張子超周儒2014-10-272014-10-271998-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17272本研究的目的是針對運作良好且具代表性的民間團體,進行深入的研究,以探究他們推動環境教育活動的情形,並歸納他們推動環境教育的模式。本計畫採用質化研究的方法,以目的性取樣的考量,選取了七個民間團體進行資料內容分析及深入訪談的研究。文獻內容分析及深入訪談的範圍包括:組織成立之時間和宗旨;組織架構;與政府、學術機構、其他民間團體、國際組織之互動情形;尤其是推動環境教育之模式與經驗,更是本研究分析與討論的重點。本研究在結果與討論中,針對每一個民間團體所推動的環境教育活動是特點,做清楚的描述與分析。最後歸納出十二項環境教育活動的內涵:成立自然公園是共同的主張、解說員訓練是主要途徑、重視親子活動的形式、與社區意識的結合、都會區自然步道的設立與解說、自然體驗是環境教育活動的重要內涵、關懷周遭環境議題維護自然生態、結合學校教育、婦女力量的發揮、關切日常生活的議題、大眾傳播媒體之應用、及環境教育理念與理論的融入。This study was designed to have a complete and comprehensive understanding of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) implementing environmental education in Taiwan. This study with a qualitative perspective was a descriptive research. Indepth interview and content analysis were used in the study to explore and describe seven representative NGOs which were chosen with the consideration of purposive sampling. The focuses of the interviews and content analyses were the time and goals of the establishment of each NGO, their organizational structures, the interaction between these NGOs and government, research institutions, and other domestic and international NGOs, and especially their strategies and experiences of implementing environmental education. The results outlined the special features of each NGO's environmental education activities, and concluded with twelve themes of NGOs' implementation of environmental education activities: building nature parks, interpreters training programs, family activities, community awareness and activities, city nature trail systems, natural awareness, concerning about community environment, school environmental education, women's contributions, caring about daily issues, applications of mass media, and infusion of the goals of environmental education.環境教育民間團體Environmental educationNongovernmental organizationsNGOs民間團體推動環境教育活動內涵之研究A Study on Nongovernmental Organizations Implementing Environmental Education in Taiwan