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本研究主要目的在於了解新竹縣高中職學生校園霸凌之受凌經驗及其相關因素,以作為未來霸凌防制計畫之參考。本研究採自編式結構問卷進行,以新竹縣100學年度之高中職學生為研究母群,經機率比率集束抽樣的方式抽得有效樣本392人。本研究的結果及建議如下: 一、研究對象之受凌型式以言語辱罵、亂取綽號等戲謔性傷害最嚴重,以手機傳送不雅照片或辱罵言語者最少。研究對象受凌後約有八成七的人會求助,求助對象以同學最多、其次是父母。 二、研究對象中男生、神經質性人格特質者受凌經驗較多、學業成績越高者、對學校獎懲、師生關係、同儕關係越正向者受凌經驗越少。 三、研究對象的背景變項、個人因素、家庭生活、學校生活可以有效預測其受凌經驗,可以解釋其總變異量的20.3%,其中以性別、神經質性人格特質、外向性人格特質、學校獎懲、師生關係、同儕關係為主要預測變項,並以學校獎懲的預測力最大。 根據研究結果,針對個人、學校及後續研究方面,提出若干建議,以做為未來校園霸凌防制及輔導之參考。
The main purpose of this study was to examine the victim,s experience of school bullying and its relevant factors toward the Senior High School and Vocational High School students in Hsinchu county. The author applied the probability proportionate-to-size sampling method, drawing samples from students studying in Senior High School and Vocational High school in Hsinchu county in 2012, and generated 392 effective samples. The findings and recommendations of the research are listed below: 1. The victim,s type of school bullying is language bullying,including Verbal abuse or calling names , using mobile phones to send indecent photographs or cursing at least . 86.7% of students who are bullied will seek help. 2. Males and students with neuroticism are more likely to became a victim . Those with high academic performance , positive school rewards and punishments, positive Teacher-Student relationships and positive peer relationships are not as likely to became a victim. 3. Gender , personality traits , school rewards and punishments , Teacher-Student relationships and peer relationships could help to predict if students were being bullied. Using the results of the study , some suggestions were made for individuals , schools and for further studies.



高中職學生, 受凌經驗, Senior High School and Vocational High School students, victim, s experience of school bullying

