陳延輝博士Dr. Yen-Hui Chen宋卓立Juo-Li Sung2019-08-282008-7-92019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095102121%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85537當代「認同」問題屢屢挑動台灣社會敏感神經,致族群關係淪為特殊場域政治操作的工具,台灣社會的衝突常肇因族群意識矛盾而起,使得「國族認同」不是被刻意避而不談,就是形成意識形態之爭。本論文刻意略過爭議性極高的「國族認同」問題,探討具體而微的「太魯閣族族群意識變遷」,依據筆者觀察,太魯閣族以外顯特徵相似度極高的客觀條件,自泰雅族中抽離並擺脫百年來學術上的分類歸屬,以自我主觀認同獨立成族,和台灣社會的國族認同發展模式,竟有諸多巧合與雷同。 泰雅族是台灣社會較為熟悉的原住民族,相對而言,太魯閣族對許多人相當陌生,更遑論2008年4月23日被我國政府核定為第十四族的賽德克族。而刺激賽德克族自泰雅族中解構的動力,來自太魯閣族激烈的分離行動,因此,探討太魯閣族族群意識變遷的脈絡,有助於瞭解泛泰雅族認同解構與台灣原住民族群意識動態發展過程的全貌。 太魯閣族與泰雅族是同根同源的親緣關係,約三百年前遠離南投祖居地向台灣東部山區遷移,時空因素導致萌生獨特的自我認同意識,1894年日本殖民政府在台始政,嚴厲的理蕃政策與武力行動,漸次凝聚與發展出「我群」的觀念,透過近代正名運動的推動,顛覆維持近百年的單一泰雅族架構。部份族群菁英懷抱民族主義的理想色彩推動正名,但過程亦不乏政經利益的競逐與文化、信仰衝突的現實。太魯閣族正名運動最終結果,是我國原住民族從客觀條件為認定標準,轉變成以自我主觀認同為依據的分界,其效應已在近期賽德克族正名乙案中體現,未來對國家原住民政策與族群關係發展方向影響如何,尚待後續觀察。 【關鍵字】族群關係、認同、原住民、太魯閣族、集體記憶Recently, identification issues repeatedly arouse conflicts in Taiwan society. Ethnic relation even has become politic tool which causes more opposition among the public. During the research on national identification issues, the writer finds out the connection between national identification and ethnicism which are highly similar and coincident in many ways such as the mode of how identification forms. Furthermore, in the writer’s observation, the Truku amid 14 aboriginal races in Taiwan is especially a vivid example to investigate the similarity between Taiwan national identification and ethnicism for their independence from the Tayal by their self-subjective identification. To be specific, the Truku is foreign to Taiwan society comparing to the Tayal which is one of the biggest Taiwan aboriginal races. There two races, which are relative from the same origin in Nantou 300 years ago, used to be merged into only the Tayal race for indigenous management policy and armed-force activity during colonized by Japan since 1894. After almost 100 years under one Tayal frame, some race elites have advanced campaign to rectifying the name of Truku currently. Even though the period of the campaign was full of conflicts of political benefits, cultures and beliefs, the Truku still won the campaign to rectifying their name. Moreover, the success of the Truku gives the Seediq inspiration to be independence from the Tayal as well. Since then, the defining standard, which Taiwan aborigines use to classify races, has changed from by objective conditions to by self-subjective identification. In Short, via investigating the case study of ethnicism change of the Truku, this thesis can hopefully help to understand the identification of the pan-Tayal and the dynamic development process of Taiwan aboriginal ethnicism. By the same token, the understanding Taiwan ethnicism change could be applied to comprehend the development of Taiwan national identification change. Finally, with these knowing, the writer hopes to contribute useful findings on the ethnicism change of the Truku to related study area. 【Keywords】Ethnic Relation、Identification、Aborigines、the Truku、Collective Memory族群關係認同原住民太魯閣族集體記憶Ethnic RelationIdentificationAboriginesthe TrukuCollective Memory台灣原住民太魯閣族族群意識變遷之研究The Study on the Ethnicism Change of Taiwan Aborigines—Case Study of the Truku