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資訊科技的進步及網際網路的廣泛使用,大幅改變各種資訊組織方式與資訊尋求管道,圖書館在資訊傳播過程中常扮演重要角色,且圖書館員經常會接觸到各種倫理議題,故圖書館員在面對倫理議題時,必須具備周全的思考與專業倫理決策的能力。 本研究主要目的乃了解大學圖書館館員專業倫理認知與決策,研究對象為教育部94學年度公布之89所公私立大學(不含獨立學院)館員,針對各大學圖書館員進行全面性問卷調查。 研究結果有下列幾點發現: 一、大學圖書館員工作上面臨專業倫理價值兩難時,最常商量對象為同事,但最後決策通常來自上司的建議。顯示當面對周遭違反倫理行為者,會因階層關係採取不同處理方式。 二、整體而言大學圖書館員專業倫理決策思考依據,尚符合「我國圖書館專業倫理守則」內涵。 三、服務年資不同之大學圖書館員其專業倫理認知、解決方法具有差異性;年資長短會影響其面對主管、同儕及部屬違反倫理行為時所採取的決策,且會影響其平日面對專業倫理議題的認知。 四、是否修習專業倫理課程的大學圖書館員對專業倫理認知、解決方法有所差差異;且面對主管、同儕及部屬違反倫理行為時所採取的決策亦有所差別。 五、公立大學與私立大學圖書館員對於專業倫理認知、決策等不具明顯差異。 根據研究結果,本研究提出以下建議: 一、推廣與宣導「我國圖書館員專業倫理守則」。 二、學校或圖書館應定期舉辦倫理講習,並加強人員問題、著作權、讀者隱私權等議題處理能力。 三、圖書資訊學教育融入專業倫理課程。 四、宜加強「自由」、「平等」和「素養」三種專業倫理內涵。 五、主管應以身作則推動圖書館專業倫理。 六、圖書館員應加強倫理決策模式練習。 七、修訂「我國圖書館員專業倫理守則」及其適法性。 八、研訂大學圖書館員專業倫理守則。
With the progress of information technology and massive use of Internet, the information organization pattern and search channel have been drastically changed. Since library generally plays an important role on information distribution, the librarians thereafter face various kinds of ethics issues. The librarian must bear the characteristics with thorough considerations and capability for making professional decisions in front of ethical issues. The main purpose of this research is to understand the professional ethics cognition of the academic librarians and decision of the academic library. This research is found mainly as follows: 1. When the librarians face the professional ethical dilemma, they make discuss with colleague frequently. But the final decision is generally proposed by the superior. 2. On the whole for academic librarian the basis of thinking for making policy of professional ethics is still according to the intension of ' The codes of ethics for librarians '. 3. Influence of the years of service influences on the professional ethics cognition of librarians and solution by librarians is significant. 4. There is difference slightly on cognition of professional ethics or solution by academic librarians that librarians practice in professional ethics course or not. 5. The difference in professional ethics cognition and decision between the librarians of national and private university is slightly. According to the analyses, propositions are presented as follows: 1. Popularize ' The codes of ethics for librarians '. 2. The lecture about ethics should be taken place regularly in school or library. The ability of librarians solve 'personnel issues ', ' copyright issues ', 'patron privacy issues 'also should be improved. 3. The teaching of Library Information Science should consider to include professional ethics courses. 4. To improve the sense of professional ethics on ' intellectual freedom ', ' equal ' and ' literacy ' . 5. The supervisors should promote the professional ethics and set the good examples. 6. To improve the practice about ethical decision-making model for librarian. 7. To revise ' The codes of ethics for librarians ' and the related law. 8. To research and make ' The code of professional ethics of academic librarian '.



倫理, 專業倫理, 圖書館專業倫理, 倫理決策, 大學圖書館員, ethics, professional ethics, library ethics, ethical decision making, academic librarian

