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  近十幾年來環境產生許多問題,使得全球開始表達對氣候變化問題的關注,政府與企業並積極採取環境保護的作為,而旅館業者也開始將環保意識落實到旅館經營的具體措施中,因此環保旅館孕育而生。故本研究主要目的為探討旅館備品便利性與企業環保形象對服務品質及購買意願之影響,並以消費者環保行為為調節變項。   本研究設計採用實驗法,以「備品便利性」與「企業環保形象」為本研究操弄之自變項,採3×2的實驗矩陣,問卷依此分為6個版本,每一位受試對象會隨機分派到實驗組合中的其中一個作為操弄。研究樣本為283位受試者,台北車站出口為發放地點,並以兩年內有旅館住宿經驗者為發放對象。所蒐集之資料利用SPSS 17.0套裝軟體作為資料分析工具。   研究結果發現,備品便利性與企業環保形象對購買意願有正向之影響;備品便利性與企業環保形象對服務品質的無形性與有形性具部分正向之影響;而服務品質的無形性對購買意願也有正向之影響,所以服務品質具有部分中介之效果;但環保行為對服務品質與購買意願之間並無調節作用。最後,本研究根據研究結果對未來研究與實務提出建議,給予未來旅館業者發展與推廣環保旅館之參考。
Nowadays, environmental problems caused by climatic changes have become the most important concern in the world. Both the government and enterprises take actions to protect our environment. Especially, hoteliers attempt to practice ecological strategies in hotel management. Accordingly, there comes “green hotel.” the research purpose of this thesis is to analyze the influence of the convenience of amenities and corporate eco-image on service quality and purchase intention. Customers' ecological behavior is the moderator variable. The study is an experimental research which aims to investigate the effects of the convenience of amenities and corporate eco-image. The study is designed by 2 × 3 factors. There are 6 fictitious scenarios of the questionnaires which will be sent to respondents randomly. 283examinees as Subjects in this study are those who have hotel accommodations in two years. Data was analyzed by SPSS 17.0. According to this research, the convenience of amenities and corporate eco-image have positive influences on purchase intention. Furthermore, service quality is also a media which partially affects purchase intention. Eco-friendly behavior, however, cannot adjust service quality and purchase intention. Based on the result of this research in this thesis, I intend to give some suggestions to future research and practice and to be one of the consultations for hoteliers and green hotels.



備品便利性, 企業環保形象, 服務品質, 環保行為, 購買意願, Convenience of Amenities, Corporate Eco-image, Service Quality, Eco-friendly behavior, Purchase Intention

