崔光宙2019-08-122019-08-121999-07-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81845本文以論語和禮記為主要素材,以詮釋學為研究方法,探討孔門之情意教育觀,孔子教弟子以興於詩、游於藝、依於仁、成於樂為主軸,其內涵可分析為:話負面情緒為正面情緒、人文素養的陶冶與充實、理性與感性的平衡、圓滿自足的人生觀。最後,以此歸納為情意的健康性、豐富性、均衡性與圓熟性作為情意教育的四大目標,並以詩樂欣賞為例,論述孔門情意教育之實踐,以及在現今師資培育之啟示。This article mainly takes Confucian Analects and The Book Of Rites as source materials and uses hermeneutics as research method to probe into Confucius' viewpoint on affective education. Confucianism mainly teaches its followers to:Let poetry serve to cultivate the mind. Let relaxation and enjoyment be found in the liberal arts. Let kindness be accorded with. Let music bring to personality completion and cultural achievement. These connotations can be analyzed in several concepts:to transform negative emotions into positive sentiment, to mold and enrich one's cultural temperament and disposition, to balance reason and affection, to take a joyful and self-sufficient view of life. In view of the above, there are four main properties worthwhile to serve as objectives of education:health, abundance, balance, and proficiency in affective domain. Finally, taking poetry and music appreciation for examples to present the practice of Confucius and his disciples on affective education, and to make a revelation for cultivating of teachers.情意教育淨化情緒人文素養情理均衡圓滿自足Affective educationSpirit purgationCultural temperament and dispositionBalancing of reason and affectionJoyfulness and self-sufficiency孔門情意教育觀之詮釋與實踐Affective Education-Theories and Praxis of Confucius