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機構團體定期舉辦昆蟲營隊會安排接觸昆蟲活體的教學活動,但昆蟲嬌小、脆弱,很容易造成傷亡。參加的學員年齡多在道德他律期,易受成年人影響,所以教學人員在情境中的教學行為可能會造成示範的效果。本研究基於關切教學時活體昆蟲的生命福利,以及教學內容是否能傳達友善環境的價值觀和行為,調查教學第一線的教學人員對昆蟲的價值觀與教學行為。 本研究採用調查研究法,普查台北市及新北市各機構的昆蟲營隊教學人員。以Kellert(1996)的九種價值類型及生命中心倫理學者的理論發展價值觀量表,並且以道德兩難情境發展教學行為意向的開放式問卷。共發放81份問卷,回收54份,有53份為有效問卷。調查價值觀的結果顯示教學人員在生態價值表現最高,最低的是否定價值。個人背景則以女性或以志工身分參與者對「昆蟲個體生命較不傷害的價值觀」表現顯著較高。男性、年齡較輕者、擔任營隊內規劃工作者、未曾受過師資培訓者或非志工身分者對於「昆蟲個體生命較傷害的價值觀」顯著較高。 行為意向調查結果發現教學人員普遍認為學員需要接觸活體及進行戶外觀察,且大多數會安排採集活動,但基於考量昆蟲個體福利則不設陷阱、且不鼓勵飼養。可將其分類為考量「教學效果」、「生態族群」與「昆蟲個體福利」三類,當中以考量「生態族群」最多,考量「昆蟲個體福利」者不到四分之一,且許多教學人員在行為上有前後矛盾的情形,需進一步釐清,所以本研究建議應確立教學目的、將生命福利議題融入在人員的專業訓練、適時使用多媒體取代直接接觸、利用原有環境內的設施取代設置陷阱、重視過程而非強調結果。建議未來的研究可將昆蟲生命福利議題融入課程方案中、發展適當的教學方法及製作觀察與採集倫理示範教材。
Lots of organizations hold entomology camps and arrange activities to touch insects. But because insects are tiny and tender, they will easily get hurt or die. Most students participate those camps are during the state of moral heteronomy, and they are easily affected by adults. So behaviors of instructors in the situation may become a model. Because of concern live insects' welfare and whether the contents of camps can transfer friendly values, this study surveyed instructors who are the frontline of education and behaviors toward environment. This study use survey research and censuses to instructors are from Taipei city and New Taipei city. One part of the questionnaire is value scale was developed by using Kellert(1996) typology and some biocentric theory. The other part is the behavioral intention which was developed by using moral dilemmas reasoning items. This study surveyed 81 instructors and finally got back from 53. The most value toward insects is the ecologistic value, and the least one is negativistic value. Following signification ANOVA tests, those who are female or voluntary expressed less harmful value to insect life. And who are male, junior, doing planning work, never passing teacher education programs or involuntary expressed more harmful value to insect life. On behavioral intention, almost all instructors would arrange students to touch live insects and lots of instructors would collect insects during the campus. Depending their behavioral intention, those instructors could be separated to three group “concern of learning effectiveness” ,”concern of ecology and population”, or “concern of insects individual life welfare”. And instructors who "concern of learning effectiveness" expressed more harmful value to insect life than other two group. Most of those instructors are ”concern of ecology and population” and there are less than 1/4 instructors really concern about insects individual life and their welfare. And this study find that some instructors have contradiction between their behaviors. So this study suggests that camps should make sure their education purpose, and the issue of insects' welfare should be contain in the training for instructors. Using media appropriately to replace touching live insects . Avoid using trap unless education purpose need that. Emphasizing process than result. The future research can try to find the effect toward students of insect welfare course programs, and develop appropriate teaching method and materials.



生命價值觀, 昆蟲營隊, 動物福利, 教學行為意向, values of animals, entomology camp, animal welfare, behavioral intentions

