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文字是一個文化傳承、延續的重要載體。現今繁體字的使用不僅是純粹的紀錄,在其造型的發展與結構、功能上應有更多的可能性,以傳統花鳥字為創作研究基礎,透過文字結構與圖像的探討,以圖像與互動科技結合,尋找新的文字互動的方式。本創作研究應用花鳥字畫其畫裡藏字的結構形式,巧妙地融合文字、繪畫於一體為靈感,並以臺灣本土原生種動、植物作為創作元素,以《史記•太史公自序》:「夫春生夏長,秋收冬藏,此天道之大經也。」為出發點,配合時序與生物本身特性將所選臺灣特有種之造型加以延伸、發展出「春生」、「夏繁」、「秋幻」、「冬寂」 等象徵臺灣原生力量的花鳥文字。以直覺式感官互動的方式,達成觀者與創作間的交流與刺激,增加文字深刻的文化力量。本創作研究論述內容為:第一章緒論,主要為背景、研究動機、名詞釋義、研究方法架構之說明;第二章學理依據主要以中文字體設計發展、中文花鳥字體設計概況及臺灣特有種花鳥等相關資料探討;第三章為個案分析與案例蒐集,首先透過設計師游明龍專訪,以其創作「福祿壽囍」分析花鳥字構成創意設計理念,再深入探討臺灣師範大學文創中心之臺灣DNA花鳥紋飾一案,作為特有種花鳥紋飾發展基礎,而後以本創作研究欲呈現之裝置藝術案例分析作為創作形式依據,第四章創作主題、方法與作品說明 ,分別針對創作程序、圖像視覺發展、互動呈現形式一一紀錄。第五章為結論與建議。本創作研究之具體研究價值,在於歸納整理出花鳥字創作方法並以新的互動方式展現觀者與文字本身之間的關係,強化文字於形式、美感與文化上之義涵,跳脫文字與使用者間固有的框架。
“Flying Script”, a study of flower-and-bird script based on Taiwan’s endemic species in the form of Art installation, draws inspiration from the traditional Chinese Flower-and-bird Script and seeks a new way to represent the Chinese culture. In Chinese culture, people use phoenix, Chinese dragon, orchid and various kinds of life forms/mythical creatures as symbols to represent positivity and joy. For embellishment and enhancement of the auspicious effects on special occasions, traditional Chinese Flower-and-bird Script uses those symbols as strokes to form the Chinese characters. The study and thesis project present how unique the traditional Chinese Culture that Taiwan preserves and develops in its own way. Based on the idea of “Language and Characters as the essence of the culture,” “Flying Script” uses the specific endemic species in Taiwan to create the Taiwanese Flower-and-bird Script and apply it to the interactive art installation. This thesis is divided into five parts: Chapter I introduces the background, motivation, interpretation of terms and the architecture of this research; Chapter II discusses related theories and concepts on traditional Chinese flower-and-bird script; Chapter III includes case study, design and analysis of the works by Taiwanese designers; Chapter IV presents the development of the project; Chapter V ends with the conclusion and suggestions. The aim of this study is to represent the traditional artwork in a new form.



美術字體, 花鳥字體, 繁體字, 臺灣特有種, 互動裝置藝術, Typography, Flower-and-bird Script, Traditional Chinese font design, Endemic species of Taiwan, Interactive Art Installation





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