沈慶盈石守正2019-08-292010-8-102019-08-292010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095023111%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92286本研究主要目的在探討公部門社會工作員工作壓力、專業承諾與離職意願之間的關聯性。樣本來源採立意抽樣以臺北縣市社會局與家庭暴力暨性侵害防治中心之社會工作員為對象,共450位,回收255份,回收率55.6%。研究工具則為自編問卷,包含「社會工作員工作壓力量表」、「社會工作員專業承諾量表」及「社會工作員離職意願量表」。資料以SPSS套裝軟體進行次數分配、平均值、標準差、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元逐步迴歸之統計分析以檢驗各變項間之關聯性及預測力。 研究結果顯示: 一、公部門社會工作員工作壓力略低於中間值,以「工作負荷」最高;專業承諾偏向正向,以「專業生涯正向評價」最高;離職意願則較中間值略低。 二、台北縣、女性、社工相關科系、工作年資滿1年到20年間的社工員的工作壓力較高。 三、「1年以下公職年資」社會工作員的專業承諾程度較「5年~10年公職年資」者為高。其餘背景變項在專業承諾上皆無顯著差異。 四、女性、年紀輕的社工員離職意願較高;此外從事直接服務或在社會福利服務中心、早療中心與遊民中心之社會工作員的離職意願高於從事間接服務或服務單位為科室的社會工作員。 五、逐步迴歸結果顯示角色模糊、專業生涯涉入意願、與主管人際關係、工作負荷、科室、家防中心、專業生涯正向評價及男性等八個變項,共可解釋離職意願的變異量達55.1%。角色模糊、與主管人際關係及工作負荷等工作壓力會提升公部門社工員的離職意願,專業承諾的專業生涯涉入意願與專業生涯正向評價則能降低公部門社工員的離職意願。此外,科室與家防中心社工員的離職意願較安置機構社工員為高,男性社工員的離職意願則較女性社工員為低。 本研究最後針對社會局與家庭暴力暨性侵害防治中心、社會工作員及未來研究分別提出具體建議。The main purpose of the thesis is to study the relationship among the social workers’ stress from work, professional commitment and turnover intention in the public sector. The sample consists of 255 social workers in the Departments of Social Welfare of Taipei City and Taipei County Governments, and the Taipei City Center for Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. The research tool is a self-designed questionnaire, including “the Index of the social workers’ Work Stress”, “the Index of the social workers’ Professional Commitment “, and ” the Index of the social workers’ turnover intention”. The survey data was analyzed by SPSS software, including descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and stepwise regression. Research findings: 1. The overall working stress recognized by social workers in the public sector is slightly lower than the intermediate quantity, the highest to be “working load”; professional commitment deviation to be positive, with “appraisal of professional career” being the highest; turnover intention in contrast to intermediate quantity to be slightly lower. 2. Working stress are higher among social workers in Taipei County, female social workers, those with non-major educational background, and those in service between 1 year up to 20 years. 3. Social workers that have “period of service below 1 year” have relatively higher professional commitment than those who are “5 years ~10 years in public service”. Other background variables show no significant differences. 4. The turnover intention is high among female and younger social workers, also higher among those who engage in direct services, who work at social welfare services center, at early intervention center and/or at homeless shelters in comparison with social workers who engage in indirect services or work in administrative offices. 5.The stepwise regression result shows that there are 8 factors account for 55.1% of the variance of turnover intention, which includes role ambiguity, the will of career involvement ,interpersonal relationships, working load, departments, professional career to appraise and gender. Role ambiguity, interpersonal relationship and working load would promote the turnover intention; the will of career involvement and professional career to appraise would reduce the turnover intention. In addition, the turnover intention in social workers at the administrative offices and The Center for Prevention of Domestic Violence is higher than who serve at home/shelter organizations re-placement organization. Male social workers adapt lower turnover intention than female. Implications for social workers, the Departments of Social Welfare, and the Center for Prevention of Domestic Violence to develop feasible strategies for successfully reducing workers’ turnover intention are discussed.社會工作員工作壓力專業承諾離職意願Social workerWork StressProfessional commitmentTurnover Intention公部門社會工作員工作壓力、專業承諾與離職意願之研究—以台北縣市政府社會局為例A Study On Work Stress, Professional Commitment And Turnover Intention Of Social Workers In Public Sector In Taipei Metropolitan Area