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環境教育的目標為培養出能積極採取行動來解決環境問題的公民,而臺灣近年來各種社會環境行動不斷,民眾在進行環境行動時,其過程也是一種作中學的環境教育。行動能力的概念為丹麥學者提出,旨在讓學生從實際的環境行動中學習如何行動,培養批判性思考,並從參與行動過程體會民主的精神。而增能是近年來常被討論的概念,其中心思想為居民藉由對他們認為重要的議題行動,在過程中培養權力的概念,以便能對他們的生活、社區及社會產生影響。 本研究採質的研究法為主,包括參與觀察、訪談、文件蒐集與札記。本研究歷經二年,實際經歷住屋節能改善行動各項活動,以推動節能改善行動的民間環保團體、參與住屋節能工作坊課程的學員、及節能改善實作案例的住戶成員為主為研究對象。歸納分析之後,發現參與住屋節能環境行動的成員所學深受行動的背景與過程影響,而其學習與影響可分為四個面向,包括綠色公民行動聯盟環保組織的學習及改變、民眾參與節能工作坊課程的後增能影響、節能改善實作過程對住屋成員造成的影響、以及對環境行動的看法。 在「民間環保團體的學習及改變」方面,環保團體擴大議題策略,不再完全以批判爭議來做為組織論述主題,增加能源與環境議題教育的扎根工作,來喚起民眾對能源與環境議題的重視意識,以較廣及軟性的議題來論述及經營,逐漸獲得更多民眾與社會的認同及支持。在「民眾參與節能工作坊後的影響」方面,計畫執行者以各種方式傳達節能議題教育民眾,研究發現參與住屋節能行動成員在行動中的確培養了行動能力,並且經歷了增能過程,與其他同好或社會大眾的互動中也逐漸對他們造成影響。在「節能改善實作住屋成員的影響」方面,研究發現,節能改善的方式不一定要更換硬體設備,也可以是使用者的想法、行為或生活習慣的改變。在「對環境行動的看法」方面,成員體會到行動的過程重於結果,民眾參與的重要,並知道如何處理與應用專業知識。 最後,根據研究結果,對於參與者的環境覺知、節能行動的誘因、民間環保團體的社會資本,以及環境教育者應用行動能力概念設計課程提出建議。
The goal of environmental education is to motivate citizens to take action to solve environmental problems. Many cases in Taiwan have initiated environmental actions; some have found that the process of taking action is a form of environmental education in itself. The concept of “action competence” as proposed by Danish scholars refers to letting student learn how to take action, develop critical thinking, and experience the spirit of democracy from actual environmental action. Empowerment is the process in which residents develop the feeling of power to can take action that influences their lives, community, and society. The target group of this research is the participants of the energy-saving action. Research methods include two-year participant observation, in-depth interviews, data collection, and field diaries. After data analysis, this research found that the participants’ learning is deeply influenced by their background of opposition as well as the actual process of taking action. Major findings can be categorized into four aspects as summarized below. 1. Environmental organization members’ learning and changes: Environmental groups expanded their strategy, not only critical issues for the organization to do on discourse topics. They also increased energy and environmental education rooted work which aroused people to aware the important of energy and environmental issues. To operate with broader and soft topic actions, the environmental organizations are gradually gotten more public recognition and support from the community.. 2. The impact of people after participating in the energy-saving workshop: The implementers of energy-savings action plan tried in a variety of ways to educate the public. The participants of energy-savings workshop indeed did a development of action competence in the action operation and were experienced by the empowerment process. The interaction with their companies or public community had gradually impacted to themselves. 3. The impact of house energy-saving action members: The study found that Energy-saving improvements are not necessarily the way to replace hardware equipment. They can also be users’ thoughts, behavior or lifestyle changes. 4. Opinions about environmental actions: The participants realized that the process of taking action is more important than its result. They also came to know the importance of citizen involvement and how to deal with and apply specialized knowledge. Finally, in light of the research results, some suggestions are proposed to environmental awareness of participants, incentive of environmental action, social capitals of non-government organization, environmental education programs and applications of action competence.



節約能源, 環境行動, 行動能力, 培力增能, energy-savings, environmental action, action competence, empowerment

