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國中輔導室建構性別平等教育課程架構和宣導模式之研究 中文摘要 本研究係為國中輔導室建構性別平等教育課程架構和宣導模式之研究,以森林國中(化名)為研究對象,冀能建構性別平等教育三年輔導活動課程,並結合輔導室宣導活動的一種系統性的規劃課程模式。 本研究採質性研究法,透過文件分析與半結構式訪談來建立性平課程,並取其中主題單元結合宣導活動而發展示例與檢核表。研究參與者除研究者本身以外,還包含森林國中兩位輔導教師,並邀請外部專家協助檢視提供建議。 綜合文獻探討、研究歷程與教師回饋,獲致以下結論: 一、建構性平課程從整理性平議題重要概念著手,並顧及相關內容、時數的規範, 確保課程可連貫避免重覆。 二、輔導室性平宣導活動可與輔導活動課程內容結合,設立共同目標而實施。 三、課程與宣導檢核表建立,可供輔導教師自我檢核實施狀況並助於課程調整。 四、性平課程與宣導活動發展歷程可供輔導室推動其它主要業務的工作模式參考。 最後根據結果,本研究提出以下建議: 一、對輔導室的建議 (一)輔導教師應不斷反思、精進自己對性別平等教育的認知。 (二)輔導活動課程設計應以學生為中心且做分享或傳承。 (三)當課程基本架構建立後,可再進而發展校本特色課程。 二、對縣市教育行政機關的建議 (一)確實推動性別平等教育中長期計畫。 (二)給予各級學校課程發展更多的彈性空間。 (三)建立教師在職進修的考核機制。 三、對後續研究的建議 (一)依據學校狀況發展適合的課程與宣導模式方案。 (二)逐漸發展擴充輔導室其它重點工作的課程及宣導模式。 (三)將性平課程能力指標轉化成十二年國教的實質內涵。 關鍵字:性別平等教育、輔導活動課程、課程架構、性平宣導、檢核表
Abstract The Study of the Gender Equality Curriculums and the Propaganda Models Established by the Counseling Division in Junior High Schools The study, based on a case study of Forest Junior High School (alias), is meant for the Gender Equality Curriculums and the propaganda models established by the counseling division in Junior High Schools. The purpose of this research is to plan Gender Equality Curriculums of Counseling Activity in junior high school, and to design a role model which combines courses and propagandas for Counselors ‘Office. The research applies qualitative method, and through document analysis and semi-structured interviews, the research tempts to establish a framework of the Gender Equality Curriculum, and to develop sample patterns and check lists combining theme topics and educational propagandas. Apart from the researcher, two counselling teachers from Forest Junior High School also participate in the research. In addition, experts are invited to assist with examination and offer advice. The results of this study can be concluded as follows: 1. To ensure coherence of courses and to avoid duplication, the construction of the Gender Equity Curriculums can be proceeded by analyzing the important concepts, along with the regulations of related contents and hours. 2.The educational propagandas of gender equality of Counselors’ Office can be conducted along with the counseling activities by setting identical goals. 3.The establishment of curricula and educational propaganda check lists will help to guide teachers to self-check the status of implementation and to carry out the adjustment for courses. 4.The development process of curriculums and propagandas could serve as the model reference for other major tasks promoted by Counselors’ Office. Finally, according to the results of study, some recommendations are offered as follows. I. Recommendations for the counseling division 1. Teacher-counselors should enhance their perception of Gender Equality Education through constant reflection. 2. Curriculums of Counseling Activity should be student-centered and curriculums be shared or inherited. 3. The features of the school-based course could be further developed when curriculum framework is established. II. Recommendations for local education administration authorities 1. Execute the medium and long-term plans of gender equity education. 2. Authorize more flexibility in curriculum development at all levels in schools. 3. Establish the evaluation criteria of teachers ' in-service training. III. Recommendations for future studies 1. Develop suitable curricula and propaganda models based on school modes. 2. Gradually develop and expand other tasks which combine courses and propagandas in the counseling division of Junior High Schools. 3. Transform the ability indicator of the Gender Equality Curriculum into substantive practices in the 12-Year Basic Education. Keywords:gender equity education,Curriculums of Counseling Activity ,Curriculums framework,gender equity education propaganda,check list



性別平等教育, 輔導活動課程, 課程架構, 性平宣導, 檢核表, gender equity education, Curriculums of Counseling Activity, Curriculums framework, gender equity education propaganda, check list

