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本研究旨在探討國中資優生與一般生性知識、態度、行為與性教育需求之現況,並比較在不同背景變項上(性別、年齡與家庭功能等),資優生與一般生性知識、態度、行為與性教育需求之差異情形,以及探討性知識、態度與性教育需求對於學生性行為中自我效能的預測能力。 研究採用問卷調查法,以自編之「國中學生性教育現況與需求問卷」為研究工具,研究對象以臺中地區設有國中資優資源班學生以及同校普通班之學生為主,共發出八校,包括:資優生184人與一般生265人,共回收449份問卷,有效問卷429份,有效問卷回收率為96%。問卷資料以百分比、平均數、標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、薛費事後比較法、卡方考驗與多元逐步迴歸等統計方法加以分析與討論。重要研究結果如下: 一、性知識方面 資優生性知識顯著優於一般生,且資優生整體性知識因年齡 與親子溝通之不同而有顯著差異,而一般生整體性知識因年齡與父母親教育程度之不同而有顯著差異。 二、性態度方面 資優生與一般生在性態度上皆偏向正向積極且差異小,且資優生整體性態度因性別與親子溝通之不同而有顯著差異,而一般生整體性態度僅因性別之不同而有顯著差異。 三、性行為方面 資優生相關性行為顯著低於一般生,且資優生與一般生在接觸色情資訊經驗與自慰經驗中,男生經驗皆顯著高於女生;年級愈高經驗亦愈高。 四、性教育需求方面 資優生與一般生性教育需求皆偏向需要,且一般生顯著高於資優生,但資優生與一般生整體性教育需求不因背景變項之不同而有顯著差異。 五、由資優生與一般生性態度與性知識表現皆能有效預測個人自我效能表現。 本研究根據以上結果提出建議,期望能對國中學生、家庭教育、學校行政及進一步研究資優學生性教育之參考意見。
The purposes of this study were to explore sexuality knowledge, attitude, behavior, and sexuality education needs by gifted and regular junior high school students, compare their differences in sexuality knowledge, attitude, and sexuality education needs based on group, age, gender and functions of family, and identify the potential predictors of self-efficacy. Study data were collected through self-edited and structured questionnaires. Subjects consisted of 449 graders selected from 8 junior high schools in Taichung County, Taiwan. There were 429 valid samples (96%), including 184 gifted students and 256 regular students. The results were analyzed based on percentile, mean, Student’s t test, Chi-square test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé method, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. In sexuality knowledge, gifted students had higher sexuality knowledge scores than regular students, meanwhile gifted students were significantly different in sexuality knowledge in terms of genders and communication. Regular students were significantly different in sexuality knowledge in terms of genders and parental education. 2. In sexual attitude, gifted and regular students were inclined to have positive sexual attitudes but not different in scores. Gifted students were significantly different in sexual attitude in terms of genders and communication. Regular students were only significantly different in sexuality knowledge in terms of genders. 3. In sexual behavior, gifted students were significantly lower in sexual behavior than regular students. Among gifted and regular students, boys’ experiences were higher than girls’ and high graders were higher than low graders in pornography and masturbation experiences. 4. In sexuality education needs, gifted and regular students were inclined to demand sexuality education needs, and regular students were significantly higher than gifted students. But Gifted and regular students’ sexuality education needs were not significantly different in terms of background variables. 5. The gifted and regular students' sexual attitude and sexuality knowledge could significantly predict their self-efficacy. These results of this study provide references for junior high school students, family education, school administration and sexuality education of gifted students to further study.



性知識, 性態度, 性行為, 性教育需求, Sexuality knowledge, sexual attitude, sexual behavior, sexuality education needs





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