國立臺灣師範大學教育學系王麗雲2014-12-022014-12-022004-04-011022-1670http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39043本文針對訪談研究中較少受到注意的菁英訪談進行介紹。在教育社會學、教育政策、教育政治學、行政等領域中,透過訪談菁英搜集資料已成為相當常見且重要的研究方法,可是國內對於這部份的介紹,仍然停留在一般訪談方法介紹的層次,為了能夠作好教育研究中的菁英訪談工作,研究者透過文獻分析與個人訪談菁英多年的經驗,針對菁英訪談的重要性;誰是菁英;菁英訪談常需面對的挑戰與出路;菁英訪談應注意事項;分析菁英訪談資料應注意的事項加以整理分析,以供國內需要應用此方法者作為參考。Concepts and techniques for conducting interviews of influential people are often neglected in educational research in Taiwan. However, collecting data via interviewing influential individuals has become an important and frequently used method in the fields of sociology of education, educational policy, politics of education, and educational administration. Most of the books on interview studies focus on general principles and strategies for conducting interviews and analyzing interview data which are inadequate for conducting interviews of influential people. In order to help researchers do better jobs in addressing their research questions through interviews with influential individuals, I wrote up this paper based on literature review as well as my own experiences in conducting such interviews in several projects. The paper covers the following topics: the importance of interviewing influential people, the identification of influential people to be interviewed, challenges and solutions in collecting data from influential people, preparation needed for conducting successful elite student interviews, and guidelines for analyzing the interview data.菁英  訪談研究influential peopleinterview教育研究中的菁英訪談Interviewing Influential Individuals in Educational Studies