林振春楊惠玲YANG,HUI-LING2019-08-292014-8-182019-08-292014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098023115%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92334本研究旨在探究社區大學與社區學習服務中心,在臺北市學習型城市推動中所扮演的角色與策略,為達研究目的,首先依據國內外文獻回顧,分析學習型城市運作要件,歸納研擬出學習型城市運作四大面向:願景目標、推動策略、運作基礎、管理評鑑,做為本研究之基礎架構。 在研究方法上,本研究採用文件分析法與深度訪談法,進行社區大學與臺北市推動學習型城市之相關資料收集、分析與討論,依據研究結果歸納本研究結論如下: 一、臺北市教育局為執行學習型城市之推動,於12所社大設置社區學習服務中心,除萬華社大以專責組織人力運作,其餘社大囿於經費、人力之限制,均以原來社大組織人事兼辦。雖反應學服中心定位困境,但學服中心的成立,讓長年在地經營的社大,參與社區師出有名,也讓社大發展「公民社會」的初衷落實。 二、臺北市學習型城市以智慧城市為基礎,營造人文、生態、水岸、安全、福利與健康六個向度的永續發展為願景,社大雖積極參與,但支持社大堅定而持續運作的力量,卻是對社區願景的承諾,這項願景皆從社區的需求與關懷中產生。換言之,雖然臺北市政府的目標是推動學習型城市,社大的目標卻是發展社區學習共同體。 三、社區大學推動臺北市學習型城市的優勢,來自於社大長年在地發展,擁有豐富的師資、課程及龐大且持續成長的學員數;最大的困境則是缺少人力、經費、空間三項重要條件,而學習型城市推動層級不夠高,更讓發展受限。 四、在社區學習共同體的營造上,社大自我定位為社區陪伴者及協力者的角色。陪伴社區發展,協助社區培力。 五、在運作基礎上,對於學習需求、領導人才培力、學習資訊、學習資源,社大在長年精益求精中累積相當基礎,數位科技的運用與就業能力兩項相對較弱,尚有成長空間。 六、教育局與社大在法制上處於公部門與委辦單位關係,然而在城市治理與發展績效上,又常是生命共同體。社大期待能從層級從屬關係轉為夥伴關係,共同合作。 七、臺北市尚未建立學習型城市評量指標,缺乏績效管理的客觀機制。而公部門對社大的評鑑,又礙於評鑑頻率與項目繁複,導致競爭合流,不利社大特色發展。評鑑的積極意義在促進目標達成與組織成長,參考企業績效管理之關鍵指標概念,並建立學習型城市評量指標,是臺北市學習型城市推動的後續課題。 依據研究目的與結論,本研究提出對於推動學習型城市之市政府主管單位、社區大學以及後續研究者,值得參考之建議。Centers operate and perform, and what their roles and strategies are, in the promotion of Taipei Learning City. To reach the purpose, this research first reviewed domestic and international papers and documents to analyze and summarize the imperatives for the operation of learning cities. Then, four fundamental elements for operating learning cities can be concluded. They, serving as the underlined structure for this research, are vision for ultimate goals, strategies for promotions, basis for operations, and evaluation for management. This research adopts document review and deep interviews as the main research methods, by collecting, analyzing, and discussing related information for the promotion performed by Community College and Taipei City Government. The research concludes the following. 1.To promote a learning city, the Department of Education established Community learning service centers in 12 community colleges. All community colleges employs the original staff for operating the community learning service centers, except Wan Hua Community College. Although this reflects the difficulties for positioning community learning centers, the establishment for those centers makes the community colleges, operating locally for many years, have excellent reasons to participate community activities, as well as the original goal for developing a civil society come true. 2.Basing on UI Taipei, Taipei Learning City’s vision is the sustainable development of creating six aspects, Humanitarian City, Eco-City, Waterfront City, Safe Community, Welfare City, and Healthy City. In spite that the community colleges aggressively participate the activities to achieve the vision, the ultimate and steady support to its continuous operation is the commitment to the community’s vision, which results from the concerns to, and fulfillment to the demand from the community. That is, while the goal for Taipei City Government is to promote a learning city, that, however, for the community college is to promote Community Learning Groups. 3.The strengths for promoting Taipei Learning City for Community are the long-time local development, abundant teachers and curriculums, and huge and keep-growing student numbers, while the biggest difficulties are shortage of manpower, budget and fund, and space. In addition, the bureaucracy level that actually promotes the learning city is not high enough to draw enough attentions, which makes the development even more limited. 4.In creating community learning groups, community colleges position itself as the partners for the community development and empowerment. 5.Community colleges have established firm bases through experience accumulation for years for areas such as the demand for learning, leader empowerment, learning information, and learning resources. However, there is still room for improvement for career counseling and the application for digital technology. 6.Department of Education of Taipei City, and Community colleges are public sectors and the entrusted party respectively. However, they are life experiences in urban governance and development performance. Community colleges expect to change the relationship with the Department of Education, from subordination to partnership cooperation. 7.Taipei hasn’t established yet the evaluation indicators for a learning city, lacking objective performance management systems. However, the public sectors’ evaluation towards Community Colleges may result in competitive convergence, because of the evaluation frequency and complicated evaluation items. This would negatively impact the development of Community College’s development in some specific areas. The positive meaning of evaluations is to facilitate the achievement of objectives as well as the growth of the evaluated parties. Theconcept of Key Performance Indicators and performance evaluation for creating learning cities, can serve as the future guidebook for promoting Taipei Learning City. This research proposes the above conclusions as advices to the authorities of the City Government for Learning City promotion, Community Colleges, as well as future researchers.學習型城市社區大學社區學習服務中心社區學習共同體Learning CitiesCommunity CollegeCommunity Learning CenterCommunity Learning Groups社區大學推動臺北市學習型城市之角色與策略研究Strategic and Roles of Community Colleges in Constructing Taipei Learning City