李晶Li, Ching陳怡君Chen, Yi-Chun2019-09-052018-08-202019-09-052018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0000312104%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107140林務局自94年起,規劃建置林務局自然教育中心,致力營造優質的環境教育基地,至98年止,完成全國八處自然教育中心建置並對外提供服務。期間致力於打造人與森林良善互動的自然場域,運用現有森林育樂相關場域,導入專業人力,系統性發展課程方案;為配合行政院推動「型塑學習型政府行動方案」,並締造林務局更優勢的競爭力,林務局於95年6月9日設置組織學習推動委員會,同年7月4日正式發布林務局組織學習計畫,本研究採用文獻分析法及檔案分析法,以組織學習之觀點分析自然教育中心2012年至2017年辦理之69場次內部專業研習課程,由人員培力之角度,以組織學習理論中學習型組織觀點探討自然教育中心。Since 1994, the Forestry Bureau has planned to set up Nature Education Center of the Forestry Bureau and strived to build a quality environmental education base. By 1998, eight Natural Education Centers across the country have been established to provide services to the public. During this period, the bureau has strived hard to create a natural environment where people can spend time in the nature, like existing forest recreation areas, introducing professional manpower, and systematically develop the curriculum programs. To gain and maintain the bureau’s competitive differential advantage, the bureau set up a committee to promote organizational learning on June 9, 2016, and officially announced the organizational learning plan on July 4, 2016. This is also inline with Executive Yuan’s “Building a Learning Government” initiative. The purpose of this research is to look at the effectiveness of organizational learning, with personal training, in promoting Nature Education Centers. This research uses document analysis method to analyze 69 internal Professional Training Courses conducted by NatureEducation Center from 2012 to 2017.學習型組織自然教育中心learning organizationnature education center從組織學習觀點探討林務局自然教育中心─以人員培力活動為例Forestry Bureau Nature Center to Promote Research on Organizational Learning with Personal Development