展相關議題的看法。經資料分析結果,提出以下研究結論與發現: 一、對受訪者而言,從事派遣的動機主要為優渥的薪資與將派遣作工作當成正職的跳板,次要動機有喜歡彈性或固定的工作時間、豐富個人的經歷、工作較具有挑戰性或能學到專業的技術、避免長期固定工作可能面臨的困擾、退休後再就業與應徵條件較寬鬆等;大多數受訪者對派遣工作的整體滿意度是正面的。 二、受訪者的家人多數對其從事派遣工作持肯定態度,其公司同事與主管多能以禮相待,一視同仁。 三、四種職涯類型中,除一位受訪者屬盤旋式職涯,其餘則平均分布於穩定狀態職涯(三位)、線性職涯(三位)與不穩定職涯(三位);七成的受訪者未來會優先選擇派遣工作或有條件下選擇派遣工作;八成的受訪者計劃在中短期追求技術導向,長期則追求管理導向。 四、受訪者對其他與派遣員工職涯發展相關議題的看法如下: (一)多數受訪者會優先選擇大公司派遣工作,其次為小公司正職工作。 (二)有關勞退新制對投入派遣的影響,五成受訪者認為有正面影響,另五成則認為沒有影響。 (三)訓練主要由要派企業提供,提供的內容主要為專業技術訓練及語文訓練,而受訪者期望公司提供的訓練除以上兩種外,還有管理面的訓練,五成受訪者認為公司是否提供訓練,對其職涯規劃沒有影響。 (四)多數受訪者認為,公司無義務協助派遣員工進行職涯規劃;有實施組織生涯管理的公司,多僅提供主管諮商與教育訓練;多數受訪者期望公司提供轉任正職的機會與教育訓練,並認為公司是否提供職涯規劃的協助,對其職涯規劃沒有影響。 (五)受訪者建議選擇派遣工作需考慮人格特質、學歷、年齡、工作年資、薪資等;建議從事派遣工作應注意個人權益、工作性質、心理調適與薪資等。
ABSTRACT Career is volatile in nature. Dispatched job is even more unstable, which attracts Researcher to explore the career development of dispatched workers. Understanding the career development of dispatched workers will help the enterprises to attract, deploy and retain dispatched workers and help them to achieve their career goals, whenever the enterprises needs are also met. This will create a win-win situation. The objects of this research are dispatched programmers. The qualitative research is composed of 10 dispatched programmers and each is given an in-depth interview. The main purpose of this research is to (1) understand their motivation and satisfaction to be dispatched programmers, (2) understand other people’s attitude towards dispatched programmers, (3) explore dispatched programmers’ career development and planning, (4) understand dispatched programmers’ perspectives on issues related to the career development of dispatched workers. After analysing the data, below are the conclusions and findings: 1. To the interviewees, the major motivation for dispatched jobs is higher pay and a stepping-stone to land on a full time job. The other motivations include flexible or fixed working hours, enrichment of personal experience, challenging works, acquiring professional skill and to avoid possible dilemma of long-term full -time jobs, and less limitations for applying jobs and also for re-entering job market after retirement. Most interviewees have a positive perspective on dispatched jobs. 2. Most interviewees’ families also have a positive perspective on dispatched work and most dispatched programmers are treated fairly by their colleagues and managers. 3. In terms of the four types of career, only one interviewee belongs to the category of spiral career path while the rest are evenly distributed among steady-state career (3), linear career (3), and transitory career (3). 70% of the interviewees will favour dispatched jobs or choose them under some conditions in the future. 80% of the interviewees lean toward technical positions in the near terms but toward managerial positions in the long run. 4. Below are the interviewees’ perspectives on issues related to career development of dispatched jobs: (1) Most of the interviewees will favour dispatched jobs in bigger companies over full-time positions in small companies. (2) The new retirement regulation is deemed to have a positive impact on dispatching by 50% of the interviewees but no impact by the rest. (3) The training is mostly provided by the user enterprises in the areas of technical expertise and languages. Some interviewees hope the companies can also offer management trainings. 50% of the interviewees feel the trainings are irrelevant to their future career planning. (4) Most interviewees think that neither dispatched work agencies nor user enterprises have the obligation to help them with their career planning. Those companies adopting organizational career management mostly provide only manager counselling and training programs, while other companies provide none. Most interviewees hope user enterprises to offer the opportunity to become full time employees and training. They all think the career planning help provided by the companies have no impact on their career planning. (5) The interviewees recommend taking personal characteristics, education, age, related working experience, and salary into consideration in choosing to be dispatched workers. They also recommend taking personal right, nature of work, mental adaptation, and salary into consideration while accepting dispatched jobs.



派遣員工, 職涯發展, 職涯類型, 組織生涯管理, dispatched workers, career development, the types of career, organizational career management

