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近幾十年來,人類的生活與科技密切結合,其影響程度在工作場所尤為顯著,而科 技的進步又是如此神速,以至沒有任何產業得以置身度外。車輛工業也不例外,從車輛 的設計、開發、製造與組裝、甚至售後服務,皆受其巨大影響。例如汽車技術人員已不 再只用徒手工具維修,必需透過電腦診斷儀器的協助,以達精準省時的目的,才能維持 企業的競爭力。是故,技專院校的車輛專業教師,如何配合日新月異的科技更新,才不 至於產生教學成果與企業需求間的落差,其教師本身是否具備足夠的產業經驗,就扮演 著非常重要的角色。 因此,本研究的重點著重在發展一套增進車輛教師產業經驗的模式,其研究目的 有:(1)瞭解教師已具備之產業經驗的現況;(2)調查技專院校車輛專業教師,對增進產業 經驗所持之意願及態度;(3)探討技專院校車輛專業教師對增進產業經驗之需求;(4)建構 一套具體可行的技專院校車輛專業教師產業經驗發展模式;(5)綜合研究發現、結論與建 議,提供教育主管機關及技專院校作為提升教師之車輛專業和改進教育品質之參考等五 大項。預期成果為在對教師教學與研究不影響或影響最少的條件下,使其產業經驗增加, 以利日後教學。 為達上述研究目的,本研究擬先就進行文獻探討,具體清楚定義技專校院車輛專業 教師產業經驗之意義與內涵,輔以焦點團體座談,建構車輛專業教師產業經驗之構面, 以及各個構面之指標。再透過專家會議的實施,以技專校院學校車輛專業教師產業經驗 之構面和指標,發展『技專校院教車輛專業教師產業經驗之現況與和成長需求』調查問 卷,以隨機抽樣的方式從技專校院教師選取樣本,針對其產業經驗現況與成長需求進行 調查,並瞭解學校及教師對產業經驗成長所持態度和遭逢之困難問題,將所獲資料加以 比較分析彙整。最後綜合研究成果,據以發展技專校院車輛專業教師產業經驗成長之策 略方案。
It is a fact of life that technology has become the livelihood of society, particularly in the world of work for many decades. Technological advancements involve the integration of technology into a process for changing inputs into outputs. They are also used to provide better, more useful information. Automotive industry is involving in this turbulence without exception, from auto design, development, manufacturing, and assembling, even after-sold service. For instance, most of modern cars built today have an onboard computer circuit that a technician can plug into to determine operating problems, saving countless diagnostic hours for a mechanic, in order to keep holding a competitive ability. However, an automotive teacher enterprise experience of the technology colleges/universities is playing a vital role in decreasing the gap between the needs of an enterprise and the outcomes of a college/university. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to develop a model of improving vehicle professional teachers’enterprise experience for related government institutes under minimizing or not affecting their teaching and research, and to reach the goal of improving teaching in the future. In addition, it aims at: (1) understanding the current enterprise experience of the teachers; (2) investigating the willingness and attitude of those teachers on the improvement of enterprise experience; (3) discussing the needs of those teachers on improving enterprise experience; (4) building a realistic development model for improving the enterprise experience of those teachers; and (5) combining the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the study to provide a reference for the education departments and junior colleges and universities/institutes of technology, in order to achieve the goals of those schools, such as lift the professional abilities of the teachers and improve education quality. Methods of literature review, panel discussion, focus group discussion, and questionnaire survey as well as appropriate statistical analysis techniques will be applied to achieve the above research objectives. Based on the results of the study, a feasible scheme and strategies for effectively improving the enterprise experience and professional competency of the teachers and the quality of instruction at junior colleges and universities/institutes of technology will be developed



