邱貴發Chiou Guey-Fa蔡宇欣Tsai Yu-Hsin2019-08-292013-08-012019-08-292013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699080085%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93085本研究旨在設計一配合學習環的數位教育遊戲,讓國小四年級學生學習自然 與生活科技領域光學單元,探討研究參與者使用遊戲策略學習光學概念的成效、 對所使用之學習遊戲的滿意度與對自然科學學習的態度。 本研究所開發的學習環共分為四個學習步驟 : 遊玩(Play)、觀察(Watch)、反思(Reflect)及應用(Apply),遊戲是根據此四個學習步驟設計,學生進入遊戲後首先基礎遊戲關卡,接著看實驗影片觀察光學現象,遊戲中並出現反思題讓學生思考所學的光學知識,最後將所學的知識應用於難度較高的應用關卡中。 研究採準實驗設計,單組實驗。實驗對象為新北市某公立國小四年級學生共 27 人,進行遊戲 80 分鐘,分為兩節課進行。實驗開始前,先進行前測測驗填答,結束後進行後測測驗、自然科學學習態度問卷及遊戲滿意度問卷的填寫。 研究結果發現,學生的後測測驗有顯著進步,學生給予遊戲正向的回饋,且 對於自然科學的學習持正向態度。The purpose of this research was to design a learning cycle-based science game focused on light concept learning, and examined the impact of gaming strategy on elementary students’ light concept learning. Students’ attitude toward the science game and science learning were also investigated. The learning cycle developed in this research contains four stages : play, watch, reflect and apply. The digital learning game was designed based on these four stages. After entering the game, players first go to the level that represents “play” stage of the learning cycle, and then “watch” experiment videos after completing the level. A question will then show up as a “reflect” question. In the end, players finish the final stage, by playing the level that represents “apply” stage. Quasi-experiment design and single group experiment was implemented. 27 fourth grade students from Taipei City participated in the experiment. None of the students have any prior knowledge about light concept learning. All students attended 80 minutes of game play. Research instruments included the learning cycle-based science game, achievement test, game learning questionnaire and science learning questionnaire. The research results indicated that students have significant improvement on the achievement test. They also gave positive feedback to the science game and had positive attitude toward science learning.遊戲式學習學習環自然科學學習光學gaming strategylearning cyclescience learninglight concept learning數位遊戲策略對國小學生光學概念學習的影響Impacts of Digital Gaming Strategy on Elementary Students’ Light Concept Learning