孫瑜華蘇梅春2019-08-282005-7-212019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T0061011%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86674本研究以高中職餐管觀光科專業教師為對象,旨在瞭解高中職餐飲觀光科教師工作壓力、因應方式及身心健康之關係。研究量表包括「工作壓力源量表」、「因應方式量表」、「身心健康量表」及「個人背景資料」。本研究採普查方式,共發出618份問卷,回收479份問卷(回收率77.5%),有效問卷451份(有效率94.2%)。調查結果以次數分配及百分比來描述樣本狀況;利用多變量變異數分析(MANOVA)檢定人口統計變項與工作壓力源、因應方式及身心健康之差異;利用皮爾遜積差相關分析變項間關係,利用線性結構關係模式(Linear Structure Relations, LISREL)檢定工作壓力源、因應方式及身心健康之間的相關關係。 茲將本研究之主要發現歸納如下: 一、整體工作壓力源之平均數為3.95,壓力感受為中等程度,最感壓力因素為行政工作。整體因應方式之平均數為3.82,最常採用解決問題之因應方式。.整體身心健康之平均數為2.93,身心健康狀況尚稱良好。 二、不同年齡、學歷、教學年資、擔任職務、學校規模、任教科別、教師資格及學校類別的高中職餐飲觀光科教師與其工作壓力源有顯著差異。 三、不同年齡、教學年資、學校地區、教師資格的高中職餐飲觀光科教師與其因應方式有顯著差異。 四、不同性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、擔任職務、學校規模、任教科別、教師資格及學校類別的高中職餐飲觀光科教師與其身心健康有顯著差異。 五、教師背景變項中,年齡、教學年資、學校規模、任教科別及學校類別與工作壓力源呈顯著負相關。 六、教師背景變項中,年齡、學校地區及教學資格與因應方式呈顯著負相關。 七、教師背景變項中,性別、年齡、婚姻狀況、教學年資、任教科別及學校類別與身心健康呈顯著負相關;學歷與身心健康呈顯著正相關。 八、工作壓力源與身心健康呈顯著正相關。 九、高中職餐飲觀光科專業教師的工作壓力源對其身心健康有直接影 響。The purpose of this study is to understand the working stress on high school / vocational school hospitality and tourism teachers and to discover methods coping with working stress and the relationship between working stress and physical and mental health conditions. The scales for this study comprise “Working Stressor Scale”, "Coping Method Scale", "Physical and Mental Health Condition Scale", and “Individual Background Data”. 618 surveys are given out, 479 surveys are returned, and there are 451 valid surveys. Frequency distribution and percentage rate are used to describe the sample condition. Pearson correlation are used to examine the relationship between the variable. MANOVA is used to examine population count change factors and differences between working stressors, coping methods, and physical and mental health. LISREL is used to examine the relationship between working stressors, coping methods, and physical and mental health. The conclusions for this study are as follows: 1. The mean of overall working stressors is 3.95, which falls on a mid level of stress perception, and teachers feel most stressful when they are responsible for administration work. The mean of overall coping method is 3.82, and the most frequently adopted coping method is problem solving. The mean of overall physical and mental health is 2.93. 2. There are significant differences in working stressors on high school / vocational school hospitality and tourism teachers of different age, education, teaching seniority, position held, subject taught, teacher qualification, school scale, and school type. 3. There are significant differences in coping methods on high school / vocational school hospitality and tourism teachers of different age, teaching seniority, school location, and teacher qualification. 4. There are significant differences in physical and mental health on high school / vocational school hospitality and tourism teachers of different gender, age, marital status, position held, subject taught, teacher qualification, school scale, and school type. 5. Teacher’s age, teaching seniority, school scale, subject taught and school type are negatively correlated to working stressors. 6. Teacher’s age, school area, teacher qualification are negatively correlated to coping method. 7. Teacher’s gender, age, marital status, teaching seniority, subject taught and school type are negatively correlated to physical and mental health . 8. working stressors are positively correlated to physical and mental health . 9. Working stressors have direct influence on high school / vocational school hospitality and tourism teachers' physical and mental health.工作壓力因應方式身心健康working stresscoping methodhealth高中職餐飲觀光科專業教師工作壓力,因應方式及身心健康關係之研究A study on the relationship among Working Stress,Coping Method and Health of High School/Vocational School Food and Beverage/Tourism Teachers