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在一個知識爆炸的時代,金融市場的快速變化,加速了金融儲備幹部的產生。金融儲備幹部制度中的職務輪調,雖可促進其對企業各層面職務的了解,但儲備幹部們在每個部門輪調時間較短,可能會造成輪調單位同仁的排擠心態。若在職場上的人際關係產生變化,會降低工作績效也可能間接地影響儲備幹部的敬業貢獻。因此本研究以金融儲備幹部為主要對象,探討其在職場環境當中職場友誼與敬業貢獻之間透過知識分享而產生影響。 利用整理與分析各銀行金融儲備幹部制度的相關資料,再使用問卷調查法的方式來蒐集職場友誼、知識分享、敬業貢獻與金融儲備幹部的量化資料。研究對象以立意抽樣的方式抽取金管會(2015)公佈之23家銀行,並以其中19家具有金融儲備幹部制度銀行採用便利抽樣的方式為抽樣母群。於2015年12月至2016年2月進行問卷調查,共回收184份,刪除無效問卷後得169有效問卷,問卷有效率91%。根據所得之資料結果,以描述性統計、相關分析、迴歸分析進行驗證,並歸納與整理出結果如下: 一、職場中友誼程度越高,會使金融儲備幹部在工作的知識分享的態度與意願也會越高,有助於增進同事之間的友誼關係。 二、知識分享的態度與意願程度越高,有助於提升金融儲備幹部的敬業貢獻程度。 三、職場中友誼程度越高,可提升金融儲備幹部的敬業貢獻程度。 四、增進組織內部知識分享的氛圍,有助於提升金融儲備幹部的敬業貢獻程度精神並使職場友誼的環境更為完善。 根據上述結果,本研究提出一些意見提供金融業人員參考。首先在職場當中主管應輔助部門內部橫向溝通的職場環境,以利部屬之間能產生經驗分享的氛圍,即可強化彼此分享經驗到對工作價值的連結。再者,良好的友誼可以使知識分享態度與意願上升,因此可塑造知識共享風氣,提升部門內職場友善的環境。最後,為強化個人與工作之間的連結,可鼓勵創造知識分享的團隊,使員工在工作上產生更高的敬業貢獻程度。
In an era with massive knowledge explosion, rapid changes from financial markets accelerate the generation of financial MA’s plans. Although job rotations can promote the understanding of the business from every field in MA’s plans, MAs still rotate in a short time in each department, which would probably lead to elbowing out circumstances from other colleagues. Changes of relationships with colleagues in workplace can reduce work performance and probably effect indirectly MA’s job engagement. Therefore, this study investigated on MAs who work in financial banks, and the main purpose of the research is to explore how the workplace friendship and job engagement would influence each other via individual knowledge sharing. This study conducted questionnaires to collected data of workplace friendship, knowledge sharing and job engagement which can analyzed some related information in MA’s plans of each financial bank. This research used purposeful sampling to choose 19 banks, which had MA’s plans as sampling targets, published by FSC (Financial Supervisory Commission) in 2015. Questionnaires were collected from Dec. 2015 to Feb. 2016. After discarding invalid samples, 169 valid samples were left. With descriptive statistics, relative analyses, and regression analyses of the data, the results were concluded and showed as follows: 1. Workplace friendship has a positive significant effect on knowledge sharing, that will help Financial MA’s friendship between colleagues. 2. The higher willingness and attitudes of knowledge sharing would increase job engagement of Financial MAs. 3. Higher level of workplace friendship would be beneficial to job engagement of Financial MAs. 4. By boosting the atmosphere of knowledge within an organizer, job engagement of Financial Mas would arise and thus the atmosphere of workplace friendship would be better. According to the results above, this research provides some suggestions to financial banks. First, organization should strengthen communication with subordinates and his or her fellows in workplace to make atmosphere more kindly. In this way, link between experience sharing and work values with each other can be fortified. Second, good friendship can increase attitude and intention of knowledge sharing, and therefore a knowledge-sharing culture can be created and more friendly workplace environment in each department will be improved. Last but not the least, a knowledge sharing team would be recommended, so employees can link between personnel and work with more performance on job engagement.



金融儲備幹部, 職場友誼, 敬業貢獻, 知識分享, Financial MA, Workplace friendship, Job engagement, Knowledge sharing





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