郭鐘隆張伶妃Chang Lin-Fei2019-08-282005-07-222019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00H1053010%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87402本研究之主要目的在於探討某藝術大學學生個人背景、體型意識、體重控制信念、飲食態度、飲食自我效能與飲食行為間之相關。以自擬之結構式問卷,對台北市某藝術大學的學生進行施測,共得有效問卷962份,重要結果如下: 一、科系、年級、性別、專業術科動靜態與身體體位觀有顯著相關。 二、個人背景因素的科系、性別、課業壓力與飲食行為一(特殊飲食行為)有顯著相關;科系、性別、年級與飲食行為二(飲食與體重控制行為)有顯著相關。 三、某藝術大學學生的飲食行為一(特殊飲食行為)因術科動/靜態、性別、飲食資訊來源、課業壓力而有不同,飲食行為之顯著預測變項有情緒變化、學校氛圍、體重控制信念、飲食自我效能,總共解釋51.5%的變異量。 四、某藝術大學學生的飲食行為二(飲食與體重控制行為)因年齡、術科動靜態、飲食資訊來源而有不同,飲食行為之顯著預測變項有體型意識、飲食態度,總共解釋26.5%的變異量。 五、飲食資訊來源對飲食行為一(特殊飲食行為)的影響是直接及間接的負向關係;情緒變化、學校氛圍、體重控制信念、飲食自我效能是直接正向的關係;術科動靜態則是間接負向的關係。 六、體型意識、飲食態度、飲食自我效能對飲食行為二(飲食與體重控制行為)的影響是直接正向的關係;體重控制信念是直接負向的關係;年齡及飲食知識來源是直接及間接負向的關係。 依研究結果建議未來推展健康飲食相關活動時應評估藝術學學系學生之情緒變化、飲食態度、飲食自我效能。對於身體體位觀、體重控制信念有過度自我要求者,建議教學單位應該透過管道傳遞相關訊息,於平日的課程中建立合宜的體型意識,避免因不合宜的體型期望,造成異常的飲食行為。The purpose of this study is to investigate University students of Art personal background, body image, body weight control belief, attitude of diet, self-efficacy of diet and diet behavior is relevant. Data were collected in the Taipei National University of Art through the use of structured questionnaires. A total of 962 valid questionnaires completed in this study. The main finding of the study and important result is as follows: 1. The result show that the subjects display department, grade, sex, professional subject of movement state or motionless state of body mass belief show relevant. 2. The department, sex, study loading of the personal background factor and diet behavior 1(special diet behavior) show relevant. It is relevant that department, sex, grades and diet behaviors 2 (diet and weight control the behavior) show. 3. The diet behavior 1(special diet behavior) of University students of Art were different from professional subject of movement state or motionless state, sex, diet information source, study loading. The significant predictors of diet behavior has mood change , school atmosphere , body weight control belief, self- efficiency of diet, accounting for 51.5% of total variance. 4. The diet behavior 2 (diet and weight control the behavior) of University students of Art were different from age, diet information source. The significant predictors of diet behavior has body image, body weight control belief, diet attitude , self- efficiency of diet , accounting for 26.5% of total variance. 5. The impact on diet behavior 1 (special diet behavior) of information source of diet is the direct and indirect defeat to the relation. The impact on diet behavior 1 (special diet behavior) of mood change, school atmospheres, body weight control belief, self- efficiency of diet there is directly defeat to the relation. 6. The impact on behavior 2 (diet and weight control the behavior) of body image, diet attitude, self- efficiency of diet, body weight control belief there is directly defeat to the relation. The impact on diet behavior 1 (special diet behavior) of age, information source of diet is the direct and indirect defeat to the relation. In accordance with result of study propose promote health diet should assess artistic department mood change, diet attitude, diet self- efficiency of student at the relevant activity future. Control the person who has excessively self- request of body mass belief, body weight control belief, propose that the teaching unit should transmit relevant information through the channel , set up suitable body image in course on ordinary days, prevent the because not suitable body image expecting , cause the diet disorder behavior.藝術大學學生體型意識體重控制信念飲食態度飲食自我效能飲食行為University students of Artbody imagebody weight control beliefattitude of dietself-efficacy of dietdiet behavior某藝術大學學生體型意識、體重控制信念、飲食態度、飲食自我效能與飲食行為之關係探討A study of University students of Art what personal background, body image, body weight control belief, attitude of diet, self-efficacy of diet and diet behavior is relevant.