陳政友劉秀枝2019-08-282005-7-252019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00H1053019%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87408摘 要 本研究旨在探討台灣地區國民小學校護執行學生健康管理工作現況及其相關因素。研究對象是九十四年度現職之學校護理人員,研究工具為自擬之結構式問卷,以郵寄方式進行調查研究,總計發出問卷450份,回收有效問卷364份,回收率80.89%。 研究結果主要發現如下: 一.研究對象對學生健康管理工作具正向認知,工作認知得分最高為學生健康資料管理與應用。影響學生健康管理工作認知之相關因素有專業執照、工作經驗、校護工作年資、學校屬性、社區醫療資源運用情況、家長配合情形、學校行政支援等因素。 二.研究對象對學生健康管理工作具正向態度,在學生健康管理工作責任歸屬,九成以上的研究對象均認為校護應負責各項健康管理工作。工作態度得分最高為學生健康資料管理與應用,得分最低為健康監測,其中以環境監測工作態度得分最低。影響學生健康管理工作態度之相關因素有教育背景、工作經驗、學校屬性、兼辦非衛生相關業務情況、家長配合度、學校行政支援等因素。 三.研究對象對學生健康管理工作執行,得分最高為學生健康資料管理與應用;得分最低為特殊疾病管理,以針對特殊疾病學生,應定期實施家庭訪談之執行情形最不理想。學校規模以「12班以下」小型學校工作執行最佳。影響學生健康管理工作執行之相關因素有校護工作年資、專業執照、學校屬性、學校規模、兼辦非衛生業務情況、社區醫療資源、家長配合度、學校行政支援等因素。 四.學生健康管理工作認知、工作態度與工作執行三者之間成顯著正相關。 五.學生健康管理工作執行之預測變項,以「研究對象對學生健康管理工作態度」、「學校規模」影響力最大,其次是「家長配合情形」、「兼辦非衛生業務情況」、「社區醫療資源」,「護理人力」、「學校屬性」。 本研究結果建議 1.檢視現有學校護理人力問題,落實學校衛生法之人力編置。 2.提昇學校護理人員功能,有系統規劃校護在職訓練課程,培訓兼具護理專業功能與教育責任的學校護理人員。 3.加強特殊疾病學生管理,結合學校、家庭、社區醫療的資源,建立特殊疾病醫療轉介制度。 關鍵字: 國民小學、學校護理人員、學生健康管理The main purpose of this study was to research that elementary school nurses how to execute the health management jobs and relational factors. Objects of study were school nurses in Taiwan, 2005. Research tool was the structural questionnaire which was built up by researcher and mailed to objects. There were 450 questionnaires to be mailed and 364 to be written. The retrieve rate was 80.89% in this study. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. The positive recognition of objects’ health management of students: The highest scores of recognition were management and application of students’ health data. The relational factors of recognition of students’ health management were work licenses, experiences, seniorities of school nurses, properties of schools, applications of social medical resources, householders operated in coordination, and supports of school administration. 2. The positive attitude of objects’ health management of students: There were above 90% objects think that the responsibilities of health management of students were school nurses. The highest scores of attitude were management and application of students’ health data and the lowest was health monitor. The lowest score of health monitor was environment monitor. The relational factors of attitude of students’ health management were educational background, work experiences, properties of schools, holding more unprofessional health work, householders operated in coordination, and supports of school administration. 3. The execution of objects’ health management of students: The highest scores of that were management and application of students’ health data and the lowest was management of peculiar diseases. It’s the worst way to regular household interview for peculiar diseases students. The best execution was in small schools above 12 classes. The relational factors of execution of students’ health management were seniorities of school nurses, work licenses, properties of schools, the scale of the school, holding more unprofessional health work, applications of social medical resources, householders operated in coordination, and supports of school administration. 4. It’s significant among recognition, attitude, and execution of students’ health management. 5. The influence of the forecast events on the execution of students’ health management in sequence were objects’ attitude of students’ health management, the scale of the school, householders operated in coordination, holding more unprofessional health work, applications of social medical resources, manpower of nurses, and properties of schools. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. Evaluating the current manpower of school nurses, and implementing the organization of manpower according to the low of the school health. 2. Increasing the function in faculty, planning the on-job training of nurses at school systematically, and training medial crew of both professional and educational functions in school 3. Enhancing the management of peculiar diseases students, utilizing the resources from schools, households, and community medical resources to establish a medical transfer system of peculiar diseases.國民小學學校護理人員學生健康管理the elementary schoolschool nurseshealth management of students台灣地區國民小學護理人員執行學生健康管理工作現況及相關因素研究A Study of the how to execute the health management jobs and relational factors by Elementary School Nurses in Taiwan