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本篇研究主要目的為探討多重表徵教學法與傳統教學法對學生於波動與聲音的世界單元的學習成就及學習內容保留是否會有所差異。研究對象為北市某國中二個八年級的班級共48位學生,研究採準實驗研究設計方式進行,其中實驗組學生有23人,實驗組之教學方式是「多重表徵教學法」;對照組學生有25人,對照組之教學方式為「傳統教學法」。研究工具為研究者自編之學習成就測驗:內容為波動與聲音的世界的概念,並進行前測、後測及延宕測。 研究結果如下:(一)實驗組學生與對照組學生在學習前無顯著差異,表示兩組學生起點行為差不多;(二)實驗組學生在學習成就上顯著優於對照組學生;(三)實驗組學生在學習保留成效上顯著優於對照組學生。 本研究建議如下:(一)教師多使用多重表徵進行教學,不但能提昇學生的學習成就,也能讓教學多樣化;(二)對於較抽象的科學概念,不容易理解及連結之單元,如聲音、光、電磁,教師可嘗試使用多重表徵進行教學;(三)本研究參與的學生人數不多,多重表徵教學組和對照組的人數分別為23 人和25 人,於未來的研究上可增加參與者的樣本人數,讓得到的研究數據將更加具有說服力。
This study is mainly explored whether or not the difference existed between students’ learning achievement of waves and sound of the world with applying Multiple Representations Teaching and Traditional Teaching. Research object is 48 students of 2 Grade 8 classes from a junior high school in Taipei City. In addition, Quasi-Experimental Design is adopted to conduct this research. Experimental group is compose of 23 students and has been applied with “Multiple Representations Teaching”; meanwhile, applied “Traditional Teaching Methods”, to 29 students in the control group of this study. The research tool in this study:the self-developed Learning Performance Test by the research: Contents were the concepts of waves and sound of the world, and conducting the pre-test, post-test, and delayed measurements. Research results are as follows: (1) the experimental group and control group students was no significant difference in learning before, that almost behavior of two groups of students a starting point; (2) the experimental group was significantly better than control group students in the learning achievements; (3) experimental group of students in the learning to retain the effectiveness was significantly better than control group students. In this study, the following recommendations: (1) teachers make more use of multiple representations in teaching, not only can improve student achievement, and also allow diversification of teaching; (2) the more abstract scientific concepts easy to understand and link units, such as sound, light, electromagnetic, teachers can try to use multiple representations for teaching; (3) the participation of the study with small number of students, the number of multiple representations of teaching and control groups were 23 and 25, in future research increase the sample size of participants, so that the obtained data will be more persuasive.



另有概念, 學習成就, 學習保留, 多重表徵, alternative conceptions, learning achievement, learning retention, multiple representation

