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本研究旨在探討社區老人社會支持與幸福感的現況,及分析社會人口學特質、社會支持與幸福感的相互關係及對幸福感的預測因子。選取萬華區65歲以上社區老人採多階段分層叢集抽樣方式進行抽樣,總共發出280份問卷,回收250份問卷,回收率為89%。問卷內容包括社會人口學背景資料、社會支持量表及幸福感量表等三部份。結果歸納如下: 一、本研究對象女性多於男性,平均年齡:78.9歲,主要介於「75-79歲」者最多,以「國小程度」、「喪偶者」、「與某些子女或與某些兄弟姊妹同住」、「有退休金、利息所得、老本」者最多。 二、研究對象在健康狀況以「有疾病」佔79.6%為最多;在是否參與「共餐」,以有參加共餐者最多佔70.4%。 三、研究對象在整體的社會支持屬於中上等程度,就各層面而言,「情感支持」的平均數為3.45分為最高,而工具支持得分最低,平均數為2.936分。 四、受試者的性別不同,對社會支持的表現未達顯著差異。但受試者不同年齡層、不同教育程度、不同婚姻狀況、不同居住狀況、不同經濟來源及是否參與共餐,其整體層面表現均達顯著差異。 五、研究對象「幸福感」整體層面所呈現之幸福感之感受,屬於中上程度。 六、社會支持與幸福感間達顯著,屬於中度正相關,分項相關係數來看,以「訊息支持」與「友伴支持」與整體幸福感之相關性較高。亦即社區老人社會支持愈高,其整體幸福感也愈高。 七、研究對象社會支持能有效預測幸福感,預測可以解釋有47%的變異量,有達到顯著的水準。可以看出社會支持對幸福感有正向影響,社會支持較多之老人其幸福感愈大。
The main purposes of this study were to explore the current state of social support and well-being of the elderly in the community, and to analyze the relationship between background variables, social support and well-being. A multi-stage stratified cluster sampling was addapted for the elderly over 65 in the communities residing in Wanhua District. A total of 280 copies of the questionnaire were distributed and 250 copies were received with a retrieval rate of 89%. The questionnaire included background variables, social support scale and well-being scale. The results are summarized as follows: 1.More femel participants than male in this study. The average age of the participants was 78.9 years old, mainly among the "75-79 years old". The participants with "elementary school education level", "widowed", "live with children or with brothers and sisters", "rely on pension, interest income, or capital for living" were the majority. 2. The health statue of the most participants were "illed", which represents 79.6 of the participants, while 70.4% of the participants joined the "community meal" project. 3.Overall social support is in mid-high level. The averaged score for sub-dimension "emotional support" is 3.45. where the sub-dimension "tool support" score is the lowest with an averaged score of 2.936. 4.Participants' social support did not show significant difference in gender. But social support showed significant difference in participants' age, education levels, marital status, living condition, economic sources and whether they participated the joint meal project. 5.Participants' overall well-being achieved mid-high level. 6.There is a significant correlation between social support and well-being, which shows moderately positively correlated. Sub-dimensions "message support" and "friend support" are correlated with overall well-being. The higher the social support of the elderly in the community, the higher the overall well-being. 7.Social support can effectively predict well-being and can explain 47% of the variance. Social support has a positive impact on well-being. Older people with more social support have greater well-being.



社區老人, 社會支持, 幸福感, community elderly, social support, well-being

