國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系劉潔心楊智琳陳合如林怡君2014-12-022014-12-022005-04-011023-2141http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39525目標:探討如何運用有效的社區介入策略,提升社區居民對糖尿病防治之行動力。本研究為期兩年,第一年研究結果已另文發表,本文將繼續呈現第二年社區糖尿病防治計畫之發展與執行結果。方法:選擇以社區核心組織為切入點,運用充能介入原則,與社區核心組織共同發展符合居民需求之糖尿病防治計畫。結果:l.社區核心組識充能介入成效方面:充能介入能促進社區發現問題、凝聚社區共識,並有效改變成員溝通、組織氣候、成員參與與成員滿意度等運作型態;但對於促進資源動員、強化組織結構、計畫執行有效性等,未能有顯著的效果。2.社區居民對社區營造中心計畫執行成效評價方面:受訪之居民有85%未聽過當地有社區健康營造中心,而聽過社區健康營造中心的居民有將近半數不清楚其地點及服務內容,此結果突顯出在推動全面性社區糖尿病防治介入工作時,需加強推廣居民對營造中心的認識,方能有效推動社區介入。結論:未來推動糖尿病防治社區介入時,可運用社區充能原則強化社區組織的力量,當社區核心組織獲得足夠的能力時,方是推動社區全面性教育介入計畫之成熟時機。而當社區組織未產生有效的運作機制,社區間結盟合作模式時,選擇從社區中的學校組織切入,是快速而有效的方法。Objectives: This study aimed to explore the manipulation of effective community intervention strategies for action-taking ability of community members in diabetes prevention . This is a two-year study. The results of the first year study have been published. In the second year, the study focuses on developing and implementing the community diabetes prevention program. This article presents the process and achievements of the second year of the study. Methods: For the development of a diabetes prevention program, the researcher selected a core community organization as the intervention point of a partnership, and then collectively developed a diabetes prevention program that met the needs of the community members. Results: l. For the intervention results of empowerment of the core community organization, it was that it was difficult to host a comprehensive community activity. This indicates that volunteers have a better sense of belonging towards the basic unit of city administration than that of the community health building center. 2. In the evaluation of other community members, nearly 85% of the interviewed community members indicated that they have never heard of the community health building center, for the half of the community members who had heard about the center, they indicated that they didn't know the location or anything about the services of the community health building center . This result indicates that there is still great room for the community health building center to progress in promoting total community diabetes prevention tasks. Conclusions: In regard to further promoting the diabetes prevention intervention in the community, emphasis should be placed on strengthening the community organization alliances using the community empowerment principle. When the core community organization has developed the adequate competence, it will then be the right time to promote a comprehensive intervention in the community. Also, when the community organizations are not ready for demonstrating effective mechanisms of leadership, communication, organizational climate, and member participation, it is more efficient and effective to choose a school settings as the intervention point of building a partnership.社區糖尿病防治社區介入communitydiabetescommunity intervention運用「核心組織充能」於社區糖尿病防治介入研究—以台北都會某小型社區為例